NameAlice Mathea Choyke
Year of birth:1951
1983 PhDStateUniversity of New York, Binghamton, Anthropology
Specialization: Archaeology, Cultural Ecology
1974 MA State University of New York, Binghamton
1972 BAUniversity of Pittsburgh
Field: Anthropology
Field:Archaeozoology; archaeometry; pre- and protohistoric animal bone and antler manufacturing; hunting/animal keeping in subsistence economies; human-animal interactions; material culture studies
Current employment: Medieval Studies Department at CentralEuropeanUniversity and the AquincumMuseum
Doctoral degree
and field: 1983 PhDStateUniversity of New York, Binghamton, Anthropology
Specialization: Archaeology, Cultural Ecology
Other titles:1988 Candidate, Degree issued by the HungarianAcademy of Sciences, Budapest
2007: PECO grant (France) invited participating scholar in prehistoric bone tool technology (yearly meetings from 2007-2010)
2000:Joint grant with Dr. Maria Biró to study and published the Roman bone tool corpus at the AquincumMuseum
1998: Hungarian National Research Foundation (OTKA) Infrastructure Development Fund No. M 027572
1979: IREX (International Research and Exchanges Board) research grant, dissertation research, Hungary
1978: AAUW (American Association of University Women) dissertation grant
1977: IREX grant without funding, dissertation research Hungary
1974: IREX research grant, Hungary
Teaching experience:Advanced Research Methodology
Archaeological Bone Tool Technology (Method and Theory)
Environment and landscape History
Animal – Human Interactions in the Middle Ages
Edited volumes
- Archaeozoology of the Near East III. ARC Publication 18, Groningen 1997 (edited together with Buitenhuis, H. and Bartosiewicz L.).
- Archaeozoology of the Near East IVA. ARC Publication 32, Groningen 2000.(edited together with Mashkour, M. and Buitenhuis, H., article)
- Crafting Bone – Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 937, 2001 (edited together with L. Bartosiewicz, introduction and article).
- Archaeozoology of the Near EastVA. ARC Publication 62, 2002 Groningen. (edited together with Buitenhuis, H. - Mashkour, M.- A.H. Al-Shiyab, article)
- From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth: Manufacture and Use of Bone Artifacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present. Proceedings of the 4th meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group. Muiasaja Teadus 15: Tallinn. (edited together with H. Luik, C. Batey and L. Lõugas, article)
- Animal Diversities, Medium Aevum Quotidianium Volume XVI, Krems, 2005.(edited together with G. Jaritz, with article).
- Materializing Memory: Archaeological material culture and the semantics of the past. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1977, 2009 (edited with Irene Barbiera and Judith A. Rasson, article). ISBN 9781407305097.
- Jaritz, G. – Choyke, A.M. eds. 2005. Animal Diversities, Medium Aevum Quotidianium Volume XVI, Krems.
- Buitenhuis, H. –Choyke, A. – Martin L. – Bartosiewicz L.(eds.) 2006:Archaeozoology of the Near East VII. ARC Publication 123, Groningen.
- Olsen, A – Grant, S. – Choyke, A – Bartosiewicz, L. (eds.) 2006. Horses and Humans: The Evolution of Human –Equine Relationships. BAR International Series 1506, Archaeopress:Oxford.
- Vila, E. – Gourichon, L. – Choyke, A. – Buitenhuis, H. 2008. Archaeozoology of the Near East VIII. Vols.I and II, Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, no. 49, Lyon: Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.
- Barbiera, I.– Choyke, A. – Rasson, J. 2009: Materializing Memory:Archaeological material culture and the semantics of the past.British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1977, 2009..
Book chapters and articles in refereed journals (selection from recent publications)
- 1984. Pitfalls in the analysis of animal production at complex settlements. MASCA Journal 3/2, Zooarchaeology Supplement: 49-52. English
- 1987. The exploitation of red deer in the Hungarian Bronze Age. Archaeozoologia I (1), Bordeaux: 109-116. English
- 1990. Travail de l'os et de l'ivoire á Kerma. In C. Bonnet ed.: Kerma, royaume de Nubie. Mission archéologique de l'Université de Genéve au Soudan, Genéve: 140-141. French
- 1997. The bone manufacturing continuum. Anthropozoologica 25-26: 65-72. English
- 1998. Bronze Age red deer: case studies from the Great Hungarian Plain. In P. Anreiter, L. Bartosiewicz, E. Jerem and W. Meid (eds.): Man and the Animal World. Studies in memoriam Sándor Bökönyi. Budapest, Archaeolingua Kiadó: 157-178. English
- 1998. The Human - Animal Relationship at Roman Aquincum: An Archaeozoological Perspective. Otium 5 - 6 : 1-22. English
- 1999. Camelid bone implement from Incarracay, Cochabamba Valley, Bolivia. In J. Gyarmati and A. Varga eds.: The Chacaras of War. An Inka site estate in the Cochabamba Valley, Bolivia. Budapest, Museum of Ethnography: 111-113. English
- 1999. Bone skates: raw material, manufacturing and use. In A. Vaday ed.: Pannonia and beyond. Studies in honour of László Barkóczi. Antaeus 24/1997-1998: 148-156. English
- 2003. Animals and Roman Lifeways in Aquincum. In: P. Zsidi (ed.) Forschungen in Aquincum 1969-2002. Aquincum Nostrum II/2: Budapest, 210-232.
