Napa County Office of Education
Barbara Nemko, Ph.D., Superintendent
Napa County board of Education
August 11, 2015
A Regular Meeting of the Napa County Board of Education was called to order at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2015, at the Napa County Office of Education, 2121 Imola Avenue, Napa, California, President Ann Cash presiding. Members Present: Ken Slavens, Jennifer Kresge, Lisa Lindsey, Janna Waldinger, Don Huffman, and Steve Orndorf.The salute to the Flag was led by Josh Schultz.
Visitors were welcomed to the meeting.
At the request of Mrs. Waldinger, Item 5.D. (Organization (election of officers) Approval of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9100) was moved to follow 2.B. (Demonstration and presentation of the online digital library). The Agenda was approved, as revised, on a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mrs. Kresge. Ayes – Janna Waldinger, Lisa Lindsey, Steve Orndorf, Don Huffman, and Ann Cash. Noes – None.
The Minutes of July 7, 2015 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mr. Huffman. The vote was as follows: Ayes – Steve Orndorf, Lisa Lindsey, Jennifer Kresge, Ann Cash, and Janna Waldinger. Noes - None.
There were no comments from the public.
Rebecka Anderson, Educational Technology Manager, presented on NCOE’s new “gamified” educational technology professional development program. Teachers and staff can earn badges and win prizes for completing online missions, and games designed to help them learn more about educational technology.
Jennifer Oliveira, Curriculum Library Specialist, presented and demonstrated NCOE’s new Overdrive platform that supports the new digital library. The online digital library contains electronic version (e-books) of professional development, audiobooks, classroom novels, books for new teachers, and special education books.
At the request of Mr. Slavens, a roll call vote was taken to approve a yearly rotation system with the president and the vice president serving one year. Ayes – Mr. Slavens, Mr. Orndorf, and Mrs. Cash. Noes – Mrs. Kresge, Mrs. Waldinger, Mrs. Lindsey, and Mr. Huffman. On a motion by Mrs. Waldinger and a second by Mrs. Lindsey, the Board agreed not to change the language in Board Bylaw 9100 and to adopt Option 2: “At the November Board Meeting annually an Information Item will be included for the current board members to express any interest they may have in holding a position of President, Vice President or Trustee Representative”, as an amendment to Board Bylaw 9100. Ayes – Mrs. Kresge, Mrs. Cash, Mr. Huffman, Mr. Slavens, and Mr. Orndorf. Noes – None.
Napa County Board of Education
August 11, 2015 – continued
1. Dr. Nemko reported that the Back to School event will be held at NCOE on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 from 3:30 to 5:00. This year’s theme is Mission Possible.
2. Dr. Nemko reminded the Board that the September 1st regular Board meeting will be held at Valley Oak High School to honor Teacher of the Year, Julie Lovie.
3. Dr. Nemko announced and encouraged everyone to attend the Intelligence Event featuring Ramsey Musallam to be held at Embassy Suites in Napa on August 25, 2015. Dr. Nemko expressed tremendous appreciation for Rebecka Anderson’s dedication and creativity in masterminding the “gamified” online development program.
4. Dr. Nemko announced that Lucy Edwards has joined NCOE as the Director of Continuous Improvement. Lucy will be the point person in assisting NCOE and all the districts in Napa County in developing and evaluating their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP’s).
5. Dr. Nemko reported that a Napa County Planning Commission hearing regarding the Syar expansion project will be held August 12th. NCOE is withdrawing their objection to the expansion in light of the revised expansion proposal which will reduce the negative effects outlined in the original proposals.
6. Dr. Nemko announced that she and the NapaLearns Director and NapaLearns supporters will visit Autodesk’s Pier 9 workshops in SF on Friday, August 14th. Autodesk’s Pier 9 workshop consists of “makerspaces” set up to combine both technical and artistic expertise to create and invent new software, electronics, craft items, and various hardware applications.
7. Dr. Nemko reported that NCOE will host a Cabinet-to-Cabinet team building event for the districts in Napa county. A luncheon meeting and Ropes course activity will take place; date to be determined.
8. Dr. Nemko reported that Kim Floyd, Footsteps2Brilliance coach, will provide a professional development program for teachers and parents and will meet with them once a month for training and coaching on digital early technology.
9. Dr. Nemko announced that as part of the CCSESA quarterly meeting, we are arranging a lobster feed in Napa for California County Superintendents on October 5th. The location is yet to be determined.
10. Mrs. Kresge reported that she and Dr. Nemko attended the EdSurge California Tech for Schools Summit held at the University of California, Davis on August 4th. The Summit allowed district superintendents in California to explore the latest innovations in education technology.
Napa County Board of Education
August 11, 2015 – continued
11. Dr. Nemko met with Lois Wolk, California State Senator, and showed her the State Board of Education templates provided to all districts to record their annual goals for students with specific guidelines on how to prioritize the state mandated requirements for the LCAP. The templates are very detailed and extensive. Napa County Office of Education reviewed the LCAPs for all of the districts in Napa County, in addition to preparing one for NCOE.
