Name Date:______Per/#: ______:______
NASA’s Video Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Visit the website (BLENDSPACE #) to view a set of videos on EMS. Pause the video to answer the questions. You will need to watch each video twice in order to keep up with the content. At the bottom of the introduction video you will see links for the other seven videos.
Introduction (5:03 minutes)
1. What is the “it” that the world as we know it would not be able to exist without? ______
2. What are some (3) examples of things in everyday life that depend on waves from the EM spectrum? ______
3. How are EM waves produced?
4. Which waves on the EM spectrum have the lowest frequency and carry the least amount of energy? ______
5. Which waves are the shortest, highest energy waves in the spectrum?
6. What is the range of wavelengths that our eyes can see on the spectrum? This is called the visible light spectrum. ______
Radio Waves (3:39 minutes)
1. In what year were the first radio waves transmitted? ______
2. Where are radio waves on the EMS in terms of energy and frequency?______
3. Who is the scientist that discovered radio waves in 1888? ______
4. List three things that have been discovered using radio waves. ______
Microwaves (3:04 minutes)
1. What are 3 things that microwaves do? ______
2. Where are microwaves found on the EMS? Range of wavelengths? ______
3. What do C-microwaves reveal to scientists? ______
4. What type of microwaves do GPS systems use? ______
Infrared Waves (5:23 minutes)
1. What is unique about infrared waves compared to the visible light spectrum? ______
2. Where are infrared found on the EMS? Range of wavelength? ______
3. Describe generally how the earth is heated from solar radiation. What type of waves are heat? ______
Visible Light Waves (4:50 minutes)
1. What is the only part of the spectrum that we can see?
2. What exactly is “white” light? Range of wavelengths? ______
3. What does Earth’s atmosphere generally look blue?
4. What causes the color of a sunset? ______
5. We see objects as having different colors. Why do these objects appear to be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet or a combination of those colors? ______
Ultraviolet Waves (3:40 minutes)
1. Where are UV waves on the EMS? Range of wavelength?______
2. Why are bugs attracted to UV light? ______
3. What are the 3 regions that UV waves can be subdivided into? Which are harmful? ______
4. Why is the ozone layer so important for humans? ______
X-Rays (2:50 minutes)
1. Where are X-rays on the EMS? ______
2. Who discovered bone x-rays in 1895? ______
3. What 4 things can x-rays provide information about? ______
Gamma Rays (3:42 minutes)
1. What are gamma rays created by? ______
2. What are the 3 ways gamma rays are created on earth? ______
3. Where are gamma rays on the EMS?______
4. What do doctors use gamma radiation to destroy? ______