Curriculum Vitae

NAME: Valeri A. Farmer-Dougan

CURRENT POSITION: Professor of Psychology and Biological Sciences
Illinois State University

EDUCATION:B.A. (with honors) Western Washington University, 1982
M.S. Washington State University, 1984
Ph.D. Washington State University, 1985

University Outstanding Teacher Award, Illinois State University, 2001

College of Arts and Sciences College Teaching Award, 1999
Psychology Faculty of the Year; Illinois State University, 1992, 2007, 2009

Nomination, College of Arts and Sciences College Teaching Award, 1992,1993, 1998, 1999

Red Tassel Mortar Board Faculty Appreciation Certificate of Recognition; Illinois State University, 1992,1994, and 1997.
Student's Choice Outstanding Faculty Award; Indiana University, 1990
Faculty of Highest Distinction; Blue Key, Golden Key, Mortar Board, Indiana University, 1989
Brown Derby Professor of the Year; Indiana University, 1988

Full Member, Association for Behavior Analysis
Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA-CTP)

Member, Association for Professional Dog Trainers (APDT)

Associate Certified Dog Behavioral Consultant, International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (ACDBC)

Member, Animal Behavior Society (ABS)


2011-Present Professor, Illinois State University
1999-2011 Associate Professo,r Illinois State University
1993-1999 Assistant Professor, Illinois State University.
1991-1993 Visiting Assistant, Professor Illinois State University.
1990-1991 Academic Director Hammitt School, The Baby Fold, Normal, Illinois.
1989-1990 Behavior Management Consultant, Sweet Owen Industries, Spencer, IN
1988-1990 Behavior Management Consultant ,Stone Belt ARC Day Prog., Bloomington, IN
1988-1990 Behavior Management Consultant LARC Achievement Center, Bedford, IN.
1986-1990 Behavior Management Consultant Options for Better Living, Bloomington, IN.
1986-1990 Visiting Assistant Professor Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
1985-1986 Research Coordinator Walden Learning Center Integrated Preschool Program, Universityof Massachusetts-Amherst.

2009-Present Applied Animal Behavior Consultant and director of the Canine Behavior and Cognition laboratory at Illinois State University.

2000-2002Behavioral Consultant, Chair, Behavior Intervention Committee for Lincoln
Developmental Center, State of Illinois Department of Developmental Disabilities

1987-1988Behavior Management Consultant, Crippled Children's Services, Department of
Social Services, State of Indiana.

1986 Behavioral Programming Consultant, Three Bridge Street Project, Belchertown StateSchool, Belchertown, Massachusetts.

1982-1984 Self-management training project for adolescents, Washington State University.


University wide Committees:

Member, IACUC, Illinois State University, 1998-present

Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Illinois State University, 2004-2010.

Member, Athletic Hearing committee, 2005-present.
University Review Committee, 2001-2004.
Committee on Academic Integrity, NCAA 5-year Review of Illinois State University, 2001-2002.
Honors Faculty Mentor, Illinois State University, 1992-present.
Faculty Mentor, Presidential Scholars Program, Illinois State University, 1994-present.
Carnegie Foundation Student Engagement Project, 1999-Present
Faculty Mentor, Haynie 7th Floor, Illinois State University, 1993-1994.
Faculty Mentor, Atkins 5th Floor, Illinois State University, 1993-1994.
Faculty Mentor, Walker 1-North, Illinois State University, 1994-1995.

College of Arts and Sciences Committees

Member, Research Proposal Review Committee, 2011-present.
Chair, Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University, 2001-2002.
Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University, 1999-2001.
Five-year Dean Evaluation and Review Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 2000-2001.
Laboratory for Integrated Learning, College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University, 1993-1999.
Project Art for Disadvantaged Children; College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University,
Search Committee for Research Coordinator, College of Arts and Sciences, Summer, 1994.
Board of Directors, Illinois State University Child Care Center. August, 1993-1995
Computer Research Committee for the College of Arts and Sciences. Spring, 1994.

Departmental Committees:

Scholarship committee, 2005-present.

Mentor, SWEPT Program, Department of Biology, Illinois State University, 20001- 2002

Clinical/Counseling Comprehensive Exam Committee, Psychology Department, Illinois State University, 2001-2002.

