S. No. / Particulars Of Document / Page No.
1 / E-Tender Press Notice Form of Performance Security Bank Guarantee Bond / 2-3
2 / Notice Inviting Tender (PWD-6) / 4-8
3 / Form PWD-8 / 9-10
4 / General Rules and Directions / 11-12
5 / Condition of Contracts / 13-51
6 / Specification and Conditions / 52 -62
7. / Schedule of Deptt. Issue of Materials / 63
8. / Sketch of Typical Cement Go-down at site of Work / 64
9 / Annexure to Clause 34(a) & (b) / 65
10 / Form of Performance Security Bank Guarantee Bond / 66
11 / Table of Milestone(s) / 67
12 / Performa for Performance / 68
13 / Schedule of quantities (Electrical)
14 / Additional terms and conditions

Certified that this N.I.T. Contains pages 1 to ….. (Page ……………………only).

A.E(P)/Eld -11 E.E(E)/Eld.-11

Delhi Development Authority


Online Item rate tender is invited through e-tendering mode for the following work by Executive Engineer (Elect.), Elect. Divn.11,Press Building, Vikas Sadan, New Delhi 110023 on behalf of Delhi Development Authority up to 3.00 PM on 17.06.2011 from the specialized firms who meet the following specialized conditions and shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM.

1.The annual financial turn over (gross) in one of the proceedings three financial years shall not be less than 100% of the estimated cost (duly audited by Chartered Accountant on annualized basis, depending upon the time allowed for completion i.e. total estimated value divided by time of completion ).

2.The satisfactory completion of similar nature/class of works(s) each costing as below in the central /State Govt. Deptt. or in public sector undertaking/Govt. Autonomous Bodies during the last seven years. The firms/contractors shall produce proof from the appropriate authority from the officer of rank not less than the Executive Engineer (i) One similar work each costing not less than the 805 of the Estt. Cost of the proposed work (ii). Two similar works each costing not less than the 60% of the Estimated Cost of the proposed work (iii) Three similar works costing not less than the 40% of the Estimated Cost of the proposed work.

The tender documents can be had / downloaded from the e-tendering website i.e or on payment of cost of tender (non-refundable) to AO(CAU) South Zone Shahpur Jat, New Delhi 110016 and tender processing fee (non-refundable) to M/S ITI Limited on production of Valid Enlistment Certificate and valid Registration with Works Contract Cell of DVAT deptt. of G.N.C.T of Delhi under Delhi value aided Tax Act 2004 and Tax clearance certificate issued by works contract cell. Sale of tender form will be stopped four days (including the date of opening) before the date fixed for opening of tender documents. The entire original registration certificate will be shown by the contractor at the time of sale and same should be scanned and uploaded at the time of online submission of tender.

The earnest money should accompany the tender in the form of Receipt Treasury challan / Deposits at call Receipt/Fixed deposit Receipt valid for a period of six months/ Demand Draft of schedule Bank guaranteed by the Reserve Bank of India issued in favour of Sr. A.O/CAU (South Zone,) DDA Shahpurjat, New Delhi 110016 and the same shall be handed over to Ex. Engineer, Electrical Division 11, Press Building, INA, New Delhi 110023 before opening of the tender. The tender of the contractor who does not enclose the earnest money in the above prescribed manner shall summarily be rejected.)

No. / Name of work / Estimated cost / Tender Cost / Processing Fee / Earnest Money / Time allowed / Last Date of Sale
Date of opening
1. / M/o Various Scheme under NA II (SZ) SH: Annual running maintenance of Sub. Station, D.G.Set, fountain submersible pump set and lighting system at Millennium Park- Annual running maintenance of sub. Station & D.G.Set. No.05//ED-11/11-12 / Rs.4,18,378/- / Rs.500/-
+ 5 % VAT / Rs.552/- / Rs.8,368/- / 12 Months / 13.06.2011

For eligibility criteria, mode of payment of tender cost, processing fee & Earnest money and other details of the tender visit the website or . For any assistance on e-tendering please contact M/s ITI Limited on 011-22488721, 9350893669, 8010367038, and 9312064776.

