Name: Prof. Dr.Mazin Yousif Hermiz Tamar-Agha
Date of Birth: 21/3/1950
Religion: Christian
Martial statues: Married
No. of children: three
Specialization: Geology
Position: Professor
Scientific Degree: PhD
Work Address: Dept. of Earth Sciences, College of Science, Univ. of Baghdad, Jadiriya, Baghdad, Iraq.
Work Phone: ------
Mobile: 00964 (0) 7702449180
- First, Scientific Certification:
Date / College / University / Degree science
June 1969 / Science / Mosul / B.Sc.
-- / -- / --- / M.Sc.
May 1976 / Science / Newcastle/ U.K. / Ph.D.
-- / -- / -- / Any other
From -To / Workplace / Career / No.
69-72 / Mosul University / Demonstrator / 1
May-Oct. 76 / Newcastle University/U.K. / Research Associate / 2
76-81 / Mosul University / Lecturer / 3
81-93 / Iraqi Geological Survey / Chief Geologist / 4
93 to date / University of Baghdad / Asst. Professor& Prof / 5
- Second, Career:
- Third, University Teaching.
From -To / The (Institute / College) / University / No.
69-72 / Science / Mosul / 1
76-81 / Science / Mosul / 2
93-05 / Science / Baghdad / 3
O5-10 / Science / Salahaddin / 4
10 to date / Science / Baghdad / 5
- Fourth, Courses Which You Teach:
Year / Subject / Department / No.
76-2005 / Sedimentology / Geology / 1
76-2008 / Sedimentary Petrology / Geology / 2
78-2002 / Petrology and allied subjects / Geology / 3
1994-2009 / Clay Mineralogy / Geology / 4
1996-2009 / Clay Sedimentology / Geology / 5
2003-04 / Clay Geology and Eng. Prop. / Geology / 6
1998-2001 / Industrial&Appl.Mineralogy / Geology / 7
2007-2011 / General Geology / Geology / 8
2006-2009 / Stratigraphy / Geology / 9
2005-2011 / Geology of the Middle East / Geology / 10
1993-2001 / Ceramic Raw Materials / Ceramics / 11
2005-2008 / Basin analysis / Geology / 12
1976-2010 / Carbonate & Evap. Sedim. / Geology / 13
1976-2009 / Clastic Dep. Environments / Geology / 14
- Fifth, Thesiswhich was supervised by :
Year / Department / Thesis Title / No.
- Sixth, Conferences which you participated:
Type of Participation / Place / Year / Conferences Title / No.
( بحث / بوستر حضور)
Paper / Baghdad / 78 / 5th Iraq Geol. Conf / 1
Paper / Baghdad / 81 / 6th Iraq Geol. Conf / 2
Paper / Baghdad / 83 / 7th Iraq Geol. Conf / 3
Paper / Baghdad / 85 / 8th Iraq Geol. Conf / 4
Paper / Baghdad / 89 / 9th Iraq Geol. Conf / 5
Paper / Baghdad / 91 / 10th Iraq Geol. Conf / 6
Paper / Baghdad / 94 / 11th Iraq Geol. Conf / 7
Paper / Baghdad / 96 / 12th Iraq Geol. Conf / 8
Paper / Baghdad / 98 / 13th Iraq Geol. Conf / 9
Paper / Baghdad / 2000 / 14th Iraq Geol. Conf / 10
Paper / Baghdad / 2002 / 15th Iraq Geol. Conf / 11
- Seventh, Scientific Activities:
Outside the College / Within the College
Arranging seminars and conf. / Arranging seminars and conf.
Editorial boards of journals / Editorial board of journals
Joint research / Joint research
- Eighth, Research Projects in The Field of Specialization to The Environment and Society or the Development ofEducation:
No. / Research Title / Place of Publication / Year
- The effects of diagensis on some heavy minerals from the sandstone of the Middle Limestone Group in Northumberland. Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc., vol. 40, no. 31, pp. 537-546. (1975).
- Geology of Dohuk and Sinjar area. Geol. Soc of Iraq, Special Publication. (1978).
- 1981. Petrology. University of Mosul Press. 220 P. (Textbook in Arabic).
- The role of groundwater in the growth of some authigenic minerals in soils of South Sinjar plain, NW Iraq. Jour. Geol. Soc. of Iraq, vol. 18, no.1, pp. 197-217. (1985).
