DkIT Annual Reports



Dundalk Institute of Technology’s mission is to provide the community with quality third –level education and services, relevant to the economic, social and cultural development of the region in the national and international context.

The Institute aims to promote personal responsibility among all its students and enhance the professionalism of all its members in a supportive, inclusive and productive environment.


“Dundalk Institute of Technology has established a major strategic focus in the area of Sustainable Living. This focus is based on our strengths, abilities and track record, in an area of regional, national and global importance and provides us with a strong unique brand and identity. It will underpin our teaching and learning, our research and development, our services to students, staff and stakeholders and the manner in which we conduct our affairs and in how we plan, deliver and operate our facilities and infrastructure”.


Ariel View of Dundalk Institute of Technology

Dundalk Institute of Technology was one of the original networks of Regional Technical Colleges set up in the 1970s under the Regional Technical Colleges Act with an emphasis on business, engineering and science. Over this past decade and a half, the Institute has expanded its range of programmes to include hospitality, humanities, music, creative arts and nursing. Apprenticeship courses have long been a feature of the Institute and there has been continual expansion in the apprenticeship provisioning in the electrical and plumbing fields.

Dundalk Institute of Technology has undergone some major changes over the years. The size of the campus has grown over the last five years with the acquisition of the PJ Carroll’s Building, which is now home to the School of Informatics and Creative Media. A new campus restaurant was also constructed along with the Mac Anna Theatre which seats 500 people. In 2005 DkIT became one of the first urban locations to have an industrial standard wind turbine (850kW). It is one of the first large wind turbines in the world to be constructed on the campus of a third level campus

DkIT’s mission is to provide the community with quality third level education for students of the community and surrounding areas. Our range of academic and other learning opportunities not only includes dozens of courses which have proved their popularity over the years, but also introduces some new ones to reflecting our requirement to adapt to the changing educational and training needs of a dynamic society.

The Mac Anna Theatre, the Campus Restaurant and the Wind Turbine

The Four Schools in the Institute are as Follows:

School of Business and Humanities

·  Department of Business Studies

·  Department of Management and Financial Studies

·  Department of Humanities

·  Section of Hospitality Studies

School of Engineering

·  Department of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering

·  Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

·  Department of Construction and Surveying

·  Department of Engineering Trades

School of Informatics, Music and Creative Media

·  Department of Computing and Mathematics

·  Department of Music and Creative Media

School of Health and Science

·  Department of Applied Science

·  Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Studies

·  Section of Midwifery

The Institute has also grown in its research capabilities with programmes at honours degree and postgraduate degree level now available in the following research centres:

·  Entrepreneurship

·  Software Technology

·  Smooth Muscle

·  Renewable Energy

·  Freshwater Studies


As Chairperson of the Governing Body of DkIT I am pleased to report that the Institute continues to comply with all its legal and regularity responsibilities and through its extensive range of academic, economic and social activates fulfils its overall mission.

The completion of the re-development of the Carroll building has created a wonderful environment for the students of the School of Informatics and Creative Arts and I wish to congratulate the Design Team (Scott Tallon Walker) and staff of the Estates Office at DkIT for their work on this project.

The Institute continues to encourage inclusivity through its access initiatives and as a result we have a very high proportion of students who are from the first generation within their family to come in to higher education.

Joanna Gardiner


Governing Body


The Main Challenge in 2010/2011 for both the Governing Body and Executive was managing a reduction in overall budget and reductions in staffing due to the Employment Control Framework being implemented in all public bodies. The Institute stayed within its budget and staffing levels during this period.

Full time student enrolment was 4544 (of which 1401 were first years) and part time enrolment was 330. The following new programmes were introduced: MSc in Ageing and Health; Certificate in Supply Chain Management; and BSc Engineering Entrepreneurship. In addition a number of programmes designed for labour market activation were introduced in Science, Computing, Business and Engineering. In the case of Engineering a number of minor awards were introduced in areas such as Wind Energy, Ocean Energy, Bio Energy and Solar Energy.

A highlight of the year was the official opening of the Carroll Building by An Taoiseach, Mr Brian Cowen, on 11th of February 2011. The building will accommodate the School of Informatics and Creative Arts and represents an overall investment €40million.