12. Mrs. Lindsey reported that the annual 2015 CSBA Legislative Awards Program is open for nominations for the Outstanding Legislator Award. Mrs. Lindsey suggested that the Board nominate Bill Dodd for this award at the September 1st Board meeting.
13. Mrs. Kresge reported that she attended the Berkeley Repertory Theatre performance on the “school-to-prison pipeline” which highlights pushing children out of the classroom into the criminal justice system.
Consent Agenda Item 4.A. (Temporary County Certificates) was passed on a motion by Mr. Huffman and a second by Mrs. Kresge.
No action was taken on Consent Agenda Item 4.B. (Board Member Compensation).
Backup information on the consent items was included in the Board packets and is on file in the Superintendent’s office.
On a motion by Mr. Huffman and a second by Mrs. Lindsey, the Board adopted Resolution 2015-10 acknowledging and accepting responsibility for the “CalSERVES 2015-2016 Expanded Learning” grant awards and the contracts for the grant awards, approving the term and dollar amount of contracts, and appoint the Superintendent and/or Deputy Superintendent to act on the behalf of the Board.
On a motion by Mr. Huffman and a second by Mrs. Lindsey, the Board adopted Resolution 2015-11 acknowledging and accepting responsibility for the CalSERVES 2015-2016 “AmeriCorps VIP” contract grant awards and the contracts for the grant awards, approving the term and dollar amount of contracts, and appoint the Superintendent and/or Deputy Superintendent to act on the behalf of the Board.
On a motion by Mr. Huffman and a second by Mrs. Lindsey, the Board adopted Resolution 2015-12 acknowledging and accepting responsibility for the CalSERVES 2015-2016 “CalPREP” grant awards and the contracts for the grant awards, approving the term and dollar amount of contracts, and appoint the Superintendent and/or Deputy Superintendent to act on the behalf of the Board.
Napa County Board of Education
August 11, 2015 – continued
On a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mr. Orndorf, the Board approved the revisions to Board Policy 5143.3 and Administrative Regulation 5145.3 – Nondiscrimination/Harassment. Ayes – Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Lindsey, Mrs. Waldinger, and Mr. Huffman. Noes – None. Abstained – Mrs. Kresge.
On a motion by Mrs. Waldinger and a second by Mr. Slavens, the Board adopted Resolution 2015-15: Transfer of Funds to the Special Reserve for Capital Outlay Fund 40.
Mr. Orndorf reported on significant budget adjustments that include an increase of $500 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for educator support. Of this amount, $490 million is allocated for professional development, support for teachers needing improvement, and beginning teacher mentoring.
Mr. Schultz reported that the Supreme Court will review the Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association case. The petition argues the constitutionality of mandatory union dues. The California Teachers Association collects union dues, and 30 to 40 percent of these dues go toward political activities. There will be a ruling soon.
The Board accepted the Personnel Activity Report as presented.
Mr. Schultz reported that there are a number of one-time revenue items not in our budget currently but will show up in our budget soon. For example, the new LCAP funding is not reflected as yet.
Mr. Schultz reported that he met with Napa State Hospital and learned that they have long term plans for McGrath. Caroline Wilson, Principal of the Court and Community Schools, is opposed to moving the school to Menlo Armory because the location may not be beneficial for the students. An alternative option for Menlo Armory may be additional office space for NCOE Rohnert Park staff.
Mrs. Kresge reported that she had emailed Molly McGee about the 2016 Board Retreat but has not had a response back as yet.
Future agenda items: 1) Nominate Bill Dodd for the 2015 CSBA Outstanding Legislator Award, 2) Discuss Board Retreat, 3) Teacher of the Year Presentations, 4) Budget update, and 5) Update on the Facilities Master Plan and Design for a Proposed Community School.
Napa County Board of Education
August 11, 2015 – continued
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:22 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Slavens and a second by Mrs. Waldinger.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Nemko, Secretary
Approved Date /
Call to Order
Flag SaluteVisitors
Approval ofAgenda
Approval of Minutes
Comments from the Public
Presentation on NCOE’s “Gamified” Online Development Program
Presentation on NCOE’s New Online Digital Library
Second Reading and Approval of Revisions to Board Bylaw 9100 – Organization (Election of Officers)
Correspondence, Communications, and Reports
Correspondence, Communications, and Reports (continued)
Consent Agenda Item 4.A. (Temporary County Certificates)
Consent Agenda Item 4.B. (Board Member Compensation)
Adoption of Resolution 2015-10: CalSERVES 2015-16 “Expanded Learning” Contract
Adoption of Resolution 2015-11: CalSERVES 2015-16 “AmeriCorps VIP” Contract
Adoption of Resolution 2015-12: CalSERVES 2015-16 “CalPREP” Contract
Second Reading and Approval of Revisions to Board Policy 5145.3 and Administrative Regulation 5.145.3
Adoption of Resolution 2015-14 “Transfer of Funds to the Special Reserve for Capital Outlay Fund 40
Discussion, Review, and Direction Re: Legislative Updates and Positions
Personnel Activity Report
Budget Update
Update on the Facilities Master Plan and Design for a Proposed Community School
Discuss Board Retreat
Future Agenda Items