“An Act to Improve Efficiency in the Delivery of Government Service to the Public by Reducing Bureaucratic Red Tape, Preventing Graft and Corporation, and Providing Penalties Thereof”
Republic Act No. 9485, otherwise known as “An Act to Improve Efficiency in the Delivery of Government Service to the Public by Reducing Bureaucratic Red Tape, Preventing Graft and Corporation, and Providing Penalties Thereof” or the Anti-Red Tape Act 0f 2007, was signed into law by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on June 2, 2007.
RA No. 9485 aims to promote transparency in government with regard to the manner of transacting with the public by requiring each agency to simplify frontline service procedures, formulate service standards to observe in every transaction and make known standards to client.
Pursuant to Section 16 of the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007, the Civil Service Commission has promulgated the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the said Act through CSC Resolution No. 081471 dated July 24, 2008. These Rules applied to all government offices and agencies including local government units and government-owned and controlled corporations with or without original charter, that provide frontline services as defined in the Act. Those performing judicial, quasi-judicial and legislative functions are excluded from the coverage of the Act, however, their respective frontline services are deemed included.
It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote integrity, accountability, proper management of public affairs and public property as well as to establish effective practices aimed at the prevention of graft and corruption in government. Towards this end, the State shall maintain honesty and responsibility among its public officials or agency with regard to the manner of transacting with the public, which shall encompass a program for the adoption of simplified procedures that will reduce red tape and expedite transactions in government.
Frontline Services.It is the public that we care for. And for this reason, the management of this office is extremely keen in observing the transactions made by its employees especially those transactions that involve direct contact with the concessionaire or the so-called frontline servicesas defined in the Act.
The following are the frontline services offered by this office:
- Accepting the feedbacks from Phone Call, Text Message and Walk-In
- Accepting the queries from Phone Call, Text Message and Walk-In
- Water Service Application
- Inspection/Installation of Water Service Application
- Issuing Official Receipt
- Senior Citizen’s Discount Application
- Change of Account Name
- Relocation of Water Meter or Service Line
Step-by-Step Procedures of Frontline Services
In public services like ours, feedback of the customers should always be the top consideration. Through phone call, text message and walk-in, feedbacks from concessionaires should came to the know ledge of the District and respond or act on the feedbacks of the concessionaires, be it a negative or a positive feedback such as satisfaction, suggestion and complaints. Accepting queries is a line of communication between the concessionaire and the agency should always be available in a service like this. It is our duty to provide our clients the reliable and clear information they need to know about the service we are providing.
Complete identification of the concessionaire.
Schedule of Availability
Through Text Message/Call
Monday – Sunday
Through Phone Call
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Through Walk-In Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00pm
Commercial / Engineering & Construction / Production & Water Quality Division
All household and business establishments in the area of jurisdiction of Amadeo Water District are required to secure an application of Water Service from this office/division.
If requirements are complete, this transaction can normally be completed in one (1) working day.
Baranggay Clearancestating the residency in Amadeo, Cavite, and that the applicant is clear from all obligation as far as the previous water service is concerned (refers to those who have previous accounts in Baranggay Water System)
Excavation Permitwhich can be secured from the Municipal engineering Office-Amadeo, whenever the pipeline to be installed is needed to cross a public road within Amadeo, if applicable.
Tax Declaration/Title of Lot/House where water service is to installed
Waiver/Permission Letter, whenever the pipeline to be installed will cross the private property of other persons or entities.
Schedule of Availability
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Water Service application fees based on BOD Resolution No. 08-2008, Amended Basic Policy and Guidelines of Amadeo Water District.
Commercial Services Division
Upon the completion of the water service application form, it will be forwarded to the Operation team for the inspection of the particular site.
In this process, said team will explain to the concessionaire on how will the installations go and what materials will be used.
Complete identification of the concessionaire.
Schedule of Availability
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Engineering & ConstructionDivision
The Water District, under the law, may sell water under its control, under schedules of rates and charges as may be determined by the Board, to any and all water users within the district. The district, as far as practicable, shall fix such rates and charges for water as will result in revenues which will defray the operating expenses of the district and the like.
It is mandated by law to issue an official receipt as proof of obtaining the water services rendered by the district, materials used and receiving payments from the concessionaires.
This transaction can normally be completed in 30 seconds.
Latest Water bill.
If subject for disconnection, the Notice of Disconnection is required to be presented.
Schedule of Availability
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 12 noon
Depend upon the dues subject for payment.
Commercial Services Division
It is an act to maximize the contribution of Senior Citizens to Nation Building, grant benefits and special privileges and for other purposes. The grant of a minimum of five percent (5%) discount relative to the monthly utilization of water supplied by the public utilities. That the individual meters for the foregoing utilities are registered in the name of the senior citizen residing there in: Provided, further, that the monthly consumption of water does not exceed thirty cubic meters (30 m3). -Republic Act no. 7432 Sec. 4 (c)
If requirements are complete, this transaction can normally be completed in 10 minutes.
Baranggay Clearance specifying the purpose.
Photo copy of Senior Citizen Identification Card.
Authorization letter if the applicant cannot transact personally.
Sign up/ filled up the Senior Citizen Application Form.
Schedule of Availability
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Commercial Services Division
Upon receiving the accomplished request form and was explained all the necessary information of Change Account Name, it will be forwarded to the encoder for processing.
This transaction can normally be completed in 5 minutes.
Complete identification of the concessionaire.
Schedule of Availability
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
P 200.00
Commercial Services Division
Upon receiving the accomplished request form and was explained all the necessary information about the process of relocation, it will be forwarded to Maintenance staff for inspection of the particular site.
In this process, the Maintenance staff will explain to the concessionaire the process of and the materials to be used.
Complete identification of the concessionaire.
Schedule of Availability
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Depend upon the dues subject for payment.
Engineering & ConstructionDivision
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