Denis Cummins


Section 1


1.1 Membership of Governing Body

1.2 Governing Body Meetings

1.3 Institute Executive Board

1.4 Institute Senior Staff

1.1 Membership of Governing Body

Title Representing

Ms Joanna Gardiner DKIT

Mr Denis Cummins DKIT

Cllr. Madeleine Argue Co. Cavan VEC

Cllr. Marianne Butler Co. Louth VEC

Cllr. Jim D’Arcy Co. Louth VEC

Mr Patrick Doherty IDA Ireland

Mr Brian Harten Arts Office Louth County Council

Mr Eddie Kavanagh Non-Academic Staff Member

Mr Clifford Kelly Pobal

Dr Padraig Kirk Co. Louth VEC

Ms Sabrina Mackin Society of Chartered Surveyors of Ireland

Cllr. Tracey McElhiney Co. Meath VEC

Mr James Clarke Student Representative

Ms Siobhan Ni Eanaigh The Arts Council

Mr Frank O’Brien ICTU

Mr Martin O’Brien Co. Monaghan VEC

Mr Jim O Donohue Academic Staff Member

Ms Antoinette Rourke Academic Staff Member

1.2 Governing Body Meetings

Meeting No. / Date
171 / Wednesday 1st Sept 2010
172 / Wednesday 6th October 2010
173 / Wednesday 3rd November 2010
174 / Tuesday 7th December 2010
175 / Tuesday 8th February 2011
176 / Wednesday 27th April 2011
177 / Wednesday 15th June 2011
178 / Wednesday 20th July 2011

1.3 Institute Executive Board/Senior Management

Mr Denis Cummins President

Dr Edel Healy Head of School of Health and Science

Mr Peter McGrath Secretary/Financial Controller

Dr Gerard McKiernan Head of School of Informatics & Creative Art

Mr Stephen McManus Registrar

Mr Eugene Roe Head of School of Engineering

Mr Cathal Kearney Head of School of Business & Humanities

1.4 Heads of School/Heads of Function/Heads of Section

Senior Management

Mr Denis Cummins President

Mr Gerry Carroll Head of Development

Mr Peter McGrath Secretary/Financial Controller

Mr Stephen McManus Registrar

Mr Cathal Kearney Head of School of Business & Humanities

Mr Eugene Roe Head of School of Engineering

Dr Edel Healy Head of School of Health & Science

Dr Gerard McKiernan Head of School of Informatics & Creative Arts

Head of Departments

Mr Shane Hill HOD Financial, Management & Prof Studies

Dr. Colette Henry HOD Business Studies (on career break)

