21stAnnual Oceanside Family Health & Wellness Fair
2016: April 2;10:00 to 4:00
April 3;10:00 to 3:00
Parksville Community & Conference Centre; 132 E. Jensen Ave.
Company Name:
City: Type of Business:
Contact Name: ______Phone: ______
***Please indicate by circling or otherwise marking the box for the fee that pertains to your business or organization. Prices are PER BOOTH, if you want multiple booths please multiply the costs accordingly.
Day and times / For Profit / Non- Profit / For profit / Non profit / # booths / Registration fees extendedEarly Bird
fees paid before
February 26, 2016 / Fees after
February 26, 2016
Saturday and Sunday / $125.00 / $125.00 / $225.00 / $175.00
Saturday only / $125.00 / $85.00 / $175.00 / $115.00
Sunday only / $100.00 / $70.00 / $125.00 / $85.00
Power required / $10.00 / $10.00 / $10.00 / $10.00
Total Remitted
Limited spaces for power, requests will be honoured on a first come, first served basis.
Special Needs:(Special needs must be made known to the registrar at the time of registration)
Make cheques payable to Oceanside Family Health and Wellness Fair or OFHWF
Payment MUST accompany registration to guarantee space.
Mail:c/o Nanaimo Lifeline Program; #302-885 Island Hwy W., Parksville, BC, V9P 2E9
21stAnnual Oceanside Family Health & Wellness Fair
The Oceanside Family Health and Wellness Fair planning committee wishes to advise our exhibitors of the following……
Exhibitor booths will be only in the main Seaside room.There will be NO exhibitors in the side rooms since this is a 2 day event.
You may choose to exhibit on either one or both days. The following guidelines will apply to registrations:
͏If you want the whole show (both days), we advise you register as soon as you are able.
͏One day registrations will be given priority based on date received.When all Saturday booths are sold, we will notify registrants and offer Sunday if there are still spaces available.
͏Power will be on a first come basis.Again register early to ensure you get a location.
- For clarification purposes, a Non-profit agency or organization is a registered society and/or charity whose purposeis a social enterprise; proceeds do not benefit any private individual financially. [small businesses who may not be making a profit at the present time are NOT a non-profit organization]
- Exhibitors list will be shared with our print advertisers who will contact you to offer advertizing opportunities. Consider adding your business card sized ad to our promotional ads.
- Set-up will begin at 8:00am and must be completed by 9:30am
- SATURDAY ONLY EXHIBITORS: Take down may not begin before 4:00pm.Failure to comply may result in you being removed from our exhibitors list for future fairs
- Take down on Sunday is 3:00pm, again NOT BEFORE.
- Door prizes will be drawn at the close of the fair; exhibitors may donate a door prize and/or hold a prize draw at their booth. You will then have the choice of drawing your own prize after the fair or having the M.C. draw for you at the time door prizes are drawn.
- Booths will be judged by noon on Sunday.Judging will take place on both days to ensure no exhibitor is excluded from the competition.
Registration forms will be date stamped and numbered as they arrive; if no payment accompanies the form, it will not be considered received and will be date stamped on the date the payment is received.
- EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: please note the fee structure on the registration form, registrations either date stamped or postage stamped on or before February 26th will qualify for the Early Bird fee structure. Anyone registering after February 26th please use the appropriate fee structure.
- Booth locations will be decided by the committee and are final, so be sure you make all of your needs known at the time of registration.