- Geology of Rutba area, Western Desert of Iraq. Geol. Soc. Of Iraq, Special Publication. 34 P. (1986).
- Clay minerology of the Upper Silurian- Lower Permian mudrocks in the Ga`ara Depression, Western Desert, Iraq. Iraqi J. Sci., vol. 33, no. 1-2, pp. 81-96. (1992).
- New names for some of the Middle Miocene- Pliocene formations of Iraq. Iraqi Geol. J., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1-17. (1992).
- A classification for mature siliciclastics using the Ga`ara deposits as an example: An industrial approach. Iraqi Geol. J., vol. 26, no.2, pp. 48-61. (1993).
- The Geochemistry of iron in the mudrocks of the Ga`ara Formation in the Iraqi Western Desert. Iraqi Geol. J., vol. 27, no.2 ,pp. 1-19. (1994).
- Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphly of the Digma Formation (Upper Cretaceous). Anah area. Western Iraq. Iraqi J.Sci., vol. 35,no. 2, pp. (1994).
- Forms and concentration if iron oxihydroxides in the kaolinitic mudrocks of Ga`ara Formation, Western Desert, Iraq, III rd Sci. Conf. of SRC, 22-24 Nov. 1994, pp. 39-52. (1994).
- Landforms of the Ga’ara Depression, as related to deposition and denudation. Dirasat, Natural and Engineering Sciences, vol.23, no.3, pp.374-383. (1996).
- The Ga’ara Anticline: A structural fiasco. Rafidain J. of Sci., vol.8, no.2, pp.56-70. (1997).
- Lithological and lithochemical similitude in the Upper Triassic sediments (Mulussa and Zor Hauran Formation) in the Iraqi Western Desert Mu’tah Lil-Buhooth Wa Al-Dirasat, Series B: Natural and Applied Sciences Series, vol.11, no.4, pp.85-111. (1997).
- Assessment of some kaolinitic clays from western Iraq for ceramic and refractory industries. Proc. Of the II nd Mining Conference, Amman-Jordan, 26-29 April 1997, pp.316-333. (1997).
- The Jil Formation: A new name for the early Eocene Lithostratigraphic unit in South of Iraq. Iraqi Geol. Jour., Vol. 30, No. 1, PP. 37-45. (1997).
- Genesis of the Hussainiyat ironstone deposit, Western Desert, Iraq. Mineralium Deposita, vol.33, pp.266-282. (1998).
- Paleoclimatic changes during late Pliocene- early Pleistocene in the Western and Southern desert of Iraq as indicated from sedimentary facies and isotopes data of the Zahra Formation Jour. of Saddam University, Vol.3, No.1, pp.207-222. (1999).
- The Upper Cretaceous porcelanites from the Western Desert of Iraq: Geology and uses. Iraqi J.Sci., vol.41C, no.1,pp.115-130. (2000).
- Palygorskite of the Tayarat Formation (Upper Creataceous) , Well KH-6 at Al-Ansab, Southern Desert of Iraq, pp. 11-34. In: Palygorskite in Iraq. (2000).
- Mineralogy, geochemistry and rheological properties of a Middle Miocene palygorskite claystone from the Western Desert of Iraq, pp. 61-84. In: Palygorskite in Iraq. (2000).
- Palygorskite of the Zahra Formation (Pliocene- Pleistocene) in the Western and Southern Desert of Iraq, pp. 123-134. In: Palygorskite in Iraq. (2000).
- Geochemistry of palygoskite deposits of Iraq: Genetic considerations, pp. 143-178 In: Palygorskite in Iraq. (2000).
- Manufacturing of ceramic water filters from Iraqi kaolinitic clays. Iraqi Journal of Science, vol.41C, no.3, pp. 1-14. (in Arabic). (2000).
- Estimation of kaolinite crystallinity index from the mineralogical analyses. Fifth Sci. Conf. For Saddam Research Centre of Dams & Water Res., Mosul, 11-13 April 2000. (in Arabic). (2000).
- Colour distribution in the mudrocks of the Ga’ara Formation, Western Desert-Iraq. Rafidain Jour. of Science, vol. 11, no.4, pp.86-102. (in Arabic). (2000).
- Removal of free iron oxides from the Hussainiyat kaolinitic clays. Jour. of Engineering and Technology, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 512-520. (in Arabic). (2001).
