Grade Level: First Grade
Lesson Summary: A lesson to teach students some of the living animals and plants in the St. Lawrence River.
Objectives: Students will identify 3 non-living and living things in 2 habitats and create a chart for each habitat.
Students will choose a specie; describe it with 2 facts and create a model of the specie.
Students will be familiar with the purpose of Save the River and create one relevant question for an
employee of Save the River.
Assessment: 1. List of living and non-living things. (2 items for each habitat.)
- Specie model, accurate with two facts.
- One written, relevant question concerning living plants or animals in the St. Lawrence.
Learning Standards:
Elementary Science:
Intermediate Science:
Living Environment:
Lesson Activities
Activity 1. Grid investigation of living and non-living things. Students set up a 10 by 10 area and identify 2 living and non-living things and list them on a chart. Activity can take place on the baseball field, and/or in a forest.Activity 2. Water investigation of living and non-living things. Similar to previous activity except the habitat is river. Investigation can take place on the ChaumontRiver, the St. Lawrence or can utilize the in-class aquarium. Other possibilities could include CapeVincent fisheries or MinnaAnthonyNatureCenter.
Activity 3. Specie Research. Teacher gives three species to choose from and students research one. Information can come from teacher provided material or internet research.
Activity 4. Models. Students color a model of their chosen specie and include facts about the specie in their presentation.
Activity 5. Questions. Students generate one relevant question to find out more about their chosen specie. Students write the question on an index card in anticipation of a visit from Save the River.
Activity 6. Visit from Save the River. Students ask formulated questions about their chosen specie.
Activity 7. Boat Tour with ClaytonIslandTours. Students take the naturalist’s tour to see the habitats of the species they have been learning about.
Preparation/Materials Needed:
Living/Non-Living charts
Model outlines
Find relevant and appropriate website for research.
Invite and accommodate Save the River.
Fundraise for boat tour.