For use by CIRs, ALTs



Please be aware that any false information supplied or any information withheld will result in disqualification from the JET Programme application process.

Once you have submitted your application, Tokyo Head Office will not allow any changes to be made other than change of address and telephone number/email.


Please ensure that your writing is legible and in block letters. Please write in capital letters when stated.

1.Position Type. There are two types of positions offered on the JET Programme. Applicants may apply for either of the two, but NOT for BOTH. If an application is submitted for each position, it will result in automatic disqualification for both positions. Please select the ONE position type for which you are applying:

CIR: Coordinator for International Relations

ALT:Assistant Language Teacher of English

2. Interview Location. JET Programme interviews for UK participants are conducted at only one of two locations: LONDON (code number 2100) and EDINBURGH (code number 2300). Regardless of where you are currently living, you must interview at one of these two locations. Please enter the code number for the city in which you would like to be interviewed. Once you have selected your interview location, this cannot be changed at a later date. (NB: For CIR applicants, interviews are only conducted in London.)

3. Name. Please write your last name and first name as shown on your passport. Middle name initials should be written on the last line after the First name line. Applicants with two first names should enter both of these on the first name line with one space between each name. Do not write the initial of either name in the middle initial box. If you are applying with a spouse/partner, make sure your name is spelled exactly the same way on both applications.

4. Gender. Select either Male or Female

5.Date of Birth. Enter the year, month, and day of birth following this example: 1980 06 01

6. Nationality. Please enter UK. Please be aware that you must hold a UK passport by our application deadline Friday 28th November 6pm (GMT) 2014. It is compulsory to have citizenship of the country which you intend to represent. This is a condition that must be fulfilled to be allowed to participate on the JET Programme.

Dual Nationality with Japan. If you hold dual nationality with Japan and one of the participating countries, please tick Yes. If not, please tick No. If you hold dual nationality between two countries other than Japan, for example the United Kingdom and Jamaica, then tickNo.

Please note:

  • A condition of the JET Programme is that successful candidates with dual nationality will have to renounce their Japanese nationality before submission of their reply form (by April 2015).This procedure takes around two months, therefore should you be called in for an interview, you must apply immediately.The Japanese Government does not permit holders of dual nationality to hold Japanese nationality past the age of 22. In addition the JET Programme cannot accept participants who hold Japanese nationality.
  • If you hold dual nationality for two countries other than Japan, you can only apply to ONE of the two countries. If you apply to both countries, your application will be rejected by both of them.
  • If your nationality is different from the country in which you are living, please consult the Embassy of Japan in your country of origin. It is compulsory to hold nationality of the country which you intend to represent.

NB: If you do not hold a Japanese passport but one of your parents is a Japanese national, please confirm with them whether or not they registered you as their child at a Japanese Consulate in the country of your birth (this should have been done within 3 months of your birth or in Japan). If youhave been registered and are listed on your parents’ Koseki Tohon (Japanese Family Register), then you still have Japanese nationality and must therefore formally renounce it in order to be eligible to apply for the JET Programme.

7. Home town and Home County Please enter the Home town and county that you feel most appropriate representing. This would be your place of birth or location where you or your parents currently reside. For example, if you were born in Aberdeen but have spent most of your life in London and your parents still reside in London, you would choose London.

8a. Present address
It is essential that we have these details should we need to send you necessary information or important documents.

Please fill in your PERMANENT (e.g. if you are a student your parents’) address details here. Please double check all your information to clarify that it is correct, especially your mobile number and email address. In case of a change in address, please contact the JET Desk in the Embassy of Japan and update your details. It is your responsibility to do this.

If typing, please write/enter your address in lower case, with the first letter only of each new word in CAPITALS. The letters in your postcode should all be in CAPITALS. For example: 12 London Road, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL1 4AL. Handwritten addresses should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Please make sure you write/enter all address details correctly and accurately.

8b. Temporary address & Effective dates
If applicable, it is essential that we have these details should we need to send you necessary information or important documents.(NB. If you do not have a temporary address you may leave this section blank)

Please fill in your TEMPORARY (e.g. term-time) address details here and the dates (year/month/day) you will be resident at this property. Please double check all your information to clarify that it is correct. In case of a change in address, please contact the JET Desk in the Embassy of Japan and update your details. It is your responsibility to do this.

