Policy Policy
Number Regulation
0.1 Concept and Roles in Student Personnel5000P
A. Elementary and Secondary
(1) Admission5111P
(2) Ages of Attendance5112P
(3) Attendance & Excuses/Unexcused Absence/Truancy5113P / R
(4) Suspension / Expulsion5114P / R
(a) Student Due Process5114.1P / R
(5) Attendance Recorders; Registrars5115P
(6) School Census5116P
(7) School Attendance Areas5117.2P
(8) Nonresident Attendance5118P / R
(9) Children of Non-Resident Staff5120P
B. Progress / Records
(1) Examination / Grading / Rating5121P
(2)Academic Dishonesty: Cheating and Plagiarism5121.3P
(3) Promotion / Acceleration / Retention5122P / R
(4) Reporting to Parents5124P
(5) Student Records5125P / R
(a) Confidentiality5125.1P / R
(6) Awards for Achievement5126P
- Activities
(a) Bus Conduct5131.1P
(b) Bicycles on School Property5131.3P
(c ) Vandalism5131.5P
(d) Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol5131.6P / R
(e) Dangerous Weapons5131.7P / R
(f) Out of School Misconduct5131.8P
(g) Bullying / Hazing5131.911P / R
Dress and Grooming5132P
- Welfare
(i) Administering of Medication5141.21P / R
(ii) Communicable / Infectious Diseases5141.22P / R
(iii) Pediculosis5141.223P / R
(b) Food allergy Management5141.25P / R
(c) Health Assessments & Immunizations5141.3P / R
(d) Reporting of Child Abuse5141.4P / R
(e) Suicide Prevention5141.5P / R
(f) Health5141.6 P / R
(g) Student Safety5142P
(h)Rights of Custodial & Non-Custodial Parents of
Minor Children5142.1P / R
(i)Discipline / Punishment5144P
(j) Use of Physical Force5144.1 P
Policy Policy
Number Regulation
Civil and Legal Rights and Responsibilities
(a)Invasion of Privacy
(i) Search and Seizure5145.12P
(b) Freedom of Speech / Expression5145.2P
(c) Sexual Harassment5145.5P
(d) Harassment5145.52P / R
Surrogate Parent Program5145.71P
(updated 1/14/09)
Concept and Roles in Student Policies
The focus of the school system is on the learner, the student. The student’s educational development toward the school’s goals is the central concern of the Board of Education’s policies and the administrator’s regulations.
Each child of each parent shall be given equal opportunity. However, children vary widely in capacities, interests, social and economic background therefore, no two can be treated exactly alike if the fullest development of each is to be achieved.
The Board of Education will attempt to erase any limitations of facilities and means that stand in the way of our school’s availability to all who wish to learn.
Discrimination among students attending our schools with respect to race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, national origin, sex of physical disability is prohibited.
Legal Reference: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 42 U.S.C. 1134n et seq..
Section 504, U. S. Rehabilitation Act. 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794.
Connecticut General Statutes
10-15c Discrimination in public schools prohibited.
Policy adopted: September 9, 1991
Bethany, Connecticut
All children, providing they meet age and residence requirements, may attend elementary school in the BethanyPublicSchool District. Resident students are all students whose parent(s) or legal guardians(s) reside in the Town of Bethany or who meet other state requirements for school accommodations. Such children shall have an equal opportunity to participate in the district’s programs and activities without discrimination with regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation. Students who are classified as homeless 8under federal law and therefore do not have a fixed residence, will be admitted pursuant to federal law and Board of Education Policy 5118.1
The parent or person having control of a child five or six years of age shall have the option of not sending the child to school until the child is seven years of age. The parent or person shall exercise such option by personally appearing at the superintendent’s office and signing an option form. The district shall provide the parent or person with information on the educational opportunities available in the school district.
The kindergarten through grade six elementary school programs provided by the BethanyPublicSchool district will be open to all children who will have attained the age of at least five years of age by December 31st of the year in which they enroll in school.
