Nashwauk Public Utilities
February 18, 2014
Chairman Latvala called the meeting to orderat 3:00 in the council chambers
Members Present: Latvala, Bolf, Tweed
Members Absent: Anderson, Klamm
*Motion by Tweed, seconded by Latvala to adopt the agenda adding three items that were omitted on the agenda: Review 3rd amendment to the LISA, review 1st amendment to the ESA, and discuss quotes on street light for Bozich addition
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Tweed toapprove Minutes of January 21, 2014 PUC meeting
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Tweed to approve the following invoices for ESML: JPJ $697.50, $1130.00; Minnesota Power $4,200; Adams Consulting $2,092.40
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Tweed, seconded by Bolf approve all invoices paid and file the claims report as official record
Ayes all present—motion carried
Old Business:
Bolf updated the commission on the transfer switch. No quote has been received as of yet, but should get something by the next meeting. It has been four months
**Joe Klamm entered the meeting at 3:05 p.m.
New Business:
Bryan Adams updated on the 3rd amendment to the LISA, Essar and MP have approved and also the power team, changes for the ESML schedule
*Motion by Tweed, seconded by Bolf to approve the 3rd amendment the LISA andhave the chair sign
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Latvala to approve the 1st amendment to the ESA which extends the contract by two years and have the chair sign
Ayes all present—motion carried
Received quotes for street light from Lake States and Minnesota Power, Lake States was the low bidder for $6,279.20
*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Tweed to approve quote from Lake States for $6,279.20 for street light at the Bozich addition
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Tweed, seconded by Klamm to transfer $59.80 from Debt Service Tower Fund #150 to PUC fund #601 for extra in debt service—water tower fund, per auditor recommendation as of 12-31-13
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Latvala to transfer $302.11 from Debt Service Bond fund #155 to PUC fund #601, per auditor recommendation as of 12-31-13
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Tweed, seconded by Klamm to approve Final Pay Estimate in the amount of $12,208.00 to Casper Construction for the Pearson Ave and 4th Street Alley Sanitary Sewer Replacement
Ayes all present—motion carried
d. Review quote received from Dakota Pump & Control to replace the gate valve for Lift Station Pump #2. Klamm would like another quote for this
*Motion by Latvala, seconded by Tweed to table until we receive another quote
Ayes all present—motion carried
** Mike Anderson entered the meeting at 3:15 p.m.
Bryan Adams asked if the commission would like ESML to attend a meeting and update on the project. They agreed for them to attend the next NPUC meeting in March.
Bolf updated the council called for bids on 4th and Platt at the last council meeting.
Also it was discussed to send John Ketola a letter regarding contacting electrical contractors.
We have a contract with Lake States and they should be called for any repairs to be done in the City of Nashwauk
Klamm discussed the freeze ups within the city;any water line that is dug should be insulated with Styrofoam to prevent future freeze ups of the same line. How are they determining what is the homeowners and the NPUC? They should be looking at the curb stop to home first and then going from there.
Discussed the policy we have in place and may need to update. Would like a report of all water line freeze ups or breaks with the description, how deep is frost, line etc
*Motion by Anderson, seconded by Klamm to implement a report with the information requested for all water line breaks or freeze ups
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Latvala, seconded by Tweed to adjourn at 3:30 p.m.
Ayes all present—motion carried