- Lithogeochemistry of Ga’ara mudrocks (Permocarboniferous), Western Desert of Iraq. Basrah J. Science, C, vol. 20, no.1, pp. 37-54. (2002).
- Facies distribution and paleogeography of the Upper Cretaceous succession in Khelaissia-Anah-Ramadi, Western Iraq. Rafidain Jour. of Science, vol. 14, no.1, pp.25-41. (in Arabic). (2003).
- Facies distribution and paleogeography of the Paleogene succession in Khlaisia-Anah-Ramadi, Western Iraq. Rafidain Jour. of Science, vol. 14, no.1, pp. 42-62. (in Arabic). (2003).
- A comparison between the provenance of Hussainiyat (Bajocian) and Rutba (Cenomanian) sandstones. Iraqi Geol. Jour., Vol. 34, No.1, pp. 89-110. (2004).
- Preliminary assessment of zircon and rutile concentration from Ga`ara sandstone (Permo-carboniferous), western Iraq. Iraqi Bull. of Geol. and Mining, Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 55-37. (2005).
- Assessment of utilizing gypsum and clays in manufacturing thermal insulators. Jour. Of Zankoy Sulaimani, Vol. 10A, No.1, pp.73-89. (2007).
- Synthesis and characterization of cordierite from serpentinite, kaolinitic clay and bauxite. Iraqi Geol. Jour. (2010).
- Effect of cementation on the reservoir quality of the Upper Ordovician Risha Sandstone, Risha Gas Field, East Jordan. Petroleum Geology (2008.).
- Epigenetic alunites in the Ga’ara Kaolinitic mudrocks, in the Western Desert of Iraq. Geologica Carpatheca (2010).
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Al-BannaN.Y. & Amin,M.A., 1986. Depositional environments and facies of the Upper Fars Formation (Upper Miocene) in selected areas north Iraq. Seventh Iraqi Geological Congress, Baghdad: 12-15 April 1986.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Mahmood, M.M.Al-Janabi, S.A., 1988. Depositional environments and distribution of clay minerals in Tayarat Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Takhadid (KH4)-Ansab (KH6)area, Southern Desert of Iraq. Eighth Iraqi Geological Congress, Baghadad: 23-26 May 1988.
- Jawad Ali A., Tamar-Agha, M.Y. & Al-Zubaidi, A. A., 1988. The braided fluvial complex of the Cenomanian clastic sequence, Western Desert, Iraq. Geology of Desert Environment Seminar, Baghdad, 3-5 Dec.1988 (UNESCO-PICG-UISG). Desert Geology.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Ali, A. A. & Sa’adalla, A. A., 1988. Depositional environments of the phosphorites and associated sediments (Paleocene), north and west of Ga’ara Depression, west Iraq. Regional Meeting on Cretaceous & Tertiary Phosphorites. Amman: 3-5 April 1988 (UNESCO-IUGS & IGCP).
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., & Al-Sa’adi, 1992. Disordering in the kaolinites of the Ga’ara mudrocks, Ga’ara Depression. Origin and industrial inferences. Tenth Iraqi Geological Congress, Baghdad: 28-31 Dec. 1992.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., & Al-Haba, Y.Q., 1992. The potentiality of the Ga’ara Formation (Permocarboniferous) as a hydrocarbon source and a stratigraphic trap. Tenth Iraqi Geological Congress, Baghdad: 28-31 Dec. 1992.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., 1994. Mineralogy and genesis of Duekhla kaolinitic clay deposit, WesternDesert. Iraqi 5th Jordanian Geological Conference-3rdMiddle East Geological Congress.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., 1995. Calcareous and gypsiferous soils in the Quaternary deposits of Iraq Quaternary Sciences: Their Economic and Industrial Applications. Baghdad: 2-3 Oct. 1995.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., 1996. Calcrete and gypcrete in the Quaternary soils of the Iraqi deserts. International Conference on the past, present and Future of Deserts in the Middle East: Irbid 30th July-1st Aug. 1996.
- Al-Haza’a, S. H., Al-Bassam, K. S. & Tamar-Agha, M.Y., 1998. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Zahra Formation in the western and southern desert of Iraq. Thirteenth Iraqi Geological Congress, Baghdad: 18-20 May 1998.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Al-Haza’a, S. H. & Al-Bassam K. S., 1998. Depositional environments of the Zahra Formation in the western and southern deserts of Iraq. Thirteenth Iraqi Geological Congress, Baghdad: 18-20 May 1998.
