June 13-15, 2017
Hyatt Regency Reston – Reston, Virginia
Name (Prefix, First, Last, Suffix):
Company/University & Department:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone:Email (Email required to receive confirmation):
Please note: An attendee list will be provided to all registered attendees after the conference with your name, affiliation/company, address, phone number and e-mail address. Please provide your business information. To opt out of having your information provided, please check here:
What is your professional discipline? Academia Industry Government Student NPO/NGO Other ______
Is this your first Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference YesNo
How did you hear about GC&E (check all that apply)? Emailfrom ACS GCI gcande.org websiteacs.org website Invited
Web SearchSocial Media C&ENWord of MouthReceived Postcard in MailNon-ACS email/website
ACS GCI Booth at ACS National MeetingReferred by: ______Other ______
Yes, subscribe me toreceive email updates and news from the ACS Green Chemistry Institute®.
Registration Categories / Advanced RateFeb. 15–April 28
11:59 p.m. EDT / Standard Rate
April 29-June 11
11:59 p.m. EDT / On-site
June 12-June 15
Full Conference Registration / $550 / $650 / $700
One-Day Registration Day:
T / W / TH circle choice / $295 / $345 / $395
Student Registration* / $200 / $225 / $275
50-year ACS Member / $200 / $225 / $275
Guest Registration** / $45 ea. / $45 ea. / $45 ea.
Guest Name (First, Last):
Ticketed Events
Tuesday, June13 - Breakfast / Free
Tuesday, June13 - Welcome Reception / 6:15-8:00 p.m. / Free
Wednesday, June14– Breakfast / Free
Wednesday, June 14 – GCE Poster & Reception / 4:30-6:30 p.m. / Free
Thursday, June15 - Breakfast / Free
Program Book
Printed Program Book (online and mobile app available for free) / $25 ea.
A $25.00 refundable registration deposit is required forall workshops. The amount will be refunded after the conference for those that attend the workshop(s).
Toxicology Workshop for Chemists $25.00
Monday, June 12 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The Toxicology workshop will be held at ACS Headquarters in Washington, DC. Transportation is not provided.
NextGenGreenChem Workshop: (75 seats) $25.00 Monday, June 12 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.
The NextGenGreenChemWorkshop requires the submission of additional information. Please visit () for instructions.
Career Workshop: (40 seats) $25.00 Wednesday, June 14 7:00p.m. -9:30 p.m.
The Career Workshop is open to all student attendees; howeveryou must pre-register for the workshop to attend.
- All registrations must be prepaid by check or credit card in order to be processed. Please submit a separate registration form for each registrant.
- Return completed form to: ACS, Attn: GC&E2017, PO Box 3337, Columbus, OH 43210-3337 or FAX 614- 447-3671. For questions, call 800-333-9511 or 614-447-3776.
- HOUSING RESERVATIONS: The ACS Green Chemistry Institute® has negotiated a special rate of $229 (plus taxes) for conference attendees at the Hyatt Regency Reston, 1800 Presidents St., Reston, VA 20190. To make a reservation at this rate, call 703-709-1234 or800-633-7313.and mention the Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference or visit
- CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: Registration cancellation requests must be received in writing on or before June 2, 2017 to qualify for a refund. A $50 administrative fee will be deducted for all approved cancellations received on or before June 2, 2017. Approved refunds will be processed after the conference. No refunds will be given after June 2, 2017. Email refund requests to
- If you require special services or assistance please e-mail
- A complete list of registration policies can be found at
- Deposits for workshops will be refunded to the same payment method within 5-7 business days of confirmed attendance of each workshop
- *Student registration applies to registered undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students (Student ID required) and includes all the benefits of a full registration
- **Guests may not be involved in the green chemistry or green engineering industry. Includes available meals.
Printed Program Book$_____
Refundable Deposits$_____
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED$_____ / Paid by: American Express MasterCard Visa Discover Check(payable to American Chemical Society)
Cardholder Name (please print):______
Signature: ______