Eligible children may be enrolled in the pre-kindergarten program at the recommendation of the planning and placement team with an appropriate Individualized Education Plan. Other children who will have attained the age of three years by December 31 of the year in which they are seeking enrollment in the pre-kindergarten program may be enrolled in the program as space allows in accordance with the procedures developed by the administration on a fee paid basis.
Exceptions from routine admission and placement may be made by the elementary school administrator on the basis of supporting evidence from physical and psychological evaluations presented by parents. Exceptions to routine admission will be considered acceleration or retention and be governed by Board of Education policy #5122 (Promotion /Acceleration / Retention).
At the time of enrollment, parents of new students must provide an official copy of the child’s birth certificate, passport, immigration and naturalization papers, court documents, or other legal evidence birth data, guardianship, as well as proof of residence and a recent physical examination and required immunizations.
Children who are being transferred to the Bethany Public School District from another public or non-public school outside the district will be placed in the grade they would have reached in the school they last attended pending review of school records and/or observation and evaluation by Bethany Public School personnel. After such review and/or observation, the Bethany school administrator will determine the final grade placement of the student.
Bethany, Connecticut
Admission / Placement
Specific Requirements for Kindergarten and First Grade
A child must be five years of age on or before December 31 of the school year in which admission is sought for kindergarten.
To enter grade one, a child who has not previously attended kindergarten must be six years of age on or before December 31 of the school year in which admission is sought for grade one.
(cf.0521 – Nondiscrimination)
(cf.5112 – Ages of Attendance)
(cf.5118.1 - Homeless Students)
(cf. 5122 – Promotion, Acceleration, Retention)
(cf.5141 – Student Health Services)
(cf. 6171 – Special Education)
Legal Reference:Connecticut General Statutes
10-15 Towns to maintain schools
10-15c Discrimination in public schools prohibited.
School attendance by five year olds
10-76a – 10-76g re special education
10-184 Duties of parents
10-185 Duties of local and regional
boards of education re school attendance.
10-204a Required immunizations
10-233a –f: Suspend, expel, removal of pupils
10-261 Definitions
State Board of Education regulations
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq.
Policy adopted:September 9, 1991
Policy revised:September 24, 2003
Policy revised:November 10, 2004
Bethany, Connecticut
Pursuant to Section 10-184 of the Connecticut General Statutes
I, ______, of ______,
Name of Parent, Guardian or Other Address
The parent, guardian or other person charged with the care of the following minor child
______, of ______who was
Name of Child Address
born on ______do hereby choose not to send my child to public school during the
School Year
Furthermore, before signing this form, a representative of the Bethany school district met with
me and provided me with information concerning the educational opportunities and school
accommodations available in the school system.
Signature of Parent, Guardian or Other
Ages of Attendance
According to Connecticut General Statute 10-186 the Board of Education shall provide education for all persons five years of age and older and under twenty-one years of age who have not graduated from a high school or vocational school, except as provided in Connecticut General Statutes 10-233c and 10-233d. According to Connecticut General Statute 10-76d(b2), special education will be provided for children who have not attained school age who have been identified as being in need of special education, and whose educational potential will be irreparably diminished without special education.
Parents and those who have the care of children seven years of age and older and under sixteen years of age are obligated by Connecticut law to cause any such child to attend public day school or its equivalent.
Legal Referenace:Connecticut General Statutes
10-15 Towns to maintain schools.
10-15c Discrimination in public schools prohibited. School attendance by five-year olds.
10-76a – 10-76g re special education.
10-184 Duties of parents (re mandatory schooling for children age seven or older and under sixteen years, inclusive).
10-186 Duties of local and regional boards of education re school attendance. Hearing. Appeal to state board. Establishment of hearing board.
10-233a – 10-233f Re: suspension, expulsion of pupils.