PUBLICATIONS (In Preparation):
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Petrology and diagenesis of the Upper Ordovician Risha Sandstone, Risha Gas Field, East Jordan.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Facies variation and diagenesis of Late Triassic sand shoal carbonate reservoirs (Kurra Chine Formation), northwest Iraq.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., & Yousif, I. A., Assessment of the Ga’ara kaolinitic claystone for industrial purposes.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Sadiq, A.J., Epigenetic alunites in the Ga’ara Kaolinitic mudrocks, in the Western Desert of Iraq.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Ismail, S.A. & Kettanah, Y.A., Preliminary assessment of zircon and rutile concentration from Ga`ara sandstone (Permo-carboniferous), western Iraq.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Sadiq, A. J. & Kettanah, Y. A., Genetic factors controlling the mineralogy and distribution of clay minerals in the Upper Silurian-Lower Permian mudrocks, Ga’ara Depression, Western Desert, Iraq.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., & Al-Zubaidi, A.A., Depositional Environment of Rutba Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in the Ga`ara- Rutba area, Western Desert of Iraq.
- Tamar-Agha, M.Y., Al-Zubaidi, A.A. & Al-Janabi A.A., A comparison between the provenance of Hussainiyat (Bajocian) and Rutba (Cenomanian) sandstones.
(All reports are kept in the library of the Iraqi State Establishment of geological survey and mining except the last two are kept in the library of the Oil Exploration Company).
- Geology of Al-Salman Depression. Report no. 1331. 67 pp. (1982).
- Hydrological and Hydrotechnical Project- Southern Desert (Part 2: Geology). Report no.1380. 184pp. (1983).
- Geology of the Southern Desert. Report no. 1424, 155pp. (1984).
- Detailed Geological Mapping (Scale 1:25,000) of the Southern Rim of the Ga`ara Depression. Report no. 1779. 345pp. (1986).
- Potentiality of Mulussa dolomite for industrial use (Southern rim of the Ga`ara Depression). Report no.1803. 37pp. (1985).
- Mineral Exploration of the Chabd Abed Ironstone Deposit, Ga`ara Depression, Western desert. (Geology, reserve characteristics and estimation, mining conditions and grade). Report no. 1821. 39pp. (1987).
- Al-Nijili Kaolin Deposit for Alumina extraction (Geology, reserve estimation characteristics, mining conditions and laboratory test for alumina extraction). Report no.1851 (1987).
- Outlines of investigation on Ga`ara Kaolin deposits. Report no.1856. 41pp. (1988).
- Prospecting and exploration for kaolin deposits in the WesternDesert (1986-1990). (geology, reserve characteristics) and estimation, mining conditions and grade). 13 volumes. Reports no. 1886-1898. (1989-1993).
- Silica and deposits in Ga`ara Depression (Geology, reserve characteristics and estimation, mining condition and assessment for industrial use). Reports no. 2021. 71pp. (1993).
- Preliminary studies on heavy mineral deposits (Zircon, Ilmenite and Rutile in the Ga`ara Sandstone. Report no. 2025. 65pp. (1993).
- Field description of rocks and sediments. GEOSURV`s work procedure no.5 86pp. (1992).
- Petrology and paleontology laboratories. GEOSURV`s work procedure no.18. 160pp. (1992).
- Cartography. GEOSURV`s work procedure no.31 10pp.(1992).
- Revision of the stratigraphy of Miocene deposits in Iraq. Report no.2054. 65pp. (1994).
- Petrography and diagenetial history of the sandstone of the Risha Member, Risha Gas Field, Jordan. Oil Exploration Company. 34. (1996).
Facies variation and diagenesis of Late Triassic sand shoal carbonate reservoirs (Kurra Chine Formation), northwest Iraq. Oil Exploration company
- Ninth, Membership:
Iraqi Geological Union
International Association of Sedimentologists
Yorkshire Geological Society
- Tenth, Awards and Certificates of Appreciation: NONE
Year / Donor / Name of Awards and Certificates / No.
- Eleventh, Scientific literature:
Year of The Publication / Scientific Literature Title / No.
1984 / Petrology / 1
- Twelfth, languages:
*Note: -Make a copy on CD.