SLCC – FHS 2600


This is a three-credit hour class.

Mrs. Cheryl Moyle



TEXT: Intro. to Early Childhood Education 5th Edition

by Jo Ann Brewer, Allyn & Bacon

Developmentally Appropriate Practice

by Sue Bredekamp NAEYCs


A major goal of this course is to provide you with the opportunity to review and/or clarify your own thoughts, ideas, and values as they relate to children's issues. Students will practice childcare and guidance principles while teaching in the preschool. Students will become skilled in using developmentally appropriate practices and will be able to enter the childcare workforce with hands-on experience in current childcare skills.

SLCC GRADING- per year, one grade will appear on your college transcript.

Tests: There will be a series of equally weighted tests during the year, which will represent 50% of your grade.

Assignments: Your combined assignment grade will be equal to 25% of your grade. The written assignments will be graded on a three-point scale. In order to receive full credit, the written assignments must be on time and completed in a professional, competent manner, and according to instructions. Late assignments will be penalized at the rate of one point per day. Assignments will not be accepted more than one week after the due date. All written assignments must be typed. In addition to the written assignments, you will be required to participate in a series of classroom discussions. The discussion assignments are equal to 4 written assignments (12 points).

Labs: You are required to participate in a lab experience. You will be given assignments to be completed during your lab time. The lab experience will augment your classroom learning, provide a setting for you to apply the skills learned in class, and complete your homework assignments. If you as Lead Teacher are going to miss a scheduled lab time, you must contact your lab site before your scheduled lab time. (685-5400) IMPORTANT: You cannot pass the class without completing your required labs. Twenty-five percent (25%) of your grade will be based on your attendance, performance in the lab and your lab assignments.

Additional Lab Assignments: All students must meet certain health, safety, record keeping and training requirements that have been mandated by the State Office of Licensing and by the individual lab sites.

Grading: The points from tests and assignments will be totaled at the end of the year. Final grades will be based on a modified curve. The person with the highest point total in the class will be given a score of 100% (A).

The remaining grades will be calculated as a percentage of the highest grade using the following scale:

A 95% - 100%

B 85% - 94%

C 75% - 84%

D 65% - 74%

E 64% or below

PLEASE NOTE THAT 95% IS THE CUTOFF FOR AN A. It is essential that you complete the assigned readings, observations, and other assignments.

Please remember that statistics can be tricky. Although each homework assignment is only worth 3 points, those points can be very important to your final grade. If there are only ten assignments, then losing 3 points would drop your total score from 30 points to 27 points. The percentage grade for 27 of 30 would be 90%. Submit your homework assignments on time.


Keep all graded assignments. Grades are not changed unless I have made a mistake or a contract is signed.

TESTS: (100 points) Tests and major assignments are 60% of your grade. Tests need to be taken within two weeks of test date or they won’t be accepted. There will be 5 tests during the year. The tests will be multiple-choice, true/false, short answer and short essay. If you take a SLCC test in class and are unsatisfied with your score, you may retake the test after school. Your grade will be the average of the two scores or the original score, whichever is higher. (There will also be a Comprehensive State Core exam.)

SLCC ASSIGNMENTS: (10-50 points) Assignments, labs, and class participation are 40% of your grade. They are due within one week of due date or they won’t be accepted. Each day late the score drops one grade. Class assignments are an important component of your learning experience. You will be given a list of assignments at the beginning of the course. Although the list contains most of the homework assignments, there may be additional assignments given in class. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day of the chapter discussion. They will be considered late after that time.

LABS: (10-200 points) If you as Lead Teacher are going to miss a scheduled lab time, you must contact your lab site before your scheduled lab time, 685-5400. (Failure to contact your lab site will result in a 0 out of 100 points.) Other lab assignments: discovery centers, name tags, digital cameras, bulletin boards, portfolio, assisting, teaching, gathering, anecdotal notes, etc.

CLASS PARTICIPATION: (10 points each day) You must be engaged in a preschool assignment in order to earn these daily points. Tardy is minus 5 points. Absent is minus 10 points.


EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit is made up during late start days from 9:00-9:30 am and at other times as discussed with the preschool director.

ABSENCES: Because of the nature of the class and the great responsibility of each student to run the preschool, daily attendance is imperative and tardiness is not acceptable. Absences can not be made up.