- 2003. Backward Reflections on Ancient Environments: What Can We Learn From Bone Tools? In: József Laszlovszky and Pétér Szabo (eds.) People and Nature in Historical Perspective. Central European University Department of Medieval Studies and Archaeolingua: Budapest: 139-156. English
- 2004. Archaeozoology and the Transition from Socialism to Capitalism: the case of Roman Aquincum. In R.C.G.M. Lauwertier and I. Plug (eds.) Archaeozoology, Wildlife Conservation and Heritage Management. Oxford:Oxbow books. 141-149. English
- 2004. first author with Bartosiewicz, L.. Angling with bone. In W. Van Neer ed.: Fish exploitation in the past. KoninklijkMuseum voor Midden Afrika, Annalen, Zoologische Wetenschappen Vol. 274: 177-182. English
- 2004. first author withVretemark, M. and Sten, S. Levels of social identity expressed in the refuse and worked bone from the Middle Bronze Age Százhalombatta-Földvár, Vatya culture, Hungary. In: S. Jones O'Day–W. van Neer–A. Ervynck eds.: Behaviour Behind Bones. The Zooarchaeology of Ritual, Religion. Status and Identity. Oxford:Oxbow Books: 177-189.English
- 2005. first author with Lyublyanovics, K. and Bartosiewicz, L. The Various Voices of Medieval Bones. In: G. Jaritz and A. Choyke (eds.) Animal Diversities. Medium Aevum Quotidianium Volume XVI, Krems: 23-50. English
- 2005. first author with Bartosiewicz, L.. Skating with Horses: continuity and parallelism in prehistoric Hungary. Revue de Paléobiologie, Vol.spec. no. 10,Muséum d’Histoire naturelle:Ville de Genève, Switzerland, 317-326. English
Second author for refereed and invited papers
- second author with Bartosiewicz L. 2002. Archaeozoology in Hungary. in Archaeofauna, October 2002: 117-129. English
- third author with Schibler, J. and Jacomet, S. 2004. Arbon-Bleiche 3: a Lake Dwelling on the Lake of Constance. In: Peter Bogucki and Pamela J. Crabtree(eds.), Ancient Europe, 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000:An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World, New York: Schribners' Sons. English
- third author with Schibler, J. and Jacomet, S. 2004. Lake Dwellings in the Alpine Region. In: Peter Bogucki and Pamela J.Crabtree(eds.), Ancient Europe, 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000:An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World,New York: Schribners' Sons.English
Selected important published articles from journals and conference proceedings
- 1981. Régészeti lelõhelyek módszeres felszíni vizsgálata (Systematic archaeological survey). Archeológiai Értesitõ 108/1: 95-99. Hungarian
- 1983. Elõzetes jelentés a tiszaug-kéménytetõi ásatás csontszerszámairól (Preliminary report on the bone tools from Tiszaug-Kéménytetõ). Archeológiai Értesitõ 109/1:35-41. Hungarian
- 1984. An analysis of bone, antler and tooth tools from Bronze Age Hungary. Mitt. Arch. Inst. UAdW. 12/13, Budapest: 13-57. English
- Choyke, A. M. 1989. Modified animal bone. In Gabler D. (ed.): TheRoman fort ofÁcs-Vaspuszta (Hungary) on the Danubian limes. Part ii. British Archaeological Reports, British Series 531i, Oxford: 624-632. English
- Choyke, A. M. 1995. Worked bone and antler from the Avar Period cemetery at Budakalász - Dunapart. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 47: 221-240. English
- Choyke, A. M. 1996. Worked animal bone at the Sarmatian site of Gyoma 133. In S. Bökönyi (ed.): Cultural and Landscape changes in South-East Hungary. Archaeolingua, Budapest: 365-446. English
- Choyke, A. M. 1997. The animal bone material from the Ladik Street. Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae, Budapest, 1997: 148-152. English
- Choyke, A. M. 2000. Bronze Age antler and bone manufacturing at Arslantepe (Anatolia). In: Mashkour, M. - Choyke, A. M. - Buitenhuis, H. (eds.), Archaeozoology of the Near East IVA. ARC Publication 32, Groningen: 170-183. English
- Choyke, A. M. 2001. Late Neolithic Red Deer Canine Beads and Their Imitations. In A. M. Choyke–L. Bartosiewicz eds.): Crafting Bone – Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 937, Oxford: 251-266. English
- Choyke, A.M. 2005. Bronze Age bone and antler working at the Jászdózsa-Kápolnahalom tell.In: H. Luik, A. Choyke, C. Batey and L. Lõugas (eds.) From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth: Manufacture and Use of Bone Artifacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present.Proceedings of the 4thmeeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group. Muiasaja Teadus 15: Tallinn: 129-156. English
