NAPMW Board of Directors Meeting March 14, 2012
General Session Minutes Page 8 of 8
March 14, 2012 Conference Call Meeting
National Board Members Present
Nita Cook, GML-CME-CMI Vice President–Northwestern Region
Lyman King, CME-CMI Vice President–Western Region
Lisa Puckett CME ……………………..…….Vice President-Central Region
Christine Pollard Vice President-Eastern Region
Jeanne Evans, CME .National Treasurer
Katheryn Farrell .National Secretary
Jill Kinsman .National Senior Vice President
Candace Smith, CME-CMI .National President-Elect
Laurie Abshier, GML-CME-CMI .National President
Parliamentarian Present
Hulene Bridgman-Works
Kathryn Hardeman, CME-CMI ……… ….………………..NAPMW Houston
Claire Davis, MML-CMI-CME ……………………………..NAPMW Raleigh Triangle
Debbie Tofte, GML ……………………………..NAPMW Seattle Puget Sound
Tim Courtney ……………………………..NAPMW High Desert
Lynne W Sparks ……………………………..NAPMW Atlanta
Kelly Byers ………………………….….NAPMW Atlanta
Katrica Driscoll, MML-CME-CMI ……………………………..NAPMW Raleigh Triangle
Mary Ellen Heathcote, MML-CME-CMI, Past National President………NAPMW Raleigh Triangle
Lucy Collier, Past National President………………………………..……NAPMW Seattle Puget Sound
Dawn Adams, GM-CMI, Past National President………………………...NAPMW Central New York
A .Quorum Confirmation: Following roll call, a quorum was confirmed by President Abshier
B. Acknowledgement of Guests: President Abshier welcomed all participants, guests, and the Past National President in attendance.
With notice of the meeting having been duly given, President Abshier called the meeting to order at
2:05 p.m. PDT, March 14, 2012. (All times are Pacific unless otherwise noted).
A. Agenda Approval: Agenda was approved as amended.
B. February 8, 2012 General Session Minutes: The minutes will be filed as distributed.
C. Designation of Minutes Review Committee: President Abshier appointed Secretary Katheryn Farrell, National President Elect Candace Smith and Eastern Region Vice President Christine Pollard for both sessions.
D. Financial Status: Treasurer Evans reported income of $10671.04, expenses of $10799.68 with a net loss of $127.30 as of February 29, 2012. The Balance Sheet of Assets and Liabilities is $97466.96.
1. Audit: Treasurer Evans reported they are waiting for the completed 990 from the accountant. The Audit will be completed for next meeting even if the amount of the 990 is not available.
A. 2012 National Education Conference:
1. Status of credit application: Administrator Works reported the application had been completed and sent to the hotel and she is waiting for the approval from the hotel. This process will allow NAPMW to review all items charged to the master account before paying.
2. Conference Co-Chair Lynne Sparks advised members to use the toll free (800) number when calling in reservations as the conference information is with the corporation, not the local hotel.
The conference committee has scheduled a “Chinese” Auction which is included in the conference budget and is separate from any other auction.
Co-Chair Sparks explained the room block and conference rates are good for May 13, 2012 through May 20, 2012 for all registered NAPMW members.
President Abshier asked the NVP’s to send a note to the local presidents that early conference registration cutoff date is March 15, 2012 and will not be extended.
President Abshier reminded the Region Vice Presidents that the Credentials Chair will need some volunteers to serve as Tellers on the Credentials Committee. Cle Newson has agreed to serve as Head Teller.
President Elect Smith reported that as of March 14, 2012 there are 54 early bird registrations,
which does not include registrations being paid by National.
B. 2013 National Education Conference: Committee Co-Chair Kathryn Hardeman reported they have decided on the brand new Westin Hotel for May of 2013. The committee has a proposed contract which has been submitted to the Board for review. The committee took a tour of the hotel and all meeting rooms are on one level grouped together. The sponsors will be able to have their table tops in the same area and members will have to walk by them on their way to their next meeting. The hotel coordinator has gone out of her way to make us feel special. The hotel is going to design part of their website for NAPMW including our logo.
There are a lot of amenities near the hotel, including a shopping center.
C. Choose to lead: “The Leadership Challenge”. President Elect Smith reported a very positive meeting was held on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 with Jill Schellenberger, Sr. Account Executive for Wiley and Sons.