TARDIES: Tardiness shows rudeness to other students and to the teacher. Lateness will affect future employment and relationships. In an effort to correct bad habits now and to use grades as a reflection of employability and responsibility, tardiness will be reflected in the class participation portion of the student’s grade. The students attendance grade will be docked 5 points for each tardy. This penalty cannot be made up.



Citizenship / Tardies / Absences / Excused Absence / Un-excused Absence
4 / 0 / 0-5 / all excused / none
3 / 1-2 / 6- warning notice / all excused / none
2 / 3- warning notice / all excused / none
1 / 4- notice and
2 hours detention / 7- notice and 2 hours detention / all excused but one absence / 1
0 / 5- notice and 2 hours detention / 8- notice and detention / all excused but two absences / 2

* 6 or more tardies more detention and possible suspension or removal from class

* To excuse an absence bring note to office counseling center

* Excused: medical emergencies, funerals, religious holidays, prior approval.

* Unexcused: sluff, no excuse note brought from home within time allotted by Olympus High.

* Tardy: not in your seat when bell rings, including bathroom, other class rooms, and between air lock doors.

* If have an extended absence you must notify the teacher before the absences begin and either turn in ALL the assignments before you leave or turn them in the day you return or they will be late.


  1. Students are expected to act as well behaved young adults.
  2. Students need to come prepared with all supplies for class. No one will be excused to get them.
  3. Each person has a right to be treated with respect.
  4. Profanity will NOT be tolerated.
  5. Listen to the teacher or to whoever has permission to speak.
  6. Loud yelling or speaking will not be permitted at any time.
  7. Always deal with the children in a positive manner – do not get angry with them ever; there are better ways to handle them. Any one who leaves my class for any reason without my permission will lose 30 points. I must know where you are going BEFORE you leave. ALWAYS take my hall pass with you.
  8. School policy states no visitors will be allowed in the school.
  9. Dress code: Students must dress modestly because they are teachers dealing with parents and young children. Parents do not want their small children exposed to immodest dress or want their children to work with students whose dress may imply gangs or drugs.
  10. Shorts no less than 3” above knee.
  11. No midriffs showing or low necklines.
  12. No tank tops.
  13. No hats allowed on male or female students.
  14. No tattoos or body piercing except for an earring worn on the ears.
  15. No gang related jackets, clothing, chains, or bandanas, etc.
  16. Wear nothing that would disrupt my class or disturb the children.
  17. Consequence- administration will send student home to change or parents may bring more suitable clothing to school. This may result in student having to find another class.


  1. Costs of the class:
  2. Textbook $67.00. Pay this fee at the bookstore.
  3. Application fee to SLCC $35.00; this is a one-time fee.
  4. All these fees need to be paid to OlympusHigh School in the main office.
  5. You will receive 3 credit hours from SLCC which can be transferred to any public college. Three credit hours would normally cost you $300.00 in addition to the text book and application fee; that’s $395.00.
  6. Scholastic “Parent and Child” magazine eight issues for $1.00. Optional purchase has current DAP information about children from birth – 8 years old. Excellent!!! Put $1.00 in an envelope; on the front write your name, period and P&C magazine and hand to Moyle.
  1. GraniteSchool District and OlympusHigh School policies are followed.
  1. Child Care Food Handlers Permit – Cost $15.00

Required for Preschool Teachers every 3 years

Update: August 2004

Information number: 534-4669 ext. #3

Classes available:

  1. First Wednesday of each month

Jordan Technical Center 7pm

825 Ea. 9085 So.



  1. Second Wednesday of each month

WestHigh School Cafeteria 7pm

241 No. 300 We.

Salt Lake City Enter in from 3rd North


  1. Third Thursday of each month

TaylorsvilleHigh School Cafeteria 7pm

5225 So. Redwood Road


I have read and understand the FHS 2600 disclosure statement for the 2004-2005 school year.


Student Name (Please print)Period


Student Social Security Number


Student Signature


Parent Signature


Student E-mail address


Parent E-mail address


Parent Contact Phone Number(s)


Home Address




Zip Code

I hereby authorize Olympus High Preschool to photograph, and give permission to have other persons photograph, my child while in the Preschool – Child Care class, and that they may use or permit other persons to use the negatives of prints taken there for such persons and in such a manner as may be deemed necessary. (Examples of use: yearbook, display cabinet, class slide shows, power point presentations etc.)


Signature of Parent/GuardianDate