Nashwauk Public Utilities
November 15, 2011
Chairman Latvala called the meeting to order at 1:0 pm in the council chambers
Members Present: Latvala, Bolf, Keranen, Tweed, Hendricks
Members Absent: none
*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Tweed to approve Minutes of October 18, 2011
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Keranen to approve the following invoices for ESML: Bougalis Constr $5,557.00; JPJ $8,971.55, $11,442.45, $13,974.95; Lakehead $444,583.07; Wesco $3,362.29; Border States $4,296.38; Viking Explosives $2,799.39; Kelly Bay Consulting$5,774.20; National Conductor $338,750.35; Adams Consulting $14,993.87; McGrann Shea $37,242.84, $6,518.38; Stuart Irby $102,424.80; Braun $1,770.00, 542.25; Jerry Mackey $441.00, $264.60, $837.90; Leonard Street $93.75
Ayes all present—motion carried Bolf – Abstained
*Motion by Tweed, seconded by Keranen to approve all invoices paid and file the claims report as official record
Ayes all present—motion carried Bolf Abstained
Old Business:
Review and consider Waukesha warranty—McGrann Shea is ok with agreement. Warranty will start on the day energized or July 1st
*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Tweed to approve the 10 yr warranty with Waukesha and allow Milt Latvala to sign
Ayes all present—motion carried
Review and consider MP Construction –inspection agreement attorney approves of agreement
*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Keranen to approve the MP construction agreement and allow Milt Latvala to sign
Ayes all present—motion carried
Review Co Rd 58 electric utility service—concerns with Essar and location of their facilities before putting in electric for NNG. Mackey working with contractor to install the underground
Review status of pump house controls looking at closing out contracts, there are a couple issues with the pressure gauge and water tower. Quality Flow will be here to set up. Hendricks wants the pump house fully tested and have the engineering firm to sign off saying everything is in working order. The pump house area needs to be completed also, paving should be done.
Some pipe still needs to be installed before testing can be done up North. The connection to do the testing needs to be done to close out that part of the job
New Business:
Request for utility service by Wayne Impala—wants utility extension to his property. Also his electric costs are high and would like to get city power too. Hendricks spoke with Wayne about the area and requested RLK to get cost estimates to install water line possibly next spring. Maybe in the future the electrical can be discussed. Jamnick said a 6” line would be required for fire protection. Also need to get the cost of digging and trenching and will get information for the next PUC meeting
Reviewed the budget for 2012—
*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Keranen to accept the budget where it is for 2012
Ayes all present—motion carried
Approve Bougalis Construction on sub station ditch-was in the Essar contract for mine sub and Bougalis did the work
*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Latvala to approve the work order for $5,557.00
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Tweed to Approve Lakehead Construction change order five & six
Ayes all present—motion carried
Review and consider bulk sales water.
*Motion by Latvala, seconded by Bolf to approve the bulk water rates
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Tweed approve pay estimate #5 for the ESML Corridor Utility extension in the amount of $60,195.09 to Hammerlund Construction
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Keranen, seconded by Tweed to approve pay estimate #2 for the ESML North 65 Utility extension in the amount of $19,523.92 to Utility Systems
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Tabled pay estimate 9 until further information is found and job is complete: pay estimate #9 for the ESML Pump house booster station in the amount of $10,000.00 to Hammerlund Construction
*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Latvala to approve the City Clerk to administer the 4th grade water week poster contest
Ayes all present—motion carried
*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Hendricks to approve Charlie Kautto to take the water operator exam on December 7th in Biwabik thru MN Rural Water Assoc wages plus mileage
Ayes all present—motion carried
Establish next meeting date and time December 20th 3:00 pm
*Motion by Tweed, seconded by Hendricks to adjourn at 3:50 p.m.
Ayes all present—motion carried