Attendees were President Laurie Abshier, GML, CME, CMI;
Nita Cook, GML, CME, CMI, VP Northwestern Region; Jeanne Evans, National Treasurer; Jill Kinsman, Sr. Vice President and Candace Smith, CME, National President-Elect.
The programs and materials for Leadership Challenge were reviewed as a possible outlet for use for the Choose to Lead Program.
Costs of the Program were discussed with Jill. The discounted cost to NAPMW was an offering of $150.00 per person for the e-learning program. The company currently offers an LMS system outside their company but the outside company is cost prohibitive at present ($350/mo). Jill indicated that in May the company will be bringing this in-house and she feels certain, the cost would be nominal if any at all should NAPMW want to pursue. Jill stated that an alternative or optional idea of the book and self study could also be offered to the Association at 29/15 respectively should NAPMW want to provide another avenue for its members.
Additionally the company provides a vehicle for a live Webinar that we could sign up groups for that would meet once a week for 7 weeks. It does go more in depth than the e-learning format and is more interactive. This could be organized for as few as five people to as many as twenty-five, if NAPMW would like to offer this format.
Another option would be a live program format for two days.
It was briefly discussed that NAPMW consider contacting W/S Business Development Manager about possibly offsetting some of this with an affinity style relationship or sponsorship.
Conclusion: All of these offerings would be a benefit to our membership and our leaders both now and in the future. At this point, the current Chair would recommend that the President move this to a committee to pursue this as an IML course and begin negotiating and developing the program using the model previously provided (Choose To Lead) as its background and building from there.
Further, it is recommended that the following individuals be considered on this committee. Most of them served on the Ad Hoc Committee and have expressed an interest in continuing.
Jill Kinsman
Nita Cook (who will be the incoming IML Chair next year)
Jeanne Evans
Debbie Tofte
Dawn Adams
Any other person would be at the President’s discretion.
D. New Scribe Updates: Administrator Works reported that working with President Elect Smith and New Scribe the problem with the membership input and applications is much faster. New Scribe has informed Your Membership that they need to “fix” this problem as they will have the same situation next year.
President Abshier explained for the audience that our website is hosted through Your and New Scribe is our facilitator that helps maintain our website.
President Elect Smith included additional information that is included in her Technology report.
E. 2014 Education Conference: The National Board voted to place Seattle WA located in the Northwestern Region on the 2012 Call to the Annual Meeting, as a site location for the 2014 National Education Conference.
Debbie Tofte, NAPMW Seattle Puget Sound reported the dates for the conference will be May 14 – 18, 2014
She invited the members to meet in Seattle, WA in 2014. It will be the 50th Anniversary and will bring NAPMW back to our roots for a memorable meeting. This is a destination attendees will love; Seattle has it all cultural attractions, museums, outdoor recreation and fine dining. Attached to the “2012 Call” are some of Seattle’s premier attractions. Choose the attraction that suits your style.
Jill Kinsman and Debbie have made initial contact with the Red Lion, Westin, Sheraton, Hilton, Hotel W, Hotel Monaco and the Marriott for bid information regarding hotel rooms and meeting rooms for the conference to be held in downtown Seattle... They are also working with the Convention Center as they have a lot more contacts with the hotels. Once we have that information we can determine if downtown hotels are cost prohibitive, if so they will look at hotels near the airport. They are anticipating the full support of the Northwestern Region to host the conference in Seattle, WA.
A. “The Call”: President Abshier asked the Board to review the Call to the Annual Meeting.
1. The date for distribution of the Call is March 18, 2012. Since that date is on a weekend President Abshier asked Secretary Farrell to distribute “The Call” to the entire membership no later than Friday, March 16, 2012.
2. Credentials Chair Katrica Driscoll reported the cutoff date for delegate count will be 5:00 p.m. CDT on April 17, 2012. The delegate count will be posted to the website at 8:00 a.m. CDT on April 18, 2012. At the request of President Abshier the Credentials letter will go out March 16, 2012.
The delegate count will be on the Convention page of the website as well as in the Membership Summary under Membership Resources in the Resource Library
A. APMW Foundation: President Abshier reported receiving a phone call from Creta Bloxom, APMW Foundation President. APMW President Bloxom said the foundation had 20 scholarships $107.00 each available for members attending the Educational Conference.
