Georgia’s Pre-K Program
Teacher:Lacey Howard Week of: Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2015 Topic: Apples/Rhyme Time Weekly Lesson Plan Template (LPT2015#2)
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Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday7:45-8:40 / Unpack/Attendance Chart
Large Group/Opening Activity (may include but is not limited to one of the two story times, phonological awareness, music with movement, literacy activity)
8:40- / Activity: Gather/Greet: Good Morning
Schedule-Show Clip on Board
Morning Message
GELDS: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d, SS2.4a / Activity: Gather/Greet: Good Morning
Schedule-Show Clip on Board
Morning Message
GELDS: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d, SS2.4a / Activity: Gather/Greet: Good Morning
Schedule-Show Clip on Board
Morning Message
GELDS: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d, SS2.4a / Activity: Gather/Greet: Good Morning
Schedule-Show Clip on Board
Morning Message
GELDS: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d, SS2.4a / Activity: Gather/Greet: Good Morning
Schedule-Show Clip on Board
Morning Message
GELDS: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d, SS2.4a
Activity: Count up to today’s date, go over the days of the week and the months of the year, weather, patterns, shapes, estimate, today’s number…
GELDS:MA1.4A, MA3.4D, MA4.4C, MA6.4A, SC2.4D / Activity: Count up to today’s date, go over the days of the week and the months of the year, weather, patterns, shapes, estimate, today’s number…
GELDS:MA1.4A, MA3.4D, MA4.4C, MA6.4A, SC2.4D / Activity: Count up to today’s date, go over the days of the week and the months of the year, weather, patterns, shapes, estimate, today’s number…
GELDS:MA1.4A, MA3.4D, MA4.4C, MA6.4A, SC2.4D / Activity: Count up to today’s date, go over the days of the week and the months of the year, weather, patterns, shapes, estimate, today’s number…
GELDS:MA1.4A, MA3.4D, MA4.4C, MA6.4A, SC2.4D / Activity: Count up to today’s date, go over the days of the week and the months of the year, weather, patterns, shapes, estimate, today’s number…
GELDS:MA1.4A, MA3.4D, MA4.4C, MA6.4A, SC2.4D
A minimum of one (1) large group phonological awareness activity is planned daily
Time: / Activity: The students will Listen to “Way Up High In That Apple Tree.” They will discuss the rhyming words presented in the poem/song. They will see represented the number of apples on the tree and what happens when one is taken away each time.
GELDS: CLL6.4b, CD-MA2.4c / Activity: The students will listen to the song-I Like Apples-
The class will make a chart of all of the different things that can be made with apples.
GELDS: CLL6.4a / Activity: The students will say, clap and stomp the syllables in the apple vocabulary words…apple, cider, core, blossom, delicious etc…
GELDS: CLL6.4e / Activity: The teacher will say a word and the students will say a word that rhymes with it. Bat/hat, can/man etc…
GELDS: CLL6.4b / Activity: The students will jump the syllables for the names of each child said.
A minimum of one (1) music with movement activity daily
-9:00 / Music with movement: Get Funky
GELDS: PDM3.4a, CLL6.4a / Music with movement: Wishy, Washy, Washer Woman
GELDS: PDM3.4a, CLL6.4a / Music with movement: If You’re a Kid.
GELDS: PDM3.4a, CLL1.4b / Music with movement:Whip and Nae Nae
GELDS: PDM3.4a, PDM5.4a / Music with movement: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
GELDS: PDM3.4a, CLL1.4b
9:00-9:30—Small Group
A minimum of one (1) large group literacy activity planned dailyTime:
9:30-10:00 / Activity: The students will do a walk through of the story “Life Cycle of an Apple.” We will make a life cycle chart of an apple.
GELDS: CD-SC3.4a, CLL2.4a, CLL5.4a / Activity: The students will taste different types of apples and will chart the kind they prefer. They will use different describing words to tell about the ways the apples felt/tasted/looked/sound and smelled.
GELDS:SED1.4b, CD-MA2. 4d, CLL2.4a, PD-MA4.4a / Activity: The students will describe the parts of an apple to make a class chart and will make apple plates to show the different parts of an appleindividually. Seeds/skin/core/stem/leaves
GELDS: CLL2.4a, CLL2.4b / Activity: The class will read a recipe of an apple pie and will taste an apple pie. We will graph the likes and dislikes of the apple pie made.
GELDS: CLL5.4d, CD-MA1.4d / Activity: The students will make a prediction chart as to if they believe apples will float or sink. They will use an apple in water to determine if they made a correct prediction or not.