State Board of Education Regulations.
Policy adopted: September 9, 1991
Bethany, Connecticut
Students (policy)
Attendance, Absence, and Truancy
Connecticut state law requires parents to cause their children to attend school regularly during the hours and days the public school is in session. The responsibility for regular attendance rests with the students’ parents, guardians or with the students themselves when they become of legal age.
In order for students to develop to their full potential, the Board of Education deems it essential and hereby requires that students attend school on a regular basis and participate in all assigned courses, subjects, and curricular activities unless excused by the school administration. The learning experiences that occur in the classroom are considered to be meaningful and essential components of the learning process. Time lost from class tends to be irretrievable in terms of opportunity for instructional interaction and can be reflected in lower grades.
Excused Absence
The Bethany Board of Education believes a student should not be absent from school without the parents’ knowledge and consent, therefore verification of an absence should be provided by the parent or guardian.
An absence shall be considered “excused” when a child does not attend school due to:
- Illness or injury,
- Death in the family,
- Religious obligation,
- Court appearance,
- School sponsored activity,
- An emergency, or
- Other exceptional circumstances. Written excuse for such absences should be submitted to school officials by the child’s parent or guardian. All other absences with or without written explanation shall be considered unexcused.
Unexcused Absence
Board policy with respect to unexcused absences stresses prevention and inquiry leading to remediation of absenteeism as well as student safety and security. The school administration will establish procedures to keep parents and students informed as to attendance problems and will promote student attendance when such improvement is warranted. Following school intervention, if attendance problems persist, referral to legal authorities will be made as required by state statute. Parent(s) / Guardians(s) are required to notify the school of student absence not later than nine o’clock the morning of the absence or the absence will be considered unexcused and noted accordingly in the student record. The school may contact the State Police in cases
Bethany, Connecticut
Students (policy)
Attendance, Absence, and Truancy (continued)
Release of Students During School Day
The Board recognizes the need for students to be in school for the full instructional day. It is encouraged that early dismissal should be requested only in emergency or unusual situations. A request for release of a student during the school day originating outside the school must be reviewed and acted upon by the school administration to ensure maximum provisions for the education, safety, and welfare of the student.
Unexcused late arrivals and/or early departures from school will be noted in the student record. Five unexcused late arrivals and/or early departures will be considered a full day unexcused absence and noted as such for truancy determination and reporting purposes.
The school nurse may excuse students who become ill during the school day. Parent(s), guardian(s) will be notified so they can pick up their child.
To ensure a continuing education and to prepare students to assume adult roles and responsibilities, regular attendance and punctuality are expected from all children enrolled in our schools. By statute, responsibility for assuring that students attend school rests with the parent(s) or other person having control of the child. Every effort must be made to keep absences, late arrivals, and early departures from school to a minimum. To assist parent(s) and others in meeting this responsibility, the school district has developed the following procedures regarding students ages five (5) to sixteen (16) inclusive: (ages five to eighteen inclusive as of July 1, 2001). The school will:
- Annually notify parents or other person having control of each child enrolled, ages five (5) to sixteen (16) (to eighteen effective July 1, 2001), inclusive in writing of the obligations of the parent pursuant to student attendance (C.G.S. 10-184).
- Obtain from each parent or other persons having control of an enrolled child a telephone number or other means of contacting such parent or other person during the school day.
- Establish a system for monitoring student’s individual absences / tardies.
Bethany, Connecticut
Students (policy)
Attendance, Absence, and Truancy (continued)
- Attempt, if time permits, to notify, by telephone the parent(s) or other such person(s) whenever a child fails to report to school on a regularly scheduled school day and no indication has been received by school personnel that the child’s parent or other person is aware of the student’s absence.
- Identify a student as “truant” when the student has four (4) unexcused absences in any one-month or ten (10) unexcused absences in any school year. Unexcused late arrival or early departure from school will be noted in the student record. Five excused late arrivals or early departures will be counted as one full unexcused absence from school and so recorded.
