Sports Literature (3985) Course Description
and End-of-Course Assessment
High school
Obj. #1 / Objective / Level(Ess/ Exp/ Ext)and Time Allotted (in hours) /
Sports in Literature Adopted Text and supplementary materials / Sample Teaching Strategy/ AssessmentStandard 1: Moments of Glory in Sports
GOAL: Experience personal moments of glory in sports (10-12 DAYS)
Explore a variety of written examples of moments of glory in sports / ESS / Rudy and Hoosiers Video
Discuss different levels of moments of glory in sports / ESS
Write a personal moment of glory (Personal Narrative) / ESS
Standard 2: Fiction in Sports
Goal: Review fiction in sports (6-8 DAYS)
Explore a variety of fiction in sports / ESS / Natural and Field of Dreams Video
Discuss the models of fiction in sports / ESS
Learn to properly respond to a variety of essay questions using fiction in sports as a prompt / ESS
Standard 3: Non-Fiction in Sports
Goal: Differentiate between fiction and non-fiction in sports (10-12 DAYS)
Discuss the differences between fiction / non-fiction and a synopsis / third-person critique / ESSSelect a sports biography to be read in the class and at home / ESS / School Media Center
Respond to the selected biography by writing a synopsis and third-person critique / ESS
Standard 4: Journalism in Sports
Goal: Identify the various writing styles found in sports journalism (6-8 DAYS)
Compare and contrast the different journalistic writing styles (i.e., sporting event reporting versus sports features) / ESS / The Post Register and Sports Illustrated / Newspapers and Perodicals
Write a sports article / ESS
Standard 5: Humor in Sports
Goal: Gain an appreciation of humor in sports literature (10-12 DAYS)
Experience humor through exposure to a variety of sports literature (i.e., Authors: Rick Reilly and Patrick McManus) / ESS / Sports Illustrated and Outdoor Life
Write a humorous sports satire / ESS
Standard 6: Multi-Cultural Awareness Through Sports
Goal: Demonstrate an awareness of the continuing difficulties minorities face in the world of sports
Discuss past and current trends as they apply to minority participation in sports / EXTStandard 7: Poetry in Sports Literature
Goal: Gain an appreciation for the genre of poetry through sports
Read and discuss a variety of sports poems / EXTSuggested Sequence of Objectives
(skills/concepts applicable to core areas of study)End-of-Course Assessment
Describe project, presentation, or product here and include rubric ( for examples) OR attach exam.
Rubric [Revise as necessary or attach rubric]5 /
Advanced: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score]
4 / Proficient: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score]3 / Satisfactory: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score]
2 / Developing: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score]
1 / Beginning: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score]
0 / Insufficient: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score]
ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept)
EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students)
EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment)