The Bluest Eye Final Project
Choose ONE of the following projects to complete for a major grade.
- Compare The Bluest Eye to Alice Walker’s The Color Purple
Write a 2-3 page (600-700 words) essay comparing ONE of the following elements in the novel and film. Your job is NOT to simply say, “There are many differences and similarities in the novel and the film.” Instead, focus on ONE element of both that you think are similar, and analyze the element as it appears in passages/scenes in each. You may discuss:
a theme (loss of sexual innocence, beauty, the American dream,
a recurring image/symbol
2. “Theme Songs” for major characters in The Bluest Eye.
Chose 4 major characters in The Bluest Eye and pick a song for each that you think thematically connects with the character. For each character, you must write a 150-200 word paragraph with a CLEAR main idea that shows the connection between the song and the character. You must include lines from the song and examples from the book to support your ideas.
3. Poetry Explication
Choose THREE poems that you think connect thematically to The Bluest Eye and explicate them in three separate short 300-400 word essays. Each explication must include an examination of the poem’s language and themes as well as its connection to The Bluest Eye. You MUST include both lines from the poems and the novel to illustrate this connection.
4. Cover Art
Redesign the book cover for The Bluest Eye; create a cover that includes symbolic images relating directly to the themes presented in the novel. You may NOT use clip art or cut-and-pasted images from the computer. The cover must be totally original, creative, and thoughtful. Accompanying your cover, you must include a 2-page essay explaining how your cover connects to the themes and symbols in the novel. Use examples from the novel to support your ideas.
5. Symbol Analysis
Chose ONE recurring image or symbol in The Bluest Eye and discuss its underlying meaning through analysis of specific passages in the novel. Your essay must be a minimum of 4 pages (double-spaced) or 800-1000 words. You will receive an automatic 10 points extra credit for this assignment!!
You may discuss one of the following symbols/images in your essay:
White/light skinned girls & dolls
Loss of sexual innocence
Comparative Essay Grading Rubric
Organization (25 points):
The essay has a clear thesis with supporting details that flow in a logical order. The writer has used transition sentences and phrases to bridge from one sentence to another.
Score: ______
Content (25 points):
The essay shows evidence of deep thinking and analysis of a theme, character or symbol that are similar in both the novel and the film. Many examples from the novel are included in quotation marks with page numbers. Specific examples from the film are also included.
Score: ______
Style/Voice (25 points):
Appropriate grade-level vocabulary is used in the essay. Sentences are complex and varied. The writing style is mature, sophisticated, and creative.
Score: ______
Mechanics (25 points):
Watch spelling, punctuation, grammar & sentence structure.
Mistakes include:
- Misspelled words
- Improper capitalization/word not capitalized
- Improper use of a comma
- Comma needed
- Improper use of a semi-colon
- Run-ons or sentence fragments
- Writing in 1st or 2nd person point of view (NO “you,” “I,” “me”)
- Improper incorporation of a quote
Score: ______
Comparative Essay Outline
TOPIC: ______
I. Introduction
Grabber: ______
Focus Statement (introduce titles of novel author of novel, and the film title. Give general info about the plot of each). ______
Thesis (in what way are the two works similar?): ______
II. Body Paragraph #1
Main Idea: ______
Example From Novel: ______
Quote(with page #): ______
Explanation: ______
Example From Film: ______
Explanation: ______
SYNTHESIS: Show how these two examples are similar:
III. Body Paragraph #2
Main Idea: ______
Example From Novel: ______
Quote(with page #): ______
Explanation: ______
Example From Film: ______
Explanation: ______
SYNTHESIS: Show how these two examples are similar:
IV. Body Paragraph #3
Main Idea: ______
Example From Novel: ______
Quote(with page #): ______
Explanation: ______
Example from Film: ______
Explanation: ______
SYNTHESIS: Show how these two examples are similar:
Re-state your thesis – don’t REPEAT what you said in the beginning. Say it in a new and interesting way:
The “clincher”: Challenge Your Reader
This is sort of like a grabber, but it comes at the end. It is a GENERAL comment about society, people, etc.
Character Theme Song
Organization (25 points):
The paragraphs have a clear thesis with supporting details that flow in a logical order. The writer has used transition sentences and phrases to bridge from one sentence to another.
Score: ______
Content (25 points):
The paragraphs show evidence of deep thinking and analysis of the character. Many examples from the novel and song are included to support the connection between the song and the character.
Score: ______
Style/Voice (25 points):
Appropriate grade-level vocabulary is used. Sentences are complex and varied. The writing style is mature, sophisticated, and creative.
Score: ______
Mechanics (25 points):
Watch spelling, punctuation, grammar & sentence structure.
Mistakes include:
- Misspelled words
- Improper capitalization/word not capitalized
- Improper use of a comma
- Comma needed
- Improper use of a semi-colon
- Run-ons or sentence fragments
- Writing in 1st or 2nd person point of view (NO “you,” “I,” “me”)
- Improper incorporation of a quote
Score: ______
Character Theme Song Outline: Use this to construct substantial, well-written paragraphs
** Write in THIRD PERSON point of view. Do not say “I” or “you.”
- “Song Title”(in quotation marks) and Artist (Give as a subhead)
- Main Idea sentence: For what character does this song connect, and HOW does the song connect to this character?
- Example from the song (lyrics):
Use quotation marks when quoting a song.
- How this relates to the character
- Line(s) from the novel to support this.
Use quotation marks and then cite the page number in parenthesis.
- Another example from the song (lyrics):
Use quotation marks when quoting a song
- How this relates to the character:
- Line(s) from the novel to support this.
Use quotation marks and then cite page number in parenthesis.
Poetry Explication
Organization (25 points):
The explications have includes three paragraphs, one analyzing the poem’s language, one analyzing the poem’s themes, and one explaining the connection between the poem and the novel. Each paragraph begins with a main idea sentence. The writer uses many transitions to move from one idea to another.
Score: ______
Content (25 points):
The essay shows evidence of deep thinking and analysis of a theme, character or symbol that are similar in both the novel and the film. Many examples from the novel are included in quotation marks with page numbers. Specific examples from the film are also included.
Score: ______
Style/Voice (25 points):
Appropriate grade-level vocabulary is used in the essay. Sentences are complex and varied. The writing style is mature, sophisticated, and creative.
Score: ______
Mechanics (25 points):
Watch spelling, punctuation, grammar & sentence structure.
Mistakes include:
- Misspelled words
- Improper capitalization/word not capitalized
- Improper use of a comma
- Comma needed
- Improper use of a semi-colon
- Run-ons or sentence fragments
- Writing in 1st or 2nd person point of view (NO “you,” “I,” “me”)
- Improper incorporation of a quote
Score: ______