Total no. of periods: / 14Topic: / Safety and First Aid
Sub-Topic: / Conditions required for fire, Causes and prevention of Fire, First aid in case of cuts and wounds, sprains, nose bleeds, fractures, burns and animal bites.
Objectives:Students will be able to:
1. list at least three causes of fire with 100% accuracy.
2. understand the ways of preventing and putting out fire with 75% accuracy.
3. explain the importance of cutting the supply of air and fuel in putting out the fire with 75%
4. state and show first aid treatment for burns, fractures, nose bleeds, cuts and wounds, and
snakebite with 80% accuracy.
Checklist: Causes of fire, prevention of fire, conditions required for fire, first aid in case of burns, fracture, sprain, nosebleed, snake bite.
Keywords: kindling temperature, rabies, sprain, sling, splint, first aid.
PK Testing:
- Terms : safety, first aid
- Safety measures to be taken at home, in school, while playing, in public places and on roads.
- First aid in case of fainting, insect bite, minor cuts and burns.
Development-A smart class module would be shown to explain various causes of fire. The teacher would explain the importance of fire and would state that fire if not handled carefully can be very destructive. The safety measures taken during Diwali would be discussed. The importance of safety instructions written in a petrol pump would be discussed. The students will be made aware of the safety instructions written across school at various places.
Lab Visit: The teacher would perform an activity wherein she would cover a burning candle with a glass. When the candle blows out she would ask the students to tell her why the candle extinguishes? After a short discussion she would explain that air (oxygen) is necessary for burning and when the air supply is cut the candle extinguishes as there is no oxygen left.The teacher would explain the ways of putting out fire by showing a smart class module.
Examples oflighting of crackers (sparklers) and burning of wood after attaining a certain temperature to explain kindling temperature.Term Kindling Temperature would be explained.
Pgs 59-60of the book would be read.
Q/Ans 1(a,d), 3 will be done in the class.
W.S (V/Sci/11) will be done by the students.
Introduction- The teacher would invite the school doctor to the class and request her to talk about the importance of safety and first aid.
Development- A smart class module on first aid treatment would be shown. The students will be asked to present various first aid treatments before the classroom and videos will be recorded and saved in the Smart Class for future use. The teacher would bring a first aid box in the class to make students aware of the things to be kept in the box and would encourage the students to prepare a first aid box for their home. The first aid boxes prepared by the students will be displayed during the walk-in. The students will be made aware pf the situations where first aid can be given.
(splint in arm)
(snake bite)
Pgs 56-58would be read.
Q/Ans 1(b,c), 2will be done in the class.
W.S (V/Sci/12) will be done by the students.
Summation- The students would demonstrate the first aid procedures to summarise the chapter.
The following link will be given to further enhance the knowledge of the kids.
6-58 would Pgs 56-58 would be read. aware of the things to be kept in the box and would encourage the stud / Resources: Select one
Sci Lab / 1
Smart Class / 6
ABL / 1
/ Extended Activity:
Project: First aid box
Presentations by children.
Evaluation- The topic will be evaluated through Cycle Test II.
Closure- Evaluation sheet would be discussed in the class.
Lesson Plan Owner: Ms. Kovleen Middha Team Member:
NAME: V/SCIENCE/Safety and First Aid/11 DATE:
I Tick the correct answer:
- Which of the following cannot be used to put out fires caused due to electrical faults?
(a) Water (b) Fire extinguisher (c) Sand
- Fires caused due to burning oil cannot be put out by using water as:
(a) The oil sinks to the bottom and water floats at the top.
(b) Water conducts electricity.
(c)The oil floats to the surface of water and continues to burn.
II Answer the following questions:
Q1: ‘If clothes catch fire accidently, then one should start running. This would help in putting out
the fire’. Is the statement correct? Why or why not?
Q2: What are the three conditions required for fire?
- ______2. ______3.______
NAME: V/SCIENCE/Safety and First Aid/11 DATE:
I Tick the correct answer:
- Which of the following cannot be used to put out fires caused due to electrical faults?
(b) Water (b) Fire extinguisher (c) Sand
- Fires caused due to burning oil cannot be put out by using water as:
(d) The oil sinks to the bottom and water floats at the top.
(e) Water conducts electricity.
(f)The oil floats to the surface of water and continues to burn.
II Answer the following questions:
Q1: ‘If clothes catch fire accidently, then one should start running. This would help in putting out
the fire’. Is the statement correct? Why or why not?
Q2: What are the three conditions required for fire?
- ______2. ______3.______
NAME: V/SCIENCE/Safety and First Aid/12 DATE:
I Tick the correct answer:
- A break or crack in the bone is also known as a ______
(a) sprain (b) fracture (c) twisted joint
- In case of a snakebite:
(a) Do not let the victim walk. (b) Do not apply ice pack on the bite
c)Do not give alcohol in any form
II Answer the following questions:
- Ram was sitting in his class and suddenly his nose started bleeding. If you were there in the class what first aid will you give to Ram?
- A snake bit Leela in the forest. Asha asked Leela to run and reach her home as soon as possible so that her parents could take her to the doctor but Anita asked her to sit and not move. Who according to you gave Leela the right advise and why?
NAME: V/SCIENCE/Safety and First Aid/12 DATE:
I Tick the correct answer:
- A break or crack in the bone is also known as a ______
a) sprain (b) fracture (c) twisted joint
- In case of a snakebite:
a) Do not let the victim walk.
b) Do not apply ice pack on the bite
c)Do not give alcohol in any form
II Answer the following questions:
- Ram was sitting in his class and suddenly his nose started bleeding. If you were there in the class what first aid will you give to Ram?
- A snake bit Leela in the forest. Asha asked Leela to run and reach her home as soon as possible so that her parents could take her to the doctor but Anita asked her to sit and not move. Who according to you gave Leela the right advise and why?