University Research Grant Review Committee, Psychology Department, Illinois State University, 2001

Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Psychology, Illinois State University, 2000-2001.

Curriculum Committee, Department of Psychology, Illinois State University. 1999-2001.

Teaching Evaluation Committee, Psychology Department, Illinois State University. 1997-1999.

Research, Grants and Ethics Committee, Psychology Department, Illinois State University, 1993-1997.

Chair, Research Grants and Ethics Committee, Psychology Department, Illinois State University,

Curriculum Review Committee, Psychology Department, Illinois State University, 1992-1993

Industrial/Organizational Comprehensive Exam Committee, Psychology Department, Illinois State University, 1993-2000.

Search Committee, Learning and Statistics position, Department of Psychology, Spring 1995

Search Committee, Educational Psychology position, Department of Psychology, Spring 1996

Search Committee, Learning position, Department of Psychology, Spring 1998


President and Webmaster, PTO for Normal Community West High School, 2011-present.

Secretary and Webmaster, PTO for Normal Committee West High School, 2009-2011

Secretary and Webmaster, PTO for Parkside Junior High, 2009-2011

Co-Chair, Safety and Security Subcommittee, CAC, 2008-2009

Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) for Normal Unit 5 School District, 2007-present

Member, Parent Involvement subcommittee of the CAC, 2009-2010

Member, Safety subcommittee of the CAC, 2007-2009

Member, School Naming Committee, Normal Unit 5 School District, 2008.

Expanding your Horizons, “So you want to be a brain scientist”, 2001-present.

Advisor, Science Club, Epiphany Junior high, 2005-2006

International Students and Families Program, Illinois State University. 1991-present.

Treatment Advisory Committee, Homes of Hope, Bloomington, Illinois. 1994-2002

Long Range Planning Committee, Mulberry School, Bloomington, Illinois. 1997-2002.

Mental Health Consultant, Heartland Head Start 1993-2000.

Board of Directors, Homes of Hope, Bloomington, Illinois. 1993-1994.

Board of Directors, Mulberry School, Bloomington, Illinois. 1993-1994; 1998-1999; 2000-2001

Advisory Board, Illinois State University Day Care, Bloomington, Illinois. 1992-1995.

Chairman, Curriculum and Program Development Committee, Bloomington. Developmental

Learning Center, Bloomington, Indiana. 1989-1991.

Board of Directors, Bloomington Developmental Learning Center, Bloomington, Indiana. 1989-1991.

Advisory Board, Area 10 Special Olympics, Bloomington, Indiana. 1986-1990.


Heidenreich, B.A., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Heidenreich, B., & Wise, L. (2012). Functional Neuroanatomy of structures of the hindbrain, midbrain, diencephalon and basal ganglia. In Andrew Davis (Ed). Handbook of Pediatric Neuropsychology. Springer Press.

PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: (student contributors are noted in bold)


Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Quick, A., Harper, K., Schmidt, K., & Campbell, D. (In press). Behavior of Hearing or Vision Impaired and Normal Hearing and Vision Dogs (canis lupis familiaris): Not the Same, but Not that Different. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research

Farmer-Dougan, V. A. (2014). Functional Analysis of Aggression in a Black and White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata variegata). Journal of Applied Animal Welfare, 17, 283-293.

Alferink, L.A., & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (2010). Brain-(not) Based Education: Dangers of Misunderstanding and Misapplication of Neuroscience Research. Exceptionality. 18, 42-52.

Alexeva, Y., Chandrashekar, Seshanand; Dougan, James D.; Heidenreich, Byron A.; Farmer-Dougan, Valeri. (2007). Changes in sensitivity of response distributions to changing reinforcement ratios during exposure to ephedrine, caffeine, and ephedrine-caffeine combinations.Behavioural Pharmacology, 18, 609-622.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Davis, J., & Wise, L. (2007).Changes in reinforcement sensitivity and behavioral topography induced by D1-like, D2- like, D3-like and nonselective DA receptor agonists. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, online.