Also they are having a fund raiser this year, named “Raising the Roof on Education”. The locals will be asked to decorate McDonald Happy Meal Boxes. The foundation has requested a table at the Trade Show or somewhere to display these decorated Happy Meal Boxes. Being no objections President Abshier will let APMW Bloxom know a table will be available for displaying the “Boxes”. The contest will be available on the website and President Abshier asked Technology Chair Smith to work out the details with NAPMW President Bloxom.
B. Leadership: No current updates.
C. Bylaws: No current updates. .
D. Nominations: National Nominating Chair Dawn V. Adams reported the following:
It is with great pleasure that I present to you the following individuals who have chosen to run for National Office at this time. Contested race candidates are listed alphabetically:
Vice President, Eastern Region: Katrica Driscoll, MML, CMI, CME,
NAPMW Raleigh Triangle
Vice President, Central Region: Kelly Hendricks, NAPMW Greater St. Louis
Vice President, Western Region: Lyman King, CMI, CME, NAPMW Bakersfield
Vice President, Northwestern Region: Debbie Tofte, GML, NAPMW Seattle Puget Sound
National Secretary: Sara Vasura, GML, NAPMW Mid-Atlantic
National Treasurer: M. Jeanne Evans, CME, NAPMW Austin
National Senior Vice President: Christine Pollard, NAPMW Central New York
National President-Elect: Tim Courtney, NAPMW High Desert
Jill Kinsman, NAPMW Seattle Puget Sound
Chair Adams was pleased to announce that there is a full slate and of course candidates may run from the floor. All those who had submitted applications are members in good standing at this time.
Also she received written confirmation that the existing President-Elect Candace Smith, intends to accept the position of NAPMW National President for the 2012-2013 year. A copy of acceptance will be filed with these minutes.
Chair Adams had the following recommendations:
1. To make immediately available on the National website, the candidacy applications, resumes and photographs of all of the current candidates once approved by this Board. This will give the members at large the opportunity to see each of the candidates ahead of time and direct their delegates for voting.
2. Along with #1 above, I would like to have a heads-up communication sent to all members announcing that the candidacy information will be available on the web and how to access it.
3. To include the candidacy information in “hard copy” in each Delegates registration packets.
4. To post all of the candidacy information in a public spot AT the Convention in the days prior to delegate voting.
5. To allow time in the National Business meeting to have EACH candidate speak to the delegation for up to 5 minutes, presenting their business plan for NAPMW. This is the only opportunity all year that some of our members will get to see who will be running THEIR Association.
6. To allow time in the National Business meeting to have candidates answer a question from the audience, with a response time of approximately 1-2 minutes.
7. To notify all members, once the slate has been approved of the procedures which need to be followed if additional candidates wish to run from the floor for any Board position.
E. NMLS: Committee member Tim Courtney reported the committee met on Monday, March 12, 2012. They are working on adding a couple of new courses.
Motion by Committee Member Timothy Courtney: “I move that $1360.00 be allocated from the NMLS budget for the renewal of our NMLS Genworth CE classes, which is $300.00 per course, plus $20.00 per credit hour for four courses and eight credit hours.”
Motion carried.
F. Membership: Chair Timothy Courtney reported the following as of March 8, 2012:
Renewal numbers from June 2011– March 2012
June had 55 expiring memberships with 32 renewals and a loss of 23 members.
July had 80 expiring memberships with 70 renewals and a loss of 10 members.
August had 69 expiring memberships with 42 renewals and a loss of 27 members.
September has 58 expiring memberships with 33 renewals and a loss of 25 members
October has 63 expiring memberships with 40 renewals and a loss of 23 members
November has 42expiring memberships w/ 22 renewals and a loss of 20 members.
December has 34 expiring memberships w/ 21 renewals & a loss of 13 members
January has 48 expiring memberships w/ 21 renewals & a loss of 27 members.
February has 49 expiring memberships w/ 31 renewals & a loss of 18 members.
March has 76 expiring memberships w/ 16 renewals so far.
Since August 15, 2011 we have added 189 new members, which is good news,
Contest updates:
Pointing NAPMW in the Right Direction