If typing, please write/enter your address in lower case, with the first letter only of each new word in CAPITALS. The letters in your postcode should all be in CAPITALS. For example: 12 London Road, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL1 4AL. Handwritten addresses should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Please make sure you write/enter all address details correctly and accurately.

9. Medical

Please fill out the attached “Self-Assessment Medical Report.” If you suffer, or have ever suffered fromany physical or mental illness, please attach an explanation and a letter from your physician stating whether you are fit to participate on the JET Programme and, as such, to live and work overseas.

10. Criminal Record

If you have ever been cautioned, arrested, charged and/or convicted of any crime other than a minor traffic offense (i.e. speeding or parking ticket), including juvenile offences, please tickYes. If not, please tickNo. If you answer Yes, more explanation will be required in question 16.Please be aware that all successful candidates will be required to submit an official police-issued document detailing their criminal history, and failure to report items, even those which you believe to have been expunged or otherwise removed from your record that later show up on that history will result in disqualification.

11.Present status with the name of the university attending or employer.

Please enter your present status at the university attending or employer, for example Undergraduate at University of Aberdeen.

12. Educational background

12a. Please select the highest degree level earned at the time of pre-departure orientation (beginning of July 2015).

12b. Please select your Bachelor’s specialisation (major). If you specialised in two subjects (double-major) or had a sub-specialisation (minor), please also select the appropriate subjects below. If you had no specialisation or if your specialisation is not listed, please select “80 (Other Major)” in the appropriate box. You will then be able to enter the name of the subject in the right-hand box.

10 / Accounting / 20 / Art / 30 / Chinese / 50 / Architecture / 60 / Asian Studies
11 / Business Education / 21 / Communications / 31 / English / 51 / Biology / 61 / Economics
12 / Finance / 22 / Drama / 32 / French / 52 / Chemistry / 62 / Education
13 / Industrial Relations / 23 / History / 33 / German / 53 / Computer Science. / 63 / Geography
14 / Management / 24 / Linguistics / 34 / Italian / 54 / Engineering / 64 / Government
15 / Marketing / 25 / Literature / 35 / Japanese / 55 / Mathematics / 65 / International Relations
16 / Other Business / 26 / Music / 36 / Korean / 56 / Medicine/Nursing / 66 / Law
27 / Philosophy / 37 / Portuguese / 57 / Physics / 67 / Political Science
28 / Art History / 38 / Russian / 58 / Statistics / 68 / Psychology
29 / Other Humanities / 39 / Spanish / 59 / Other Science / 69 / Sociology
40 / Other languages / 70 / Other Social Science
41 / TEFL/TESL / 80 / Other Major

12c. Please enter the year and month that you completed upper secondary school(for example 2009/July)

Higher Educational Institutions Attended

Please provide details of your Bachelor’s degree. Please enter the institution from which you have obtained/will obtain your Bachelor’s degree.

Please write the institution from which you have obtained/will obtain your Bachelor’s degree.

IMPORTANT: Please provide an original official transcript of all modules taken at your undergraduate university and post-graduate school if applicable, as well as any relevant certifications’ photocopies for questions 12 and 14.


Please provide the dates you attended this institution in the order year/month/day.


Please enter the total duration of your attendances at the institution, (for example 2 years and 8 months).


Please enter the date you earned or are expected to earn your Bachelor’s degree/diplomausing the following format, year, month, and day (for example 2012/07/25). If your school has not informed you of the exact date, write an approximate date based on the information received.

IMPORTANT: Please provide an original official transcript of all modules taken at your undergraduate university and post-graduate school if applicable, as well as any relevant certifications’ photocopies for questions 12 and 14


Please write the institution from which you have obtained/will obtain your Master’s degree. (If applicable)


Please provide the dates you attended this institution in the order year/month/day. (If applicable)


Please enter the total duration of your attendances at the institution, (for example 2 years and 8 months).(If applicable)


Please enter the dates you earned or are expected to earn your Master’s degree. Please enter them in the following order: year/month/day. If your school has not informed you of the exact date, enter an approximate date based on the information received.(If applicable)


13. Employment Record

Please enter details of your present or most recent FULL-TIME employment if applicable. Enter dates in the order year/ month/ day. Please state the name, address, telephone number and fax number of your employer. Please check that these details are correct. Then add the dates of your FULL-TIME employment in the appropriate box.