Bratcher, N. A., Farmer-Dougan, V., Dougan, J.D., Heidenreich, B.A., & Garris, P.A. (2005). The role of dopamine in reinforcement: Changes in reinforcement sensitivity induced by D1-type, D2- type, and nonselective dopamine receptor agonists. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 84, 371-399.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. & Dougan, J.D. (2005). Behavioral Contrast in a Group Foraging Paradigm. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 18, 341-358.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Chandrashekar, S., Stutzman, D., Bradham, K., & Dougan, J.D. (2004). Fox Urine as an Aversive Stimulus: Modification of a passive avoidance task. Journal of General Psychology,132, 313-320

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Dougan, J.D., Rokosik, S., Lewis, J., & Garris, P.A. (2004). Locomotion induced by non-contingent intracranial stimulation: comparison to psychomotor stimulant. Behavioral Processes, 67, 245-261.

Martin, J.C., Dougan, J.D., Wu, Q., Stanisz, L. A, Martyn, S., Rokosik, S., Garris, P.A., & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (2004). Locomotion induced by non-contingent intracranial electrical stimulation: Dopamine dependence and general characteristics. Behavioral Processes, 67, 131-146

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Ernstam, C., Stewart, T., and Thompson, H. (2001). Training Galapagos Tortoises: Using the Zoo as an alternative to Traditional Animal Learning Laboratory. American Animal Trainer, 2, 24-31.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. & Kaszuba, T. (1999). Reliability and validity of play-based observations: Relationship between the PLAY behavior observation system and standardized measures of cognitive and social skills. Educational Psychology, 19, 429-440

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Viechtbauer, W., & French, T. (1999). Peer-Prompted Social Skills: The Role of Teacher Consultation in Student Success. Educational Psychology, 19, 207-219.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. & Dougan, J.D. (1999)The Man who listens to Behavior: Folk Wisdom and Behavior analysis from a ?real? Horse Whisperer. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 139-149.

Farmer-Dougan, V., Minehart, A., Wyzukovicz, J. (1999). Predicting successful completion of Foundations of Inquiry. The CATalyst, Newsletter for the Center for the Advancement of Teaching, 2, 1-2.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (1998). A Disequilibrium Analysis of Incidental Teaching: Determining Reinforcement Effects. Behavior Modification. 22, 78-95.

Burkhalter, B.K.; Farmer Dougan, V.A., & Nordstrom, C.R. (1997). Targeted goal setting: Helping nurses manage a turbulent work environment. Journal of Nursing Management 5, 89-96.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (1994). Increasing Requests by Adults with Developmental Disabilities using Incidental Teaching by Peers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 533-544.

Timberlake, W.D. and Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (1991). Reinforcement in applied settings: Figuring out ahead of time what will work. Psychological Bulletin, 110, 379-391.

Dougan, J.D., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., and McSweeney, F.K. (1989). Behavioral contrast in pigeons and rats: A comparative analysis. Animal Learning and Behavior, 17, 247-255.

Mason, S.A., McGee, G.G., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., and Risley, T.R. (1989). A practical strategy for ongoing reinforcer assessment. Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, 22, 171- 179.

Komisky, H.L., Buck, M.A., Mundinger, K.L., McSweeney, F.K., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., & Dougan, J.D. (1987). Effect of aging on anticonflict and CNS depressant activity of Diazepam in rats. Psychopharmacology, 93, 443-448.

Dougan, J.D., McSweeney, F.K., and Farmer, V.A. (1986). Behavioral contrast in competitive and non-competitive environments. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 46, 185-197.

McSweeney, F.K., Dougan, J.D., Higa, J.J., and Farmer, V.A. (1986). Behavioral contrast as a function of component duration and baseline rates of reinforcement. Animal Learning and Behavior, 14, 173-183.

McSweeney, F.K., Farmer, V.A., Dougan, J.D., & Whipple, J.M. (1986). The generalized matching law as a description of multiple schedule responding. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 45, 83-101.

McSweeney, F.K., Dougan, J.D. and Farmer, V.A. (1986). Simple and Signal-key multiple schedule responding and behavioral contrast. Bulletin of the Psychonomics Society, 24, 88-90.

McSweeney, F.K., Dougan, J.D., and Farmer, V.A. (1986). Simple and multiple schedule responding and behavioral contrast when pigeons press treadles. Behavioral Processes, 12, 273- 285.

Dougan, J.D., McSweeney, F.K., and Farmer, V.A. (1985). Some parameters of behavioral contrast and interim behavior re- allocation in rats. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 44, 325-336.


