NAMI Nebraska Regular Board Meeting
January 31, 2017, Held @ the 25th Street Office
Prepared by Lorraine Jackson, NAMI-NE Board Secretary
Attendance: Nancy Kelley, Tom Adams, Cheryl Willis Denise Stuart, Bob & Cindy Mayer, Lorraine Jackson, Linda Jensen, Tim Cuddigan, Lauren Telander, Jenifer Alquicira, Tracy Daley, Tamicka Bradley, Becky Klippel, Lisa Casullo. ---(Call in on the phone, Caroline Sedlacek)
Meeting called to order by President Nancy Kelley, at 11:30 A.M. President welcomed visitors and members, and established a quorum of the board. Introduction of board members and how long they had served on the board
Ø Changes to the agenda: Lisa Jensen, ask to make room for announcements and handouts from the affiliates. Minutes from the previous meeting were approved. (Minutes were posted on website). President Kelley, informed the members of the executive board meeting, and the special events committee will meet Friday, Feb. 10th, @ 12 noon at 4001 Leavenworth.
President Kelley, also informed the members of the passing of Jonah Deppe, former Executive Director, who had done great work in Nebraska, and many of the members attended the memorial service.
Ø Financial Report: Tom Adams, had great news on the Woman’s Fund for year 2017-2018, but have not had time to meet yet. Tom also added that we would continue to participate in the” Omaha Gives” and the Hawks foundation. Tim Cuddigan reported that C&A would give us $10,000.00 but they are switching directions and funding other things. Tim also added that we had applied for Enrichment Grant funding renewal for $5,000.00. Tom reported that office space was $379.00 monthly. Tim asked about the status of (Smile Amazon) if it was still active, and we should be getting a check from Hy-Vee and Bakers. It was agreed that the board would allow $7,500.00 for conference. This year it will be held in Washington DC; should start planning now.
Ø Discussion on continuing the walk, was to revise the walk and be open for change. Because of the history of the walk the board agreed not to let go, but we need to be real about what we do.
Ø Lisa Casullo, suggested that we look for community investment funds, no one is talking about it, but it would be good to apply because there is money sitting out there and these funds are dedicated to organizations like NAMI. (Sherrie Dawson), with the state would be a good source.
Ø Tim Cuddigan, informed us that Immanuel mental health has NAMI-NE on their discharge list for patients to call, which is a good referral.
Ø Cheryl Willis, Advocacy committee: Informed the board that the Senators breakfast will be Tuesday, February 28th from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. Cheryl encourages everyone to go and thank the senators and staff for coming and listening to us. Senator, Joni Craighead sponsored the room. There will be a continuous power-point going all the while the breakfast is going on.
Advocacy committee meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 11, at 10:00 A.M. Panera Bread, 78th Dodge.
Ø Jenifer Alquicira: UNO. Asked the board what can NAMI provide to our students, what can they do? Some suggestions were to have them attend the Senators breakfast. Facilitate for connection groups. “Ending the silence.” Serve as non- board members on committees. Have students help with the blog. Help with how to give a review on the website.
Ø Consumer Council: No report, Aimee’s Father passed away earlier this month.
Ø Announcements: NAMI Omaha Meeting schedule, 1st Thursday of the month, 6:00- 8:00. First United Methodist Church, 7020 Cass Street.
Family support group meetings—Omaha, Papillion, Fremont
Family to Family Education Program 2017 (NAMI Home Front).
Next Meeting April 18th 2017
Meeting Adjourn @ 1:00 P.M.