Please enter details of your present or most recent PART-TIME or TEMPORARY employment if applicable. Enter dates in the order year/ month/ day. Please state the name, address, telephone number and fax number of your employer. Please check that these details are correct. Then add the dates of your PART-TIME or TEMPORARY employment in the appropriate box.

14. Teaching Background

Please enter details of all your classroom teaching experience if applicable

If you have had any other teaching or tutoring experiences please give details. This does not have to be academic subject teaching. For example, if you volunteered coaching a local football club once a week between 2010-2011, please write the details into the Other Teaching or Tutoring row

Please give details of any teaching qualifications you hold or will hold by 17th July 2015 in the Teacher Training row.

Please enter the age or year group of the people you were teaching, or the level of expertise the students / participants held when you were teaching them in the Position/Level column.

Do you now have, or will you have earned by Friday 17th July, 2015, a certificate to teach in primary (elementary) or secondary schools? Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Several Contracting Organisations require participants that have a strong background or qualification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). Because there are many curricula leading to such qualifications, please indicate whether you have over 100 hours of training (not to be confused with teaching experience) in teaching your native language to non-native speakers by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. {NB: Lack of such qualifications will not hinder your chances of success.}

15. Japan-related Studies

Please give details of any studies you have undertaken of Japanese history, culture, etc. This can be formal or self-study. Please give details of all relevant studies.


Please give details of any FORMAL Japanese language courses you have undertaken with grades and dates achieved.

16. Japanese Language Proficiency

Select the most appropriate level in each category, according to the table. Please note that applicants for CIR positions need a working level of Japanese (equivalent to at least the level two Japanese Language Proficiency Test). Interviews for CIR placements will be held in only Japanese.

17. International/Intercultural Experience

Please make sure you describe ALL your international/intercultural experiences, whether they be formal or informal (e.g. holiday). We strongly recommend that you write details of all your experiences and situations you have encountered.If your experiences are in more than three countries, please write your remaining experiences in the fourth row.


Please enter the dates of your international / intercultural experiences in the order year / month / day.

18. Foreign Language Proficiency

Please evaluate any language abilities (other than English and Japanese) according to the following criteria: Introductory, Elementary, Intermediate, Semi-advanced, Advanced. If your abilities are in more than 2 languages, please enter the 2 languages you are most proficient in.

19. Other activities

19a. Please list all details of any awards that you have gained and do not forget to include all relevant award dates. (NB. A-Levels/GCSEs should NOT be included)

19b. We are very interested in your character and therefore ask you to provide detailed information about your interests.

20. Proposed Direction of Current or Future Profession and its relation to the JET Programme.

Please give details of your current profession or planned future profession. Please think carefully and give details about its relationship to the JET Programme.

21.Are you presently an applicant, or do you intend to apply for any other international exchange programmes or scholarships?

Please select ‘Yes’ if you are a current applicant or intend to apply for any other international exchange programmes or scholarships. If not, select ‘No’. If you answered ‘Yes’, please give details of these other programmes or scholarships for which you intend to apply. (NB: Your answers will not hinder your chances for participation on the JET Programme.)

22. Have you ever participated on the JET Programme?

If you have previously participated on the JET Programme, please select ‘Yes’. If not, please select ‘No’. Having participated on the Programme is defined as actually having worked in Japan on the JET Programme.


If you answered ‘Yes’, please give more details. Please specify the year(s) and the name of the contracting organisation.


Please state the year(s) that you applied to the JET programme.


Please provide more information in this box. Please specify the YEAR you were offered a place on JET and the location at which you interviewed. Please also explain briefly why you did not accept this position. NB: if your claims are found to be false you will be disqualified from the JET Programme application process.


Please provide more information in this box. Please specify the YEAR you were offered a place on JET and the location at which you interviewed. Please also explain briefly why you did not accept this position. NB: if your claims are found to be false you will be disqualified from the JET Programme application process

23. Marital Status

23a.Marital Status as of Friday, 17thJuly, 2015.This information is requested only for placement purposes.Your answers will not affect your qualification for participation in the JET Programme.

Enter the following letter code:




23b. Is your spouse/partner also applying for the JET Programme? Enter Y for yes, N for no or not applicable. If your spouse/partner is a current JET enter Nand add more details in question 26c.

23c. If you answered yes to question 23b, please enter your spouse/partner’s location code for where he or she will be interviewed. Please refer to the table below for codes.