- Choyke, A.M. 2006. Bone Tools for a Lifetime: Experience and Belonging, Normes Techniques et Pratiques Socials: De la simplicité des outillages pré- et protohistoriques, XXVI Rencontres Internationales et D’Histoire D’Antibes, CÉPAM: 49-60. English
- Choyke, A.M. 2007. Objects for a Lifetime – Tools for a Season: The Worked Osseous Material from Ecsegfalva 23. in: A. Whittle (ed.), The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain. Investigations of the Körös Culture Site of Ecsegfalva 23, CountyBékés. Vol.II, Varia Archaeologica Hungarica XXI, Budapest: Institute of archaeology of the HungarianAcademy of Sciences: 641-666. English
- Choyke, A.M. 2008. Bone Tool Technology in Africa. Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures. Part 2, SpringerNetherlands: 406-412. English
- Choyke, A. M. 2008.Shifting Meaning and Value through Imitation in the European Late Neolithic. In:Peter F. Biehl and Juri Rassamakin(eds.),Import and Imitation inArchaeology. Langenweissach: Verlag Beier & Beran (Schriften des Zentrums für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Schwarzmeerraumes Vol. 11),English
- Choyke, A. M. 2009. Grandmother’s Awl: Individual and Collective Memory through Material Culture. In:Irene Barbiera, Alice Choyke and Judith Rasson, J.Materializing Memory:Archaeological material culture and the semantics of the past.British
Archaeological Reports, International Series 1977, English
- Choyke, A.M. 2009. Cut to fit: comparing Roman Period and medieval bone workshop debris from urban areas (Méretre szabva: a római és középkori városi lelőhelyek csontműveshulladékának összehasonlítása). In:L. Bartosiewicz, E.Gál . Kováts eds: Csontvázak a szekrényből Válogatott tanulmányok a Magyar Archaeozoológusok Visegrádi Találkozóinak anyagából 2002–2009 (Skeletons from the cupboard Selected Studies from the Visegrád Meetings of Hungarian Archaeozoologists 2002–2009), Budapest, Martin Opitz Kiadó: 235-250. English
- first author with Bartosiewicz, L. 1994. Angling with bone. In W. Van Neer ed.: Fish exploitation in the past. KoninklijkMuseum voor Midden Afrika, Annalen, Zoologische Wetenschappen Vol. 274: 177-182. English
- first author with Bartosiewicz, L. 1999. Bronze Age animal keeping in Western Hungary. In E. Jerem and I. Poroszlai eds.: Archaeology of the Bronze Age and Iron Age: Experimental archaeology, environmental archaeology, archaeological parks. ArchaeolinguaSeries Major, Budapest: 239-249. English
- first author with Bartosiewicz, L. 1999-2000. Bronze Age animal exploitation in the Central Great Hungarian Plain. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51: 43-70. English
- first author with Bartosiewicz L. 2004. Osseous Projectile Points from the Swiss Neolithic: Taphonomy, Typology and Function. In: M. Roksandic (ed.) Violent Interactions in the Mesolithic, Evidence and Meaning. BAR Intenational Series 1237,Oxford:Archeopress: 75-88. English
- first author with Schibler, J. 2007. Prehistoric Bone Tools: Research in Central Europe (Chapter 4). In: C. Gates and R. Walker (eds.)Bones as Tools: Current Methods and Interpretations in Worked Bone Studies. B.A.R. International Studies1622, Archaeopress:Oxford: 51-65.English
Other scholarly and public activities,
Exhibitions, international relations:
1. Exhibition: 1998 Archaeometry in Aquincum (AquincumMuseum of the BudapestHistoryMuseum)
2. Exhibition: 2005-2006 Animals in the Human World (AquincumMuseum of the BudapestHistoryMuseum)
3. Exhibition: 2008-2009 Culture of plants - Plants of cultures: Plants and culture in European History (AquincumMuseum of the BudapestHistoryMuseum in conjunction with the international archaeobotanical exhibit of PaCE supported by the EU's Culture Programme (2007-2013) and with the cooperation of scholarly institutions from 11 countries.)
Official liason officer: for Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) to International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ)
1. Section on animals for Aquincum Museum Webpage
2. Development of webpage for Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG)
Database development: with Professor Gerhard Jaritz, Medieval Animal Database (MAD)
Bio-archaeology lab – joint project with BudapestHistoryMuseum and CentralEuropeanUniversity.
ARCANE EU project: Section on Early Bronze Age bone tools in the Middle Eurphrates region
GDRE project (CNRS, France): European prehistoric bone tools: development of international standards