Dublin City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)

Minutes of Meeting

Thursday 28th May 2015

3pm, Liffey Room, Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices

Members in attendance:

Public sector representatives:

1.  Cllr Daithí Doolan

2.  Cllr Paul McAuliffe

  1. Cllr Claire Byrne
  2. Martina Queally, HSE

Cllr Tina MacVeigh, LCDC Observer

Private sector representatives:

1.  Maria Tyrell, Larkin Unemployed Centre

2.  Claire Wheeler, Environmental Pillar

3.  Mel MacGiobúin, City Drugs Task Forces

4.  Ciarán Reid, Ballyfermot Partnership

5.  Marian Vickers, Northside Partnership

6.  Darragh O’Connor, SIPTU

7.  Marion Kelly, Dublin City Community Forum

Also in attendance:

Bernie Doherty, Chief Officer; Martin McDonagh, DCC; Helen O’Leary, DCC


Cllr Éilis Ryan; Cllr Rebecca Moynihan; Greg Swift; Godfrey Chimbganda; David Brennan; Siân Muldowney; Brendan Kenny; Mary Mooney

Item 1 Minutes

The minutes of 30 April were proposed by Maria Tyrell and seconded by Darragh O’Connor.

Item 2 Matters Arising

Bernie Doherty gave an up-date on the PPN – the first meeting of the PPN plenary took place on 20 May with 110 groups represented. A nine-person Secretariat was elected.

Bernie Doherty gave an up-date on the first phase of monitoring of SICAP. All Programme implementers had submitted their Annual Plans on IRIS and Bernie Doherty and staff were checking the plans submitted on IRIS against those submitted as part of the tendering process. She requested permission to sign off the plans on behalf of this committee which was agreed.


Bernie D would sign off and report at next meeting of the LCDC.


Item 3 SICAP General Review

Bernie Doherty gave an overview presentation on SICAP. Following the presentation there was a general discussion on the monitoring role of the LCDC and the importance of both quantitative and qualitative reviews of SICAP. During the discussion it was agreed that

Item 4 Tolka Area Partnership – Presentation

Michael Bowe, Chief Executive of the Tolka Area Partnership (TAP), gave a presentation on the TAP annual plan for Lot 2.4 Ballymun / Whitehall / Tolka. A handout outlining each of the 11 actions planned for 2015.

Following the presentation, Michael responded to questions from members.


Dublin Inner City Community Co-operative Society will present their action plan for 2015 for Lot 2.5 Inner City at the next meeting of the LCDC on Thursday 25 June.


Item 5 Local Economic and Community Plan – update

Mary MacSweeney and Helen O’Leary gave an up-date on the LECP. Public consultation would begin in June with advertisements in national, local and online newspapers and notification on social media and forwarded to the PPN, DCC networks and large number of representative bodies. Two joint stakeholder workshops were being organised – one for local organisations (25 June) and one for state bodies with a national remit (29 June).

Joint LCDC / SPC meeting dates will be necessary at three stages during the LECP process. Three dates confirmed – 14 July; 21 Sept; 28 Oct – all 3:30pm – 5:30pm in the Wood Quay Venue.


Helen to forward details of the public consultation to LCDC members for distribution to their networks.


Item 6 Correspondence

Bernie Doherty outlined correspondence to LCDC since the last meeting.

A general discussion followed regarding organisations wishing to give presentations to the LCDC on elements of their work relevant to the LECP / LCDC.


Bernie Doherty to thank Healthy Food for All for their correspondence and ask them to make a submission to the LECP during the public consultation phase but to let them know that there would not be space on forthcoming LCDC agenda for a presentation of their work.

Item 7 AOB

Nothing raised.

Next meeting: Thursday 25 June 2015, 3pm to 5pm, The Liffey Room, Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices.

Signed ______Signed______

Cllr Daithí Doolan Bernie Doherty

Chair Chief Officer