Submitted on June 17th, 2015
Submitted values are:
--Section 1: Organization Information--
Name of Organization: Academy for Career Exploration
Mailing Address: 155 Harrison Street, Providence, RI 02907
Name of Project Contact Person(s): Vanessa Toledo-Vickers,
Director of Operations
Phone: 401.456.1738 xt 106
Type of Organization: Public (town, city, municipality, special
district, government agency)
If Other:
Description of Organization and Mission:
Academy for Career Exploration (ACE), the oldest public charter
school in Rhode Island, is a leading high school in Providence.
ACE, along with community, higher education and industry
partners, are at the center of creating an educational
environment that integrates rigorous academics with real-life
relevance specific to the student’s career interests.
Nationwide, as Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are
evolving to better serve the country’s need, ACE has
incorporated the CTE program into its curriculum. CTE prepares
students to participate in the drive to enhance America’s
success and vitality. CTE creates an educational environment that
integrates core academics with real-world relevance by
transforming expectations and making a difference for students in
secondary and postsecondary schools, and for businesses and
ACE’s Career Pathway focus is based on employer input and
expertise regarding current and future workforce needs in
expanding labor markets, as well as uniqueness relative to the
other CTE alternatives offered in the district. They align with
the National Career Clusters® Framework which provides the
structure for organizing and delivering quality CTE programs
through learning and comprehensive programs of study.
ACE offers three specific, defined, unique, and integrated
pathways that allow students to earn industry credentials or
certifications and/or post-secondary credit in the field upon
The Medical Information Technology Career Pathway provides
students with a strong foundation in the areas of medical
technology, focusing on database security, data analysis, coding
and classification systems, and information management.
Coursework also includes medical terminology, anatomy, and
The Web Programming and Development Career Pathway provides
students with a strong foundation in information technology, with
particular emphasis on web coding, the design process, digital
media communications, interactive technologies, and product
The Business and Marketing Career Pathway provides students with
a strong foundation in business and marketing with particular
emphasis on customer relations, fundamentals of marketing,
financial analysis, business operations, sales, channel
management, promotion, marketing information management,
entrepreneurship, and business management.
Our community service, work readiness, employment, internship,
and certification programs are key components of the school model
as these provide invaluable experiences and skills that enhance
our student’s ability to succeed at their chosen path.
On average, how many individuals does your organization serve per
year? About 500 (220 students, 200 families, 30 staff members, 30
middle school counselors/other middle school staff, 15 Board of
Directors Members. Alumni that are looking to stay in touch, get
transcripts, etc.)
How did you hear about the CPC? We heard about the CPC
opportunity through our work with Dean Jamie Scurry.
--Section 2: Project Description--
Title of the Project: ACE Website Design
Project Location (Address, City, State, and Zip): 155 Harrison
Street, Providence, RI 02907
General Project Description (you may attach a longer narrative if
ACE needs help with two projects that must be connected:
1) redesigning its website and 2) developing a marketing and
middle school student recruitment communications plan. We hope to
develop brief “power videos” to promote our three career
pathway programs, and engage potential students through
interactive media on the new site. We’d like the site to be
responsive to any type of device. We also would like the site to
serve as a way to communicate with existing students, families,
staff, and Board of Directors.
Our website was designed around 2009 and when the school changed
names and colors, the site was "updated" to a certain degree. We
have continued to update the copy, but recent changes to our
program have once again made it outdated. Most of the website
photos are outdated. The navigation is old style and the sections
of the site need to be rethought. We need a site with better
navigation, with updated photos, and copy that helps us market
the school to potential students, funders, local business
community. We also need functionality on the site for parent and
current students.
Potential Scope of Work/Tasks for RWU CPC:
We would like help re-designing the site and would look to the
team for guidance regarding how to best design a site that is
relevant to today's 13-18 year olds. Also want to use more
technology for communicating with students and having
functionality on the site that accomplishes that would be
helpful. We are also looking to develop a marketing and
recruitment communications plan to recruit middle school students
to our high school. The web design team will need to work hand in
hand with our staff and the “Marketing/Recruitment
Communications Plan” project team to ensure that all efforts
are connected and moving in the same direction.
We would also like for the RWU students to interact (as
appropriate) with the new students in our pathways - we are just
launching the web design and development pathway and our students
are totally new to this area.