GELDS: CLL2.4a, CD-CP2.4d
10-10:30—Recess/Outdoor Play
A minimum of two (2) reading opportunities planned dailyTime:
10:45-11:00 / Title: The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree
GELDS: CD-SC3.4a, CLL2.4a / Title: Annie the Apple Pie Fairy
GELDS: CLL6.4b / Title: Amelia Bedalia’sFirst Apple Pie
GELDS: CLL5.4c / Title: An Apple Pie for Dinner
GELDS: CLL5.4a, CD-SS4.4c / Title: Apple Countdown
GELDS: CLL5.4a, CD-MA1.4b
Time: / Title: Apples A-Z
GELDS: CLL5.4a / Title: Let’s Visit an Apple Orchard
GELDS: CLL5.4a, CD-SS4.4b / Title: The Apple Pie That Papa Baked
GELDS: CLL7.4a / Title: Ten Red Apples
GELDS: CLL6.4b, CD-MA2.4c / Title: Apples, Apples, Apples
11:05-11:45-Lunch/Restroom--11:45-12:45-Centers--12:45-1:05-Clean Up Centers/Restroom--1:05-2:05-Rest Time--2:05-2:15-Restroom/Snack/Pack Up
Closing ActivityTime:
2:20-2:40 / Activity: Life of an Apple Tree
GELDS: SC3.4a / Activity: Five Red Apples (pinterest)
GELDS: CD-MA1.4e / Activity: The students will make wormy apples using punched apples and green yarn to lace around the apple shape.
GELDS: PD-M6.4b / Activity: The students will discuss all of the different items that can be made using apples.
GELDS: CLL6.4a / Activity: The students will predict what they are going to do over fall break.
GELDS: MA3.4d, CLL1.4a
Materials and or activity choices for outdoor play:
Planning for Additional Instructional Activities (story times, music/movement, transitions, large group meetings, etc)
This space is provided for optional use to document additional instructional activities planned throughout the week.
Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
Refer to schedule for center time, clean up time, breakfast, lunch, snack, rest time, outdoor play times and activities such as art, music and PE
*Small Group Instruction: See small group lesson plan page for the current week.
*Documentation of plans for collection of assessment will be reflected on lesson planor optional Planning for Assessment Template.
Small Group Template Two Teacher: L. Howard Week of:September 28-Oct. 2, 2015
Suggested use: one teacher directed activity while second teacher monitors two independent groups; or two teacher directed activities with one independent group. This form may support children as they mature toward independence yet still need teacher guidance and support to remain on task.
**Refer to the FAQ for Planning Instruction and the FAQ for Small Groups for further explanation.
**Documentation of small group reading (book title with brief description of the follow-up activity) is required one time weekly but may be planned more often.
Group / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayTeacher directed
X / Activity:Mrs. Howard-The students will place the number of apples (pom-poms) on the tree based upon the number on the trunk of the tree using a marked tens frame. M
Students:Group 3
GELDS:MA1.4c / Activity:Mrs. Howard-The students will place the number of apples on the tree based upon the number on the trunk of the tree using a marked tens frame. M
Students:Group 2
GELDS:MA1.4c / Activity:Mrs. Howard-The students will place the number of apples on the tree based upon the number on the trunk of the tree. M
Students:Group 1
GELDS:MA1.4c / Activity:The students will match the number of seeds to the number written on the apple using a marked tens frame. ON
Students:Group 1
GELDS:MA1.4c / Activity:The students will match the number of seeds to the number written on the apple using a marked tens frame. ON
Students:Group 2
Teacher directed
Independent / Activity:Mrs. Shelia will show the students a balance and have the students describe different objects that weigh more than an apple. The students will get different objects that they can count to weigh bears, cubes, etc…
Students:Group 2
GELDS:MA3.4a, MA3.4c / Activity:Mrs. Shelia will show the students a balance and have the students describe different objects that weigh more than an apple. The students will get different objects that they can count to weigh bears, cubes, etc…
Students:Group 1
GELDS: MA3.4a, MA3.4c / Activity:Mrs. Shelia will show the students a balance and have the students describe different objects that weigh more than an apple. The students will get different objects that they can count to weigh bears, cubes, etc…
Students:Group 3
GELDS: MA3.4a, MA3.4c / Activity:
The students will make an apple cycle chart to show the ways an apple grows.M-can tell the life cycle
Students:Group 2
GELDS:SC3.4a / Activity:The students will match the number of seeds to the number written on the apple. ON
Students:Group 3
Teacher directed
Independent / Activity: The students will listen to Ten Apples on Top
-They will write the letters of their name on top of a picture of themselves in order using apple shapes and a name card.
Students:Group 1
GELDS:CLL7.4a, MA1.4d / Activity: The students will listen to Ten Apples on Top
-They will place the letters of their name on top of a picture of themselves in order using apple shapes and a name card.
Students:Group 3
GELDS: CLL7.4a, MA1.4d / Activity: The students will listen to Ten Apples on Top
-They will trace the letters of their name on top of a picture of themselves in order using apple shapes and a name card.
Students:Group 2
GELDS: CLL7.4a, MA1.4d / Activity:
The students will make an apple cycle chart to show the ways an apple grows.M-can tell the life cycle
Students:Group 3
GELDS: SC3.4a / Activity:
The students will make an apple cycle chart to show the ways an apple grows.M-can tell the life cycle
Students:Group 1
Planning for Individualization (use this space as needed)
Planning for individualization may be documented below or on the main page of the Lesson Plan Template
Activity/Skill: / Student(s):
Activity/Skill: / Student(s):
Activity/Skill: / Student(s):
Activity/Skill: / Student(s):
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