Farmer-Dougan, V., Majewski, J., Wolfe, D., & Schumacher, A. (2012). Use of a Live Dog as a Motivating Prompt for Journaling in a Fourth Grade Classroom. Presented at the annual Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA. May, 2012

Wise, L. & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (2012). Differences in Reward Sensitivity and Social Interactions When Sprague Dawley Rats, Long Evans Rats, and Syrian Hamsters Forage for Food in an Open Field. Talk presented at the annual Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA, May.

Heidenreich, B.A., Lakin, K.M., Eyler, S.J., Moore, M.A., Tiemann, M.A., & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (2009). Effects of rearing environment on behavior and dopaminergic function in rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. & Wise, L.M. (2009). Amphetamine effects on reward sensitivity and resistance to change in high versus low responder rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Davis, J., & Wise, L. (2007).Changes in reinforcement sensitivity and behavioral topography induced by D1-like, D2- like, D3-like and nonselective DA receptor agonists. Society for NeuroscienceAbstracts.

Wise, L.W., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Garris, P.A., Casto, J.M. (2007). Reduced sensitivity to the locomotor effects of amphetamine in hamsters compared to rats. Society for NeuroscienceAbstracts,

Borre, Y.E.., Heidenreich, B.A., Chandrashekar, S.P., & Farmer-Dougan, V.A., (2004). Changes in sensitivity to reward during exposure to ephedrine, caffeine and ephedrine-caffeine combinations. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, online.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Bratcher, N.A., Dougan, J.D., & Heidenriech, B.A. (2002). Disruption of matching behavior in an operant conditioning paradigm by dopamine D1 but not D2 agonists. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, online.


Farmer-Dougan, V.A. CAS Faculty research Enhancement Award: Changes in reward sensitivity and resistance to change during AMPH exposure in High Reactivity and Low Reactivity Rats: Predictors of AMPH abuse?$3500.

Andersen, D., Baer, J, Bowden, R., Casto, J., Farmer-Dougan, V., Garris, P., Heidenreich, Kattner, K. M.D., Sakaluk, S., Thompson, T., Vogel V., and Vallejo, R. M.D. Program of Excellence in Neuroscience: POENB, Illinois State University. Award amount: $172,000.

Garris, P., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., & Heidenreich., B. NIH Small Grant (R03). Mechanisms of Amphetamine Action on Dopaminergic Signaling. $143,000.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Effects of DA D1 and D2 agonists on reward sensitivity. NIDA as part of AREA grant program. $140,000.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. & Critchfield, T. S. The Zoo as a Natural Animal Learning Laboratory: Developing a Behavior Research and Training Unit with Illinois State University and Miller Park Zoo. International Foundation for Ethical Research. $15,000. Funded 2001 and 2002.

Nauta, M. and Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Assessment of Post-Graduation Employment and Educational Trends among ISU Psychology Undergraduates. CAT Teaching and Assessment Grant. $2000.

Swerdlik, M. & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Co-Investigators. School Psychology Internship Program. Heartland Head Start. 1996-1997. $5,832.

Swerdlik, M. & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Co-Investigators. Heartland Head Start Mental Health Consultant Project. 1995-1996. $5,832.

Swerdlik, M. & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Co-Investigators. Heartland Head Start Mental Health Consultant Project, 1994-1995. $4,000.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Principal Investigator. Signaled versus unsignaled reinforcement: Predicting changes in behavioral cost. University Research Grant 1996 $3,000.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Principal Investigator. Quality of Reward and Human Matching Behavior. Grant submitted to the Small Grant program, Illinois State University. 1994. $1,000.


Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Principal Investigator. Deaf, Blind or Deaf/Blind Dogs: Disabled and Worthless or disABLED and Wonderful? Show me the data. Submitted to the Morris Animal Foundation Small Animal Grant: Total requested: $115,356. Not funded. In revision, will be resubmitted 3/2012.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. NIDA Small Grant (R21). HR vs LR rats: differences in reward sensitivity and resistance to change. (PA07-227). $285,000.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. NIDA AREA (R15) Grant: Effects of DA D1 and D2 agonists on reward sensitivity and behavioral momentum. (PA-99-062). Requested Award Amount: $214,500

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. NIDA AREA (R15) Grant: Reward sensitivity during amphetamine exposure in hamsters and rats (PA-06-042). Requested Award Amount: $214,500 over three years..

