2016 Annual Meeting/Christmas Party

December 8, 2016

Social Hour started at 6:00 PM and President Tom Dier called the meeting to order at 7:00PM, December 8, 2016,at the Mill Supper Club in Sturgeon Bay.

Members and guests were introduced.

Some of the highlights of 2016:

The Home & Garden Expo was held in March. The Board of Directors will be discussing as to whether the Expo will continue in 2017 and beyond. A donation of $440.00 was made to Feed My People from some of the net proceeds.

Show Case of New Homes (8 homes) was held in May, with 490 tickets being sold. The map for future SCNH will be put on the DCHBA website.

Robyn M. Harper, of RMH Web Design will be updating the DCHBA website and oversee the newsletter among other things.

We manned the food tent at Ale Fest (Egg Harbor) in September. Net proceeds were sent to the PAC fund.

DKBEP, now known as Door County Business Education Partnership (DCBEP) will not be having a student-built house for the 2016-2017 school year. However, it is hoped that a house can be built during the 2017-2018 school year.

DCHBA also made donations to the following: Altrusa, Southern Door School for a new shop sander and Luxemburg-Casco School toward a purchase of a sander.

Secretary's Report: Motion to accept minutes from the December 10, 2015annual meeting made by Jeff Dorner, 2nd by Jack Gigstead. Carried.

Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Thad Birmingham; 2nd by Tom Dier. Carried.

Membership: Currently there are 65 paid members.

WBA Update: The next quarterly meeting will be held in Milwaukee on January 27, 2017. Jeff Dorner, Tom Dier and Joe Porten plan on attending this meeting. At this meeting, Jeff Dorner will be installed as an officer of WBA.

Items of Business:

Membership Status: As of now there are 65 paid members. It is a concern that so few members attend the general meetings and that there is a lack of involvement by the members.

Election Results:

Jeff Dorner, newly appointed officer to the WBA, installed the following:

President: Joe Porten

President Elect: Julie Dragseth

Past-President: Tom Dier

Secretary: Dawn Honold

Treasurer: Jeff Dorner

Builder Director: Jim Parent

Builder Director: Tom Grosbier

Builder Director: Thad Birmingham

Associate Director: Mike Jauquet

Associate Director: Brad Tanck

Associated Director: Don Vanden Avond

The next Board of Directors Meeting will be January 4, 2017 and the next General Meeting will be January 12, 2017.

Motion madeby Jeff Dorner 2nd by Jack Gigstead to adjourn.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Dawn Honold, Secretary