Dr. David Getty HOD Humanities

Dr. Eibhlis Farrell HOD Music & Creative Media Programmes

Ms Caroline O Sullivan Acting HOD Music & Creative Media Programme

Mr Eugene Roe HOD Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering

Dr. Daniel O Brien HOD Electronics & Mechanical Engineering

Mr Patrick McCormack HOD Civil & Environmental Engineering

Mr Gerry McTaggart HOD Nursing & Health Studies

Mr Myles Hackett HOD Midwifery & Health Studies

Heads of Function

Ms Marie Madigan Finance Manager

Mr Gerald O’ Driscoll Human Resource Manager

Mr Conor Lait Estates Manager

Mr James McCahill IT Manager

Ms Ann Cleary Librarian & Head of Strategy

Ms Linda Murphy Academic & Student Affairs Manager

Section 2

Academic & Student Affairs

2.1 Academic Council Members

2.2 Academic Council Meetings

2.3 Academic Developments

2.4 Enrolment Statistics

2.5 Graduation 2010

2.6 Erasmus Statistics

2.7 Library News

2.8 Access Office

2.9 School Reports

2.10 Student Services

2.11 Lifelong Learning Centre

2.12 School Reports

2.13 CELT Report

2.1 Academic Council Membership

Mr Seamus Bellew Dr Sinead Kelly

Dr Breda Brennan Ms Briege King

Ms Anita Byrne Mr Padraig Kirk

Ms Ann Campbell Dr Suzanne Linnane

Ms Noreen Carney Dr Moria Maguire

Mr John Carolan Ms Irene McCausland

Ms Ann Cleary Dr Tim McCormac

Ms Adele Commins Mr Pat McCormack

Mr Denis Cummins Mr Frank Maguire

Mr John Dallet Mr Noel Mc Kenna

Ms Brianain Erraught Dr Gerard McKiernan

Dr Eibhlis Farrell Mr Stephen Mc Manus

Dr Fiona Fearon Dr Daniel O Brien

Mr Gerry Gallagher Mr Jim Donohoe

Dr David Getty Mr Michael O Murchu

Mr Myles Hackett Ms Caroline O Sullivan

Ms Angela Hamouda Mr Eugene Roe

Dr Edel Healy Ms Antoinette Rourke

Mr Shane Hill Dr Brendan Ryder

Dr Christian Horn Mr Kenneth Sloane

Dr Eleanor Jennings Dr Arjan Van Rossum

Mr Cathal Kearney Mr James Clarke – President of Student Union

Ms Olly Keegan Mr David Brannigan – V. President of S. Union

2.2 Academic Council Meetings

Academic Year / Meeting Number / Date
2010 / 2011 / 114 / Friday 1st October 2010
115 / Friday 10th December 2010
116 / Friday 4th March 2011
Special Academic Council Meeting 117 / Friday 6th May 2011
118 / Friday 13th May 2011
119 / Monday 20th June 2011

The minutes of Academic Council Meetings which took place in 2010/2011 are accessible at:

2.3 Academic Development

The following are a list of New Programmes introduced in 2010/2011

Health & Science

·  MSc in Ageing and Health

·  Certificate in Food Supply Chain Management


·  BSc (Hons) in Engineering Entrepreneurship

·  Certificate in Wind Energy

·  Certificate in Ocean Energy

·  Certificate in Bio Energy

·  Certificate in Home Energy Consultancy

·  Certificate in Solar Energy

·  Certificate in Craft Skills

·  Certificate in Sustainable Plumbing & Heating Installation

·  Certificate in Technology Entrepreneurship

2.4 Enrolment Statistics

2.4.1 Student Enrolment by Level & Year - Full time

Enrolment Statistic / Level / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 / Total
Full Time / 6 / 99 / 78 / 177
2010-2011 / 7 / 858 / 731 / 790 / 2379
8 / 444 / 407 / 401 / 639 / 7 / 1891
9 / 56 / 33 / 89
Total / 1401 / 1216 / 1191 / 639 / 56 / 40 / 4544

2.4.2 Student Enrolment by Level & Year - Part time

Enrolment Statistic / Level / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 / Total
Part time / 7 / 75 / 1 / 76
2010-2011 / 8 / 35 / 1 / 7 / 43
9 / 19 / 29 / 12 / 7 / 67
10 / 38 / 54 / 27 / 24 / 1 / 144
Total / 167 / 85 / 27 / 31 / 12 / 8 / 330

2.5 Graduation November 2010

A Total of 1369 Student Graduated in November2010

2.5.1 Graduation Prize Winners November 2010

Prize / Prize Winner / Course
Failte Ireland Prize / Greg Eakins / Higher Certificate in Culinary Arts
HETAC Student of the Year / Alma Moffet / Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing
President Prize for Academic Excellence / Si Zhe Li / Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting & Finance
President Prize for Academic Excellence / John Killen / Bachelor of Business in Hospitality Management
President Prize for Academic Excellence / Mark O Connor / Bachelor of Arts in Applied Social Studies in Social Care
President Prize for Academic Excellence / Brian Flood / Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biopharmaceuticals Science
President Prize for Academic Excellence / Avril Byrne / Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Midwifery
President Prize for Academic Excellence / Richard Walsh / Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
President Prize for Academic Excellence / Martin O Brien / Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Building Surveying
President Prize for Excellence in Craft Studies / Bjoern M. Ludwig / Craft Studies
President Prize for Academic Excellence / Christopher McGreal / Higher Diploma in Science in Computing
President Prize for Academic Excellence / Damien Rennick / Master of Science in Music Technology

2.5.2 Conferring of Awards Statistics

School of Engineering No of Students

Bachelor of Engineering in Sustainable Design 19

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering 55

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering 20

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Building Surveying 42

Bachelor of Science in Building Surveying 14

Master of Science in Renewable Energy Systems 10

Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic & Electrical Systems 24

Total 184

School of Health & Science No of Students

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies 30

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biopharmaceutical Science 9

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Food Innovation 9

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in General Nursing 40

Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion & Physical Activity 24

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Intellectual Disability Nursing 27

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Midwifery 14

Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing 26

Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Agriculture 14

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture 21

Bachelor of Science in Applied Bioscience 11

Bachelor of Science in Food Science & Health 18

Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science 17

Bachelor of Science in Professional Management of Aggression & Violence 15

Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing 10

Higher Certificate in Science & Agriculture 47

Higher Diploma in Science in Midwifery 1

Certificate in General Learning 14

Total 347

School of Informatics No of Students

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Applied Music 22