CpSc 1011 Lab 11

Pointers– Answer Sheet

Your Name:


Names of Other Students in Group: (no more than 3 to a group)

If you worked in a group, list the names of everyone in your group. You each will hand in your own copy of the answer sheet.




Warm Up

2. Symbol Table:

Name / Type / Address
integer1 / int / 0x7fff8c1ff994
p1 / int * / 0x7fff8c1ff988
p2 / int ** / 0x7fff8c1ff980

Memory Chunk (address on the left, data on the right):

  1. Fill in the above memory chunk table to reflect the changes that lines 6, 7, and 8 cause.
  1. In we substitute lines 10-12 with the following two statements, then what will be the output of the program?
  1. Will the output be the same if we substitute the above two lines with the following two statements?
  1. Will the output be the same if we substitute the above two lines with the following two statements?
  1. Explain why the above outputs are the same or different from each other.
  1. Consider the following program and answer the questions below.

What does variable p2 represent? Will this program successfully compile without warnings? Why or why not? (Try it!)

Arrays and Pointers

4. Compile and run the following program and answer the corresponding programs.

  1. What is the output of the program?
  1. What does array_of_integers evaluate to? If you dereference it, what value do you get? Try it.
  1. Suppose we change lines 10-11 to the following:

Will the output change? Why or why not?

  1. Suppose we change lines 13-14 of the original program to the following statements:

Will the output change? Why or why not?

  1. Suppose we change lines 10-11 of the original program to the following statements:

Will the output change? Why or why not? Now, does the variable ptr_of_array have the same value as the variable ptr_of_first_element? Why or why not?

  1. Consider the following code:

Fill out this memory model table (you may indicate repetition with arrows or with “ marks if necessary):

Label of
Variable / Address of
Variable / Content of
Variable / Meaning of Variable
x / addr_x / 10 / an integer
px / addr_px / addr_x / a pointer to an integer
a[0] / addr_a[0]
a[1] / addr_a[1]
a[2] / addr_a[2]
a[3] / addr_a[3]
a[4] / addr_a[4]
a[5] / addr_a[5]
a[6] / addr_a[6]
a[7] / addr_a[7]
a[8] / addr_a[8]
a[9] / addr_a[9]
b / addr_b
b[0] / addr_b[0]
b[1] / addr_b[1]
b[2] / addr_b[2]
b[3] / addr_b[3]
b[4] / addr_b[4]
p1 / addr_p1
p2 / addr_p2
parray / addr_parray
ap1 / addr_ap1
ap1[0] / addr_ap1[0]
ap1[1] / addr_ap1[1]
ap1[2] / addr_ap1[2]
ap2 / addr_ap2
ap2[0] / addr_ap2[0]
ap2[1] / addr_ap2[1]
  1. Will the program successfully compile without warnings if we substitute line 14 of the program with the following statement? Explain why or why not.
  1. What if we substitute line 14 of the program with the following statement? Explain.
  1. Will the program successfully compile if we substitute line 22 of the program with the following statement? Explain why or why not.

Function and Pointers

  1. What is the output of the following code? Why?

The const Modifier and Pointers

  1. Write and try to compile the following code:
  2. What lines of code cannot be successfully compiled? What are the error messages given by the computer? Explain why. Try commenting out the lines that don’t compile and then compile again – that might help you understand what’s going on.
  1. What prints out on line 9? What is the value of x at that point?