- Hold a meeting with appropriate staff and the parent or other person having control of the
child identified as a “truant” within ten (10) days of such designation to review the reasons for the truant behavior and to evaluate the situation.
- Identify a student as a “habitual truant” when the student has twenty (20) unexcused absences in any school year.
- Refer students with continuous poor school attendance to the Planning and Placement team (PPT) to determine whether or not an educational evaluation is appropriate, prior to a written complaint to Superior Court.
- File a written complaint, through the Superintendent, with the Superior Court - as required by state statute, alleging that the acts or omissions of any child identified as a “truant” are such that the student’s family is a “family with service needs” if the parent or other person having control of the child identified as “truant” fails:
- to attend the required meeting to evaluate why the child’s truant or
- to cooperate with the school in trying to solve the truancy problem.
- Provide for the coordination of services and refer enrolled students who are truants or habitual truants to community agencies providing child and family services.
A student who is identified as a “habitual truant” may be subject to the following consequences:
- Promotion to the next grade may be contingent upon the student successfully completing a summer school program.
- The student may be retained in the same grade in order to acquire the skills necessary for promotion to the next grade level.
Bethany, Connecticut
Students (policy)
Attendance, Absence, and Truancy (continued)
Persons who in good faith give or fail to give notice pursuant to subdivision (4) above, shall be immune from any liability, civil or criminal, which might otherwise be incurred or imposed and shall have immunity with respect to any judicial proceeding which results from such notice or failure to give notice.
Legal Reference:Connecticut General Statutes
10-184 Duties of parents. (as amended by PA 98-243 and PA 00-157)
10-198a Policies and procedures concerning truants (as amended by PA 00-157)
10-199 through 10-202 Attendance, truancy in general.(Rev’d 1995: PA 95-304)
10-221 (b) Board of Education to prescribe rules.
Campbell v New Milford, 193 Conn 93 (1984).
Policy adopted: October 9, 2002
Bethany, Connecticut
Attendance, Absences, and Truancy (regulation)
Grades K-6
A. Procedure
1. The parent or legal guardian of any student who is absent for any cause shall contact the school office or Attendance Hot Line giving the reason for such absence.
2. No child shall be dismissed from school until the administration or other authorized person is satisfied that the student is being released at the request of the parent with whom the child lives, guardian, or other authorized individual. If the administration has any doubt regarding the authenticity of the release request, the student shall not be released.
3. In cases where a parent in possession of custody award from the court makes a specific request regarding non-release of his/her child to the non-custodial parent, the request shall be honored upon receipt of a copy of the custody award. Should the non-custodial parent arrive at his/her child’s school and ask that the student be released to him/her, the administration shall contact the custodial parent and, if deemed necessary, enlist the aid of the police department to assure that the custodial parent’s directions are followed.
4. To ensure proper supervision of students requesting early dismissal, requests, for early dismissal of students should be submitted to the school not later than 9 o’clock the morning of the day of early dismissal.
B. Early Dismissals at School
1a.Dismissal Because of Sickness of Students at School
It is occasionally necessary to dismiss students who are ill, or who have been slightly injured while in school. In such cases, the recommendation of the nurse is usually followed although the ultimate decision rests with the administration. If parents can be reached by telephone, they should be notified of the child’s condition and determine when they will pick up the student. If no contact can be made with the home or the parent, arrangements should be made with one of the emergency contacts where there is a responsible person.
1b.Dismissal for Emergency Situation
Telephone requests for early emergency release shall be honored only if the caller can be positively verified as the parent/guardian or if the request has been verified by calling the parent or other authorized individual after terminating the conversation in which the release is requested. Parent, legal guardian, or authorized individual, shall come to the school for the child if release is approved.
In cases where an individual comes to the school requesting release of a student, precaution shall be taken to identify and ensure that the individual has the authority to request this release.