Farmer-Dougan. V.A., NIDA AREA (R15) Grant: Effects of DA D1 and D2 agonists on reward sensitivity (PA-99-062). $240,000.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Behavioral measures as an indication of degree of infarct. Submitted to the American Heart Association. $75,000.
Garris, P. & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Sigma Receptors effect on Midbrain dopamine and Behavioral Activation. McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience. $100,000.

Garris, P. & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. Sigma Receptors and Midbrain dopamine Neurons. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. $100,000.

Garris, P., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Schmaltz, L., & Dougan, J.D. Functional Aspects of Mesolimbic Dopamine Neurons. Whitehall Foundation. $73,625.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Principal Investigator. The Good Behavior Game Social Skills project. Grant submitted to the Program for Children and Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbances; preventing the development of serious emotional disturbance among children and youth with emotional and behavioral problems (CFDA 84.237F), U.S. Department of Education. Total Four Year Budget $703,000. Awarded, but not funded.


Shryack, J., Farmer-Dougan, V., Domjan, W., & Beins, B. (2009). Testbank for Psychological Science, Third Edition. W.W. Norton & Co.: New York.

Farmer-Dougan, V, (2008). Nairne, Psychology: The Adaptive Mind, Fourth Edition; Web Project. Researched and developed web links for the new Nairne Web supplements.


Farmer-Dougan, Valeri & Jarvis, Patricia A. (1994). Learning styles and the Undergraduate". Included in the 1994 University Teaching Workshop Handbook. Illinois State University.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. and Dougan, J.D. (1991). Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence. Correspondence course and study guide, Indiana University Independent Study Program.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. and Dougan, J.D. (1990). Test Bank for Carlson's Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.


PAPER PRESENTATIONS: (students are noted in BOLD).

Farmer-Dougan, V., & Chesney, K. (2012). The Effects of an Olfactory Stimulus (Fox Urine) on Reward Sensitivity and Bias in an Open Field Foraging Paradigm. Presented at the annual Association for Behavior Analysis International, Seattle, WA. May.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Majewski, J., Wolfe, D., & Schumacher, A. (2011). The use of a dog as a motivating prompt for journaling. Poster presentation at the MidAmerican Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL, October, 14, 2011.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Richardson, M., & Patel, A. (2009). Changes in reward sensitivity and resistance to change in high and low amphetamine responders," Mid-American Association for Behavior Analysis (MABA) conference, Moline, IL.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., & Sorric, C. (2009). Reward sensitivity and individual competitiveness in an open field group foraging paradigm. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Phoenix, AZ.

Wise, L. & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (2009). Amphetamine-Induced Deficiencies in Reward Sensitivity in Rats andHamsters. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Phoenix, AZ.

Wise, L.M., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Calderala, A., Richardson, M. & Craven, S. (2008). Amphetamine Attenuation of Reward Sensitivity: Differences Between Foraging Rats and Hamsters. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Wise, L.M., & Davis, J. (2008). Changes in Magnitude of Behavioral Contrast Elicited by DA D1, D2, D3 and General Agonist Exposure. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL

Wise, L., Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Garris, P., & Casto, J. (2008). Reduced Sensitivity to the Locomotor Effects of Amphetamine in Hamsters Compared to Rats. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., & Dougan, J.D. (2008). Individual Differences in Reward Sensitivity during Group Foraging: Does Competitiveness Predict Sensitivity to Reward?.Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL

Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (2007). Individual Differences in Reward Sensitivity during Paired and Group Foraging: Does Competitiveness Predict Sensitivity to Reward? Invited address at the Mid America Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI.

Covey, D., Linker, A., Garris, G., Farmer-Dougan, V. (2007). Paw preference as a predictor of Prefrontal cortex, striatum and Nucleus Accumbens DA concentrations. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.

Farmer-Dougan, V.A., Chandrashekar,S., Lakin, K., & Wise, W. (2007). Effects of DA D1, D2 and D3 agonists on k, Ro and Work Effort.Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.

Lakin, K., & Farmer-Dougan, V.A. (2007). Effects of Rearing in Enriched Versus Impoverished Environments on Operant and Open-Field Sensitivity to Reward. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.