Wildcat Word

West Marin School Phone: (415) 663-1014 Fax: (415) 663-8558

Inverness School Phone: (415) 669-1018 Fax: (415) 669-1581

West Marin - Inverness School Newsletter t Jim Patterson, Principal t April 26, 2012

Calendar Update:
May 1st PTSA Meeting 6 pm
May 3rd District Meeting
K-1st trip to Fire House
May 7-18th STAR testing
May 15th- Family/Community
Pizza/Meeting/Art 6-7:30pm
May 21-24 – 4th to Tomales History Museum
May 23rd – Music Performance 1:30 and 7pm
May 24th – OPEN HOUSE
May 28th – No School –Memorial Day
Community Meeting
On April 18th the PTSA, ELAC, SSC hosted a community meeting about the transitions taking place at West Marin School. Dr. Rosenthal gave a brief description of the principal search process and was available to answer questions.
Most of the meeting consisted of small group brainstorming sessions with the results shared with the entire group. All the ideas about what can be improved at West Marin School are delivered to the various parent groups to prioritize and be worked on. The results will be published in a future Wildcat Word.
Summer School
The Shoreline district is offering Summer School in the form of Summer Academies on the Tomales Elementary campus. The hours are 8:15-1:15 and will include breakfast and lunch. The session runs from June 25th through July 13th. Applications will be available soon so please mark you calendars. / SSC PARENT REPRESENTATIVE ELECTIONS--
As you probably know, the West Marin-Inverness School Site Council (SSC) is an advisory body that comprises an equal number of staff (includingour Principal)and parents. We currently meet monthly, at 3:15 on the forth Thursday. Parents, Staff and the public at large are welcome to attend meetings. We regularly review our current and projected budgets, special projects and our school goals.
Elections for3-parent representative positions onSSC will be held very soon. The new term will start with our next school year (2012/13) . The school year officially begins in July, but our first meeting is usually held in September.
Jodi Stephens and I will be running for re-election. Lourdes Romo and Maria Imelda Macias are also parent representatives, but their terms expire at the end of the next school year. Scott Wolland's term also expires at the end of the next school year, but he will be stepping down at the end of this year. We will miss you Scott and thank you so much for serving on SSC!
Our nomination period is currently open; please contact Jim Patterson, Lourdes Romo or Rhonda Kutter to find out more about this opportunity. We are encouraging additional parents to join SSC as Alternate Parent Representatives, so the commitment could be more on a per-meeting basis. Everyone can be involved. We are committed to conducting our meetings in English and Spanish and providing childcare too, so don't be shy! We want everyone to have a chance to participate and become leaders in our school.
Rhonda Kutter,
SSC President
Thanks to all who showed up for the school
garden workday last saturday! Our principal J.P. is an excellent weeder- also thanks to several members of the Inverness Garden club as well as a
handful of people from our community who showed up to lend a hand. Next time let's get more parents involved! In garden class- the students have been busy planting, weeding and eating
all that the garden provides. This season, salad is in!
thanks again, Vanessa the Garden Teacher