Name: Robert Bowen

Date: September 21, 2005

Grade: Level: K-2

School: Jeter Primary School

Skill Theme: Chasing, Fleeing, and Dodging

Locomotor Skills: Galloping and Hopping,

Nonlocomotor Skills: Jumping and Crawling

Movement Concepts:

Space awareness: personal and general space

Pathways: curve, and zigzag

Levels: High, middle, and low

Skill Level: Precontrol/Control

Student Objective:

Outcome: Students will travel at different speeds using distinctive pathways and levels in personal and general space.

Students will demonstrate how to maneuver their bodies in distinctive pathways and levels while traveling at different.

Learnable Pieces: As a result of this lesson, students will learn how to….

·  Travel in a curve and zigzag pathway while maintaining personal space.

·  Travel at fast and slow speeds using high and low level in a general space.

·  Travel and dodge obstacle and their peers at fast and slow speeds using high and low level in a personal/general space.

·  Cues

·  Rabbit: Hopping fast

·  Horse: Medium galloping

·  Bear: Low crawl

·  Kangaroos: Jump low and high


Teacher Objectives: During this lesson teacher will work on asking appropriate questioning to students, protocols, back-to-the-wall monitoring, and learning the students’ names.


·  8 Big Cones

·  30 small orange cones

·  2 jump ropes

Protocols: “GO!” Students will start the activity when I say go.

“Freeze!” Students will stop the activity when I say freeze.

“3-2-1 Students will collect all equipment and return it to the teacher or its proper


Set Induction: Good morning class! In case some of you forgot my name, I am Mr. Robert. Did everyone have a great weekend? Okay. Raise your hand if you have been chased by an animal before? (Call on about two students to get a reply) Okay. When the animal (type of animal the student stated) was chasing you how did you get away? Okay. Today we are going to learn how to dodge or flee away from animals that are chasing us. Depending on the type of animal, that is going to determine how you are going to get away from it. Demonstrations on the different animal movements. So, are you ready to have some fun! Yes!!!!! Alright, When I Go, I want everybody to line up on the black line. Go!

Task Description / Task Instructions / Organization
Students will learn how to gallop and jump in their personal and general space using straight and curve pathways while traveling at different speeds and levels. Also students will be dodging the objects on the ground. / Task 2
Now, I want everybody to spread their arms out making sure you have space between you and the person beside you. Remember this is called our personal space. Okay. What sound does a horse make? Neigh! Neigh!
Neigh! Everybody practice sounding like a horse. Good Job!
When I say GO, I want everyone to make their horse sound and begin galloping like a horse and slowly curving around the Barrels of Hay(small orange cones) going down to the “Big” orange cones, turn around and on the way back gallop fast while still curving around the barrels of hay. When you get back to black line I want you to Freeze. Go!
Remember to curve around the hay and try not to bump somebody off their horse. Everyone is doing great!
Now, we are going to be Kangaroos. Kangaroos jump everywhere they go. Imagine that you are a kangaroo and you have to get to the other side by jumping over the fallen trees. (small orange cones are now knocked down)
When I say Go, I want everybody to jump at a medium pace and low jump down to the “Big” orange cones without touching one of the fallen trees or another person, turn around and jump high and fast coming back. Once you get back to the black line Freeze.
What are you going to do one the way back? Turn around and jump high and fast coming back. Good! Go! Good Job! / Boundaries

cones represent hay barrels and fallen trees

students have to travel from one end to another without touching the hay barrels or fallen trees
Task 2
Students will learn how to crawl and run in their personal and general space using curved and zigzag pathways while traveling at different speeds and levels. Also students will be dodging the objects on the ground. / Task2
Lets spread our arms out again making sure we are not in anyone’s personal space.
Now imagine that you are bears. What sound do bears make? Bears roar loudly. Okay, let me here you roar loudly. Roarrrrrrrr!!! Great! Alright, you have to avoid the bear traps (small orange cones) by curving around them. Remember try not to let your hands or feet touch the trap. When I say Go, I want everyone to walk on all fours (hands on the ground and feet on the ground) curving around the bear traps down to the “Big orange cones, turn around and run on all fours (hands on the ground and feet on the ground) curving around the bear traps coming back. Freeze, once you get back to the black line. GO! Good Job curving around the bear traps!
Now, imagine you are a rabbit. When I say go I want everyone all on their fours again hopping in a zigzag pathway trying not to let the rabbit traps catch you.(small orange cones) Once you reach the “Big” orange cones turn around and hop on all fours while zigzagging around the rabbit traps and jumping over the fallen trees coming back. Go! Remember not to touch one of the rabbit traps or fall on one of the trees. Good Job everyone! / Organization
students have to travel from one end to another without getting caught by the bear trap

cones represent bear traps

Task 3
Students will prepare for culminating event. The activity is composed of all previous tasks performed by the students. The object of the game is for the students (fleers) being chased to perform the movement by the students (chasers) doing the chasing and make it to the forest. For instance if I say, “The Horses are loose go get them, that means that the chasers and the fleers have to gallop.” Also students will be dodging their peers to avoid from being tagged. The chasers have to tag the fleers on a body part equivalent and are in proximity to the animal their representing.
For example: The bears are loose, the chaser then would tag the fleer on the foot.
The rabbits are loose; the chaser then would tag the fleer on the back. / Task 3
If you have the color red in your shirt, you will be the animal catchers (chasers) to start the game. Everyone else you will be the animals.(fleers) (Pick a odd color that only 3 to 4 students have on)
My animal catchers go to the center of the field. Remember animal catchers you have to move the same way the animals do also.
Everyone else lets get ready to play.
Now, when I call out a certain animal you have to perform that move the animal does until you here another animal called out.
So, when are you going change the way you move? When you here another animal’s name called out. All right!
Remember to curve and zigzag to dodge the animal catchers. Now if you tagged by animal catcher, then you are now an animal catcher. When I say Go, that’s when the game will begin. The Rabbits are loose, GO! Everybody has to hop. Remember animal catcher you have to hop also. (Let students play for about 2 minutes before switching to another animal. Try to get to all animals at least once.)
The last four students tagged will start the game over. / Organization

Culminating Activity: When I say the Bears are Loose, you want to bear crawl fast or slow pace at a low and middle level while dodging the animal catchers so you can get to the forest. Animal catchers have to tag the bears on the foot.

When I say the Rabbits are Loose, you want to hop using a fast or slow pace at a low level while dodging the animal catchers so you can get to the forest Animal catchers have to tag the rabbits on the back.

When I say the Kangaroos are Loose, you want to jump using a fast pace at a high level while dodging the animal catchers so you can get to the forest. Animal catchers have to tag the kangaroos on the shoulder.

When I say the Horses are Loose, you want to gallop using a fast pace at middle or high level while dodging the animal catchers so you can get to the forest. Animal catchers have to tag the horses on the elbow.

The last animal left made it into the forest.

Refinements/Challenges: Whatever animal is called the students will change their speed and levels, however it is up to the student’s discretion whether or not the need to change there speed depending on how fast the animals catchers are. Also the game becomes challenging once an animal is tagged the join the animal catchers to help catch the other animals.


1. Raise your hand. Can anyone tell me how animals move when someone is trying to catch them? Curving and zigzagging fast

2. Can anyone demonstrate how they move when they where a horse and the animal catcher was trying to catch them? Galloped fast at a high level.

3. Someone raise their hand describe for me, the way a kangaroo moves if it is not in trouble? A kangaroo hops around at high and slow pace

Good Job Class!!! See you all next time……War Eagle