NAME:Manuel de Jesús Salazar Tetzagüic
DATE AND PLACE Tecpán Guatemala, 2 de febrero de 1948,
BIRTH:del Pueblo Maya Kaqchikel.
NAME OF SPOUSE: Vicenta Telón de Salazar.
- Teacher in grade school, graduate from the Santiago Indigenous Institute, Antigua Guatemala, en 1967.
- Bachelor in Letters and Philosophy, from the Universidad Rafael Landívar ofGuatemala, in 1978.
- University Technician in Management and Monitoring of Bilingual Education Programs, graduated from Universidad Rafael Landívar in 1985.
- Master Educational management, from the University of New Mexico, USA, in 1987.
- Musician by profession, specializedin Guatemalan Marimba.
- Teacher of children and young music bands, from 1968 to 1993.
- Professor of music in private and public secondary schools and institutes, 1973 to 1983.
- Professor of Literature, Philosophy and other similar subjects as member of the Technical-Pedagogicalstaff in Private Pedagogical Schools, from 1968 to 1972.
- Senior Professor of K’iche’ Language and Literature, maya Philosophy, Philosophy of Intercultural Bilingual Education and Oral Tradition of Indigenous Peoples in Universities Mariano Gálvez and Rafael Landívar of Guatemala.
- Senior Professor ofLanguage I and II, Philosophy I and II at the Training School for Teachersof Middle School at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
- Minister of Culture and Sports since January 14, 2004
- President of the Institute of Linguistics and Education of the University Rafael Landívar, from 1999 to January 2004
- Nacional Coordinator of the Project of Mobilization and Support of Maya Education, UNESCO/PROMEM, from 2002 to 2003
- UNESCO Consultant in Maya Education and Intercultural Bilingual Education, Specialist in Education of Indigenous Peoples in Central America, from 1996 to 2002
- Director of the Institute of Linguistics and Education of the University Rafael Landívar, from 1999 to 2000.
- dean of the School of Humanities of the University Rafael Landívar de Guatemala, from 1996 to 1998
- Deputy Minister for Technical Affairs from 1993 to 1995
- General Director for Grade School Education, Ministry of Education from 1991 to 1993
- Regional Director of Education, Central Region V based inAntigua Guatemala, from 1988 to 1991
- Founding Director of the Junior Choir and Orchestra “Fray Diego Martín” ofSan Francisco El Grande, Antigua Guatemala, from 1977 to 1989
- Founding Director of the Children Choir and Orchestra from Sumpango, Chimaltenango, Guatemala, from 1973 to 1989
- Head of the Department of Curricular Development of the National Program for Bilingual Education –PRONEBI- of the Ministry of Education, from 1984 to 1987
- Leader of the Marimba Band “Herencia Maya Quiché”, ofGuatemala, 1979 to 1981
- Director of the Indigenous Symphony Orchestra of the Indegenous Institute “Nuestra Señora del Socorro” from 1973 to 1978
- Director of the Marimba Band “Umayij Che´” of the Indigenous InstituteSantiago, Guatemala, from 1962 to 1973
- Representative of the Guatemalan Government before the United Nations on the occasion of the “International Year of Indigenous Populations"
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fund for the Development of Guatemalan Indigenous Peoples - FODIGUA-, from 1994 to 1995.
- Advisor in the Peace Talks in reference to the topic “Identity and Rights of Indigenous Peoples,” signed between the URNG (guerrillas) and the Government of Guatemala, in March 1995.
- Member ofthe Commission in charge of the pursuance of the Peace Treaties inGuatemala, (as an ordinary citizen) from 1997 to 2003
- Member of the Consulting Commission of the Educational reform ofGuatemala, from 1999 to 2003.
- Member of the Inter American Cultural Committee of the Organization of American Status (OAS), 1995 – 1996.
- Member of the team of specialists who drafted the report on DEMOCRACY IN GUATEMALA, MISSION OF ALL THE PEOPLE, International IDEA, 1998.
- Member of the Board of Directors of the University Rafael Landívar, from 1998 to 2003.
- Características de la Literatura Maya Kaqchikel, Second Edition, ed. CHOLSAMAJ, Guatemala 1995. (Thesis in 1978)
- CHUXEKAJ COMALAPA (Under the Sky of Comalapa), Musical fantasy for marimba, 1981; recorded by the Marimba Herencia Maya K’iche’.
- The Son of Maya Style: Qojetz'an Ch'umil (¡Star, Let’s Play!); Runawal nutinamit (The Nawal of My People); Mazti' Ale' (The Friend Deers); and the Oberture: GUATEMAYA, as a tribute of the Steady and Stron Peace Treaty inGuatemala.
- RUK’UX MAYA NA’OJ (Maya Values) a philosophical analysis written with Vicenta Telón Sajcabún de Salazar as co-author; PROMEM/UNESCO/NETHERLANDS, Guatemala, 1998.
- KAMUL IYOM: Intercultural, Bilingual, Educational Communitiess; PROMEM/UNESCO/NETHERLANDS, Guatemala, 2000.
- Perfil de una Nueva Educación en la Nación Guatemalteca, Pluricultural y Multilingüe, PROMEM/UNESCO/NETHERLANDS, 1999.
- Cultures and Interculturalities in Guatemala, Institute of Linguistics and Education, UniversityRafaél Landívar, Guatemala, 2002.
- CHOMANIK TIJOJ (Mayan Local Units of Education -ULEM: A Developing Proposal); Series ofPedagogical Publication onMaya and Intercultural Bilingual Education I, UNESCO/PROMEM/NETHERLANDS, Guatemala, 2002.
- RUB'EYAL TIJONIK Q'OJOM (Teaching toPlay the Marimba); Series of Pedagogical Publications of Maya and Intercultural BilingualEducation, No. 2; UNESCO/PROMEM/NETHERLANDS, Guatemala, 2002.
- The Role and Significance of Maya Culture in National Education, edited together with Katherine Grigsby; UNESCO/PROMEM/NETHERLANDS, Guatemala 2004.