The Gartner IODC 2012 Futuristic Data Center Design Excellence Award
Application Form
Finalists for the Gartner IODC 2012 Futuristic Data Center Design Excellence Award will be selected based on how well the organization demonstrated excellence in Futuristic Data Center Design, vision, industry leading approaches to design and management. All entries will be evaluated on:
- The ability to demonstrate excellence in implementation, management and alignment of the various outlined standard and future data center framework and vision for the real time enterprise.
- Execution and support for design strategies that deliver significant business benefits/goal realization in a realistic timeframe.
Please provide at least two contacts within the case study company. One of these contacts must be a business or executive sponsor for the futuristic data center initiative, while the other must be a leader of or knowledgeable participant within IT. An additional contact may also be provided - this could be either a business or IT resource in the case study company. If a vendor is submitting this case study on behalf of a customer, this contact should be within the vendor. We may contact these individuals during the application review process if any clarification is needed. We will also use this information to contact finalist candidates.
- Nominated company information:
- Company Name:
- Executive Leader(s) - **the person(s) overseeing the creation and implementation of the futuristic data center initiative**:
- Title(s):
- Internal Contact:
- Title:
- Company:
- Mailing Address:
City: - State:
- Postcode:
- Phone:
- Email Address:
- URL:
- Form Completed by (if different from above):
- Name:
- Title:
- Company:
- Mailing Address:
- Phone:
- Email Address:
- Relationship to Nominee:
Please check here if you would like to be copied on correspondence sent to the contact noted in section 1.
- Nominated company industry category (choose one):
- Consumer Packaged Goods
- Energy/Utilities
- Financial Services & Insurance
- Government
- Healthcare
- Education / Higher-Ed
- Life Sciences / Pharma
- High Tech
- Manufacturing
- Media/Entertainment
- Retail
- Travel/Hospitality
- Telecom
- Other
- Geography/Locations - Provide the regions/areas in which your company operates and maintains data center facilities:
- Nominated company size(choose one):
- Fewer than 100 employees
- 100 – 500
- 500 - 1000
- 1000 - 5000
- 5000or more employees
- Annual company revenueor budget/assets if revenue is not an appropriate metric (choose one):
- Less than $100M
- $100M - $250M
- $250M - $500M
- $500M - $1B
- More than $1B
- Organization Description - Describe the primary purpose of the organization
- High-Level Description and Motivation
Provide a summary description of your futuristic data center initiative(s). Include a summary of the major motivations, investments and business outcomes of these investments. (up to 1000 words total)
- Business Drivers
Describe using up to 5 bullet points, what were the business motivation(s) and driver(s) for your futuristic data center initiatives. (up to 1000 words total)
- Solution Approach
Describe using up to 5 bullet points, the approach taken in addressing the issues revealed. (up to 1000 words total)
- Solution Approach/Framework
How was the integration and alignment of the various stages/components of the futuristic data center achieved/realized (add reference to graphic here) i.e. how were the various business, organizational and technology perspectives of the framework combined, managed and planned over the proposed life of the data center? (up to 1000 words total)
- Overview of Schedule and Resources
Please describe the implementation/phases of your data center investments in terms of the following(up to 500 words total):
- Start date
- Size of implementation team (specify internal IT, internal business resources, and external resources from integrators, vendors and others)
- Initial costs: infrastructure, software, services
- Dates of production implementation (month/year) actual and planned
- Identify the specific technologies and concepts used and the criteria used to make these selections
- Roadmap for technology and service deployment, refresh
- The state of the initiative today
Please describe your ongoing efforts (support / maintenance / subsequent phases or implementations) in terms of the following(up to 500 words total):
- Size of team ongoing
- Annual budget for the data center on an ongoing basis, specifying infrastructure, utilities (space/power, cooling) personnel, software and services
- Building Out the Data Center
Describe using up to 5 bullet points and associated text, the technologies that were key to your futuristic design the method of implementation and ongoing investment in those technologies. (up to 500 words total)
- Overview of Outcome
Describe the outcome achieved as a result of your futuristic data center initiative. Define the benefits and results in terms of quantifiable business measures (i.e. improved profitability, improved market share). Provide any additional information on the intangible benefits (such as improved organization alignment through more consistent use of technologies, tools and processes). Were these benefits the same as those anticipated when the initiative was started? How did they differ? Did they exceed your expectations? What were the major hurdles and how did you overcome them? Has the expected lifespan of the data center now changed significantly and describe how it can grow to meet anticipated business growth.
(up to 1000 words total)
- Business Benefits
Describe using up to 5 bullet points, the business benefits obtained using the chosen solution/approach. (up to 1000 words total)
- Solution Summary
Describe in up to 5 bullet points, the most significant lessons learned, insights gained or recommendations you would have for other organizations attempting the same initiative. (up to 1000 words total)
- Future Plans
Describe using up to 5 bullets points, any possible future scenarios or planned additions to the current solution. (up to 1000 words total)
- Other Information
You may provide any optional comments relative to your futuristic data center case study here. This may include a description of topics you see as important which were not directly addressed in the sections above, statements relative to the future outlook and direction of data center and infrastructure efforts, or anything else you deem relevant (up to 1000 words total):
- Attachment Files
You may also attach documents you deem relevant in supporting your application. This might include documentation such as corporate statements regarding the impact of your futuristic data center initiative, diagrams of your data center today and into the future as well as any ROI calculations and models.
You cannot attach files greater than 4 MB.
Attachment(s) Description
Briefly describe the content of the files attached
Thank you for completing your application. If you have any questions regarding the submittal process, please email .