Sd/- 3/6/2011




No.F.5(Misc.) EE/ED-11NIT/DDA/11-12/575 Dated : 03.06.2011

Copy to:-

  1. The Chief Engineer (Elect.), DDA,
  2. The Suptdg. Engineer (Elect.) Circle-3, DDA.
  3. The Suptdg, Engineer/Quality Control Cell, DDA.
  4. Director System, DDA, with the request to put on DDA “Website.
  5. Finance Officer, to Chief Engineer(Elect.), DDA
  6. Executive Engineer/Western Division No. 5,Vikas Minar, DDA
  7. Executive Engineer (Elect.) Div. No. 1,3,4,5,6,78,9,10 &12/DDA.
  8. Sr.Accounts Officer, CAU/South Zone /DDA.
  9. The Secy.Contractor Welfare Association (Regd.)Y-shape Building IP Estate, New Delhi.
  10. A.O.(Work),DDA
  11. Asstt. Engineer (Elect.)1,2,3,4 & AE (P)Dv. No.11/DDA.
  12. Asstt. Accounts Officer, Elect. Div. No. 11 .DDA.
  13. Head Clerk, Elect. Div. No.11 /DDA.
  14. The Association of Electrical Contractor (Regd.) Chamber No.103,Laxmi Complex,

B-6, Subhash Chowk, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi

  1. DDA Contractor Association,. E-18, Vikas Kutteer New Delhi.
  2. Secretary, Contractor Association. Block-11, 946, Kirti Nagar, Ware Housing Scheme, New Delhi.
  3. DDA Contractor Welfare Association. Room No. 12, Barrack No.1, Vikas Kutteer, New Delhi.

16. E-Mail address :

17. M/s.ITI Ltd. Plot No.495-496 main madhuban road, Shakarpur Ganesh Nagar II, Near

Ambedkar Polytechnic, Delhi.

18. Notice Board.

Sd/- 3/6/2011



Delhi Development Authority



1. Online Item rate tender is invited through e-tendering mode for the following work by Executive Engineer(Elect.), Elect. Divn.11, D.D.A. press Building, Vikas Sadan, New Delhi - 110023 on behalf of Delhi Development Authority up to 3.00 PM on 17.06.2011 from the specialized firm who meet the specialized conditions (as mentioned in the NIT ) and the same shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM.

NIT No. 05//ED-11/11-12

Name of Work : M/o Various Scheme under NA II (SZ) SH: Annual running

maintenance of Sub. Station, D.G. Set, fountain submersible

pump set and lighting system at Millennium Park- Annual

running maintenance of sub. Station & D.G. Set.

Estimated Cost :Rs. 4,18,378/-

Tender Cost :Rs. 500 + 5% VAT

Tender Processing Fee :Rs.552/-

Earnest Money :Rs.8,368/-

Time allowed :12 Months

The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of down loadings.

In case only the last date of downloading of tender is extended the enlistment of the contractor should be valid on the original date of downloading.

1. Tenders shall be issued to the eligible contractors who fulfill the following criteria of eligibility and should have Class-II Digital Signature and registration with service provider M/s ITI Limited , Plot no. 495-496, Main Madhuban Road, Shakarpur , Ganesh Nagar –II near Ambedkar Polytechnic , Delhi-110092

Criteria of eligibility for issue of tender documents:-

1.2 Eligible Contactors who meet the specialized conditions and valid Enlistment certificate and valid Registration with Works Contract Cell of DVAT deptt. of GNCT of Delhi under Delhi value aided Tax Act 2004 and Tax clearance certificate issued by Works Contract Cell.

Delhi Development Authority

2 Agreement shall be drawn with successful tenderer on prescribed form attached. Tenderer shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement.

3 The time allowed for carrying out the work will be as per the NIT.

4 The site for the work is available.

5  The tender shall be accepted only through online e-Tendering process and all details pertaining to the tender and guidelines for e-tendering are available on the website and . Intending contractors need to register themselves on the e-tendering website to get the USER ID and PASSWORD from M/s ITI Limited, Plot no. 495-496, Main Madhuban road, Shakarpur, Ganesh Nagar-II near Ambedkar Polytechnic, Delhi-110092 by paying required fee and completing the steps specified on above referred website.