In a project-based approach, work with ACE students and faculty
and students to:
1. Design and build an engaging, interactive website
2. Produce promotional videos
3. Develop an interactive Web application for middle school
students to use to explore the ACE website
4. Ensure that the web site development is in step with the
Marketing/Recruitment and Communication plan
What will be the final product output for this project? (survey,
website, design plans, drawings, etc.):
• Interactive bilingual Website
• Three 1 minute power videos to promote ACE’s CTE programs
(with Spanish language captions)
• Three 30 second student video testimonials (with Spanish
language captions)
Proposed Project Schedule (when the tasks/project needs to be
We can define the appropriate timeline with you. Attached is a
draft timeline as a starting point. This timeline includes a view
for both the projects we are submitting for consideration “ACE
Website Design” and “ACE Marketing/Recruitment Communications
(see attachment)
Please provide the names and contact information for any staff
members or volunteers who will be playing a primary role in the
proposed CPC project.:
Vanessa Toledo-Vickers
Director of Operations
Academy for Career Exploration
155 Harrison Street, Providence, RI 02907
401.456.1738 xt 106
Cell 401.649.0933
Luke Driver, Director of Curriculum
401.456.1738 xt TBD
What resources/previous work would the CPC be building upon that
you already have completed? (Please select all items that are
- Additional organizational documents
- Preliminary photos of the site/project
What active support would your organization be able to contribute
should your project be selected? Staff time
--Section 3: Project Outcomes--
Please describe how this project will benefit your organization
and the advancement of your mission: The web site is a great
marketing and communications tool for the school. Having a new
and more current look, better navigation, and sections that are
relevant to our future and current students, their families, and
other in the community will help us market the school and better
stay in touch with key audiences critical to the success of our
school and our students.
Please describe how this project might benefit the overall
community, including specific groups that could benefit from this
project (i.e. target populations, neighborhoods, specific
town/city/region).: ACE is an urban high school located in the
West End of Providence, with a 90% rate of free and reduced
lunch, an indicator of poverty. Its minority students are recent
immigrants, with little to no post-secondary attainment in their
families. Many of their parents are not fluent in English. The
benefits are many and mutual between ACE and RWU, and the
outcomes of this project will have a ripple effect on many
sectors in the larger political and social context of Rhode
Island as a whole. For example, there will be a reciprocal
benefit between staff and students at ACE and RWU. ACE students
will learn communication, collaboration, creativity, and college
knowledge from RWU students.
Please explain why you have chosen to seek assistance from the
RWU CPC with your project request, instead of undertaking the
project using fee-for-services from a paid professional:
ACE is building a relationship with RWU though Dean Jamie Scurry
and the CCS, and hopes to position itself as a “farm team”
for RWU to produce urban minority students who are adequately
prepared for full matriculation.
Also, we just do not have a budget for this type of work. In
addition, your students, having recently completed high school,
know better than anyone what our site could and should do for our
students and prospects.
Please describe how this project will benefit RWU students.: RWU
from multiple academic projects can collaborate with one another
on an integrated project. Students will be able to apply learning
in a real-world context, with a measurable and direct benefit to
the community. This project is designed to produce short-term and
visible outputs and outcomes so that RWU students will be able to
earn a sense of accomplishment.
--Section 4: Financial Information--
What is your organization’s annual operating budget? Please
include a copy of your most recent budget with the application in
Section 6..: 3 Million
What are your major sources of funding? Per pupil public school
funding, Title 1, Perkins, and RI CTE categorical funding
How much funding from your annual operating budget is set aside
for this project (if any)?
ACE anticipates receiving about 100K in annual federal Perkins
funds and is rebuilding its 3 CTE labs with RI CTE categorical
funds. CTE labs and computer equipment can be available to RWU
students at ACE, but we do not have the software or expertise
needed for the project.
We do not have funding to hire a firm to re-design the web site.
We currently pay for hosting and update the site in-house using
--Section 5: Private Sector Involvement--
Have you or your organization discussed the project with
practicing professionals (e.g. architect, engineer, planner,
consultants, etc.)? : Yes
If no, please explain why:
--Section 6: Supporting Documents--
Budget for the current fiscal year:
List of current Board members:
Copies of supporting resources identified in section 2 as needed
to support your application:
Additional File Upload:
Additional File Upload 2:
The results of this submission may be viewed at: