Student Senate XXVII
Meeting #122/3/2015
Frank Roth and Karen Salvemini, Lehigh University General CounselEqual Opportunity Compliance Coordinator email: phone 610-758-3535 Review policy on harassment and non discrimination, to be reported to faculty on February 23 and March 23, everyone is encouraged to report any type of harassment, there will be a virtual town hall to discuss the policy
Lene Samuelsen, Global Citizenship Capstone ProjectDenim Day February 12, wear denim in to spread awareness of local and global gender and sexual violence
President’s Report: Kerry Mallett
- Thank you all for a great retreat!
- Formal is mandatory for all senators
- Come talk to me if you are interested in a position for next year--particularly president!
- Talk to any and committee chairs or exec members as well!
Vice President’s Report: Anna D’Ginto
- Elections Update: Filled one off campus and one sorority seat! CONGRATULATIONS to Ali Elkin & Mike Horgan officially appointed
- Filling three at large seats! Applications due 2/9/2015; advertise to your friends!Post flier and tell your friends
- Admin: Meeting 2/10 in Linderman 300!
- Senators of the Week: President Mallett for planning an AWESOME retreat!; JJP for his work with LGBTQIA awareness basketball game!; The Elections Committee for their help with interviews- JJP, Paras, Jay, Joe, Yasmina, Lillie, Sid, Dakota, Cristina, Logan
Treasurer: Shaan Gurnani
Secretary: Stephanie Piscopo
Parliamentarian: Jose Sierra
Please refrain from use of technology during meetings and remember to wear business casual
Allocations: Shaan Gurnani
- SSR27AL013 - Society of Physics StudentsPASS
- SSR27AL014 - German ClubPASS
- SSR27AL015 - AMSA Pre-Medical Chapter of Lehigh UniversityPASS
- SSR27AL016 - Lehigh Consulting ClubPASS
Club Affairs: Isabel Buenaga
- SSR27CA012- Lehigh University Pre-Veterinary ClubPASS
- SSR27CA013- Italian Language and Culture Club PASS
- Meetings at 5pm in DR 001 Monday
Public Relations: Paras Khan
- Meetings at 4:15 on Monday in MG
- Looking to launch a Senate awareness programlooking at other campaigns that are similar
- Working to re-launch the Senate newsletter “The Voice” looking to get an edition out in February
Diversity and Inclusive Excellence: Don Scott & Paul Lyons
Linderman 400 @ 4:00 for this week
JJP with Information regarding LGBT Basketball Game
committee members should plan to attend an additional meeting this Wednesday regarding the game.
Meeting w/ Dr. Odi
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015, from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Asa Packer Dining Room
Student Engagement and Unity: Cristina DeScisciolo and Alex Stephanou
- New direction for formal - Gatsby Gala; Friday, February 20th in Wood Dining Hall; Cocktails 8-9pm, dancing 9-11pm; Tabling & ticketing in UC week(s) prior; ½ proceeds to CAC?; Professor invites; Logistics in the works (transportation, DJ, catering etc.)see email for info regarding sign ups and links
Community Relations: Casey Colengelo
- Meetings @ 4 PM in MG 260
- Bethlehem Snap Chat Geofilterlooking for someone with photoshop
- Best of Bethlehem for Feb. coming sooon
- Looking to team up with PR for a fundraising event for a community organization
Safety: Drew Davis
- Looking to bring in guest speakers to meetings
- Sign up for LU Alerts
- Working on providing list of helpful phone numbers
- Meeting with Karen Williamson and campus architect at next meeting
Facilities, Technology, and Transportation: Hiyab Stefanos
- Meetings are Monday @ 5:30 PM
- LTS Grant ideas
- Laundry will now be on the Lehigh live app
- Tracs adjustment on weekends to start earlier
- Weekend bus update: working on costs but pilot program in the works
Dining Ad Hoc: Lindsay Wilson
- Currently working on survey, which Gryphons will be contacted to take; will meet with Sodexo after survey is completed
- Faculty committee updates
- Community Relations Co-Chair electiondecided to elect secretary internally instead
Download Strivr app
Challah for Hunger
Women’s Center Discussion
Guest Speaker