5(i) Tender documents consisting of plans, Specifications, the schedule of quantities of the various classes of work to be done and the set of terms and conditions of Contract to be complied by the Contractor and other necessary documents can be downloaded from the e-tendering website documents will be issued only through e-tendering website after the payment Tender Cost + 5% VAT as cost of Tender (non refundable) in the form of Cash to the office of the CAU ( South Zone), DDA, Shahpurjat, New Delhi 110016) and tender processing fee of Rs. 552/-(on refundable) should be deposited in the form of demand draft in favor of M/s ITI Limited payable at Delhi along with covering letter and physically submitted to ITI Limited, No.495-496, Main Madhuban Road, Shakarpur, Ganesh Nagar-II, Near Ambedkar Polytechnic College, New Delhi-92 (Postal Delays will not be entertained and document will not be issued).The contractor has to request through online by filling of the details of receipt number issued by CAU for cost of tender and DD No, date of tender processing fee in the DDA online e-tendering website using User ID & Password for requesting the tender schedules for quoting their rates and amount for the tender.The tender will be opened only through online tendering process. Bidders can see their bids opened through online after logging in into the DDAs e-tendering web site using their User Id and Password.

6(i) Tenders shall be accompanied with Earnest money of Rs.______( as indicated in the individual NIT) in ReceiptTreasury challan/ Deposit at call receipt of a scheduled bank/ fixed deposit receipt of a scheduled bank/ demand draft of a scheduled bankissued in favour of Sr. A.O. / CAU/South Zone./DDA, Shahpurjat ,New Delhi 110016. 50 % of the earnest money or Rs20 lakh, whichever is less, will have to be deposited in the shape prescribed above and balance amount of earnest money can be accepted in the form of Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank having validity for 6 months or more from the last date of receipt of tenders.

6(ii) Scanned copy of earnest money is to be uploaded. However, original receipt of earnest money is to be submitted in the office of the Executive Engineer inviting tender before the time and date of opening of e-tender as indicated in the calendar of events below.

Delhi Development Authority

6(iii) The tender of only those tenderers shall be opened online, whose earnest money submitted in the proper manner.

6(iv) The contractors shall upload scanned copy of TIN number as issued by D-Vat Department on DDAs e-tendering website. However, attested copies to be submitted in the office of the Executive Engineer inviting tender before the date and time of opening of e-tender as indicated in the calendar of events below.

6(v) The contractors shall upload scanned copy of proof of having submitted the latest D-Vat / CST returns etc on DDAs e-tendering website. However, attested copies to be submitted in the office of the Executive Engineer inviting tender before the time and date of opening of e-tender as indicated in the calendar of events below.

6(vi) The contractors shall upload the scanned copy of valid DDA/CPWD/MES/Railways/P&T registration Certificate of appropriate category wherever required to meet eligibility criteria specified in para 1.2 . However, attested copies to be submitted in the office of the Executive Engineer inviting tender before the time and date of opening of e-tender as indicated in the calendar of events below.

6(vii) The tender shall be opened on 17.06.2011 at 3.30PM only of those tenderers who fulfill the eligible criteria and the required documents found in order. If any of the above dates happens to be holiday, next working day will be considered for all purposes. Conditional tender shall not be considered.

6(viii) Calendar of Events:

Sl.No / Events / Date & Time Format (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)
1.  / Commencement of e-Tender / 03.06.2011
2.  / Last date & time for receipt of requisition of e-Tender / 13.06.2011
3.  / Last Date & time for issue of e-Tender / 13.06.2011
4.  / Last Date & time of submission of e-Tender. / 17.06.2011at 3.00 PM
5.  / Date & time of opening of e-Tender / 17.06.2011at 3.30 PM

7  The contractor whose tender is accepted will be required to furnish performance guaranteeof 5 % (Five percent) of the tendered amount within the period specified in Schedule F. This guarantee shall be in the form of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs10,000/-) or Deposit at call receipt of any scheduled bank/Banker’s cheque of any scheduled bank/Demand draft of any scheduled bank/Pay order ofany scheduled bank (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 1,00,000) or Government securities or fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of anyScheduled bank or the State Bank of India inaccordance with the prescribed form.

7(i) In case the contractor fail to deposit the said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule F, including the extended period if any, the Earnest Money, deposited by the Contractor shall be forfeited automatically without any notice to the contractor.

Delhi Development Authority

8. The description of the work is as follows:

………-Annual running maintenance of sub. Station & D.G.Set ------

8(i) Copies of other drawings and documents pertaining to the work will be opened for inspection by the tenderers at the office of the Executive Engineer inviting the tender.

8(ii) Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity, access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract document. Submission of a tender by tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant etc will be issued to him by the government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.