July 2008

Curriculum Vitae

Name:Janthea Margarette Andersen


Wakerley QLD 4154


Telephone:+61 433509659

Date of Birth:06 Apr 1975



Engineering Consultant: Intersafe, BrisbaneMay 2007 - Present

Intersafe is a safety engineering consultancy that investigates safety incidents for court cases and trains companies about workplace safety based on knowledge of the accidents that are actually occurring in industry.

PhD Candidate APA(I): Design Management: Industry Partner, Thiess, Brisbane.Aug 2003 – May 2007

Thiess is a construction company doing large infrastructure projects in building, civil, process and mining. I have conducted several case studies on Design Management within the company for my PhD thesis.

As part of the project I have been assisting Design Managers and performing similar tasks to a Design Manager. For Example I have assisted withenvironmental and risk management plans, document control and the design of the Nitrogen Purge and Cool Down procedure for a Tank. The procedure was budgeted for around 1,000,000 AUD and involved the procurement of several pieces of equipment and liaison with several different parties from around the world. The designs required innovative and lateral thinking in order to reduce nitrogen consumption and meet the budget constraints. Several design options were researched. The option, which was recommendedfrom this procedure, was adopted for use by Thiess. The procedure was successfully performed to the predicted time and was well under the original budget due to the innovative and lateral design solution.

I have written and presented three conference papers on the project. One of which was at the International Conference of Engineering Design, ICED ’05.

Logging Engineer: Robertson´s Geologging Australia, ClevelandApr 2003 – Aug 2003

When I started as a geotechnical logging engineer at RGGA the company was a new service provider of wireline logging to the mineral, coal and coal methane gas industry. As the only logging engineer reporting to the general manager I helped set up the business from nothing to a base with operational logging vehicles and won several contracts for work with these vehicles. Amongst other things I helped outfit the base and logging vehicles, design and establish a radioactive store and wrote a tender for a BMA contract. I also helped establish the companies Operational Health and Safety Policies and Standard Operating Procedures. I have completed all the necessary coal industry induction courses and radiation courses for access to surface mine sites. The job involved being in remote areas and taking full responsibility for the job and equipment. There was also liaison with site geologists, the site senior executive, mining engineers, drillers, new clients and the like.

Chief Translator: Trotters (Dangerous Goods Management), Kolding, Denmark.Jan 2002 – Jul 2002

Trotters is a company which manages other companies dangerous goods. Their clients include the army, oil companies, chemical factories and the like. They have programs for the management of dangerous goods.

I was responsible for translating engineering documents, dangerous goods transport documents, Material Safety Data Sheets, Technical Data Sheets, training material, contractual agreements and communication and marketing documents. These translations required engineering, health, safety and environment, legislative and dangerous goods knowledge. They were pleased with my work and even though I had not yet completed Danish language education, they gave me the position of Chief Translator after 3 months. A project I worked on for Esbjerg Paints can be seen on Translations were distributed to Sweden, Norway, Baltic, Germany and world wide in connection with establishing a co-operation agreement between trotters and DGM. This included writing and translating material for transporting of dangerous goods in all transport forms (IATA, ADR/RID, and IMDG) and classes, including radioactive material and explosives. I still do the occasional translation via email in Australia.

Field Engineer: Schlumberger Offshore Services, Esbjerg, Denmark.Aug 1998 – Nov 2000

Schlumberger is a multi-national company, which provides varied services to oil and gas companies. The main division I worked in was Schlumberger Wireline, which uses geological measuring tools to estimate the position and quantity of oil and gas in boreholes as well as obtaining information on the structure and environment of the borehole.

The job I undertook involved project management, including job design and client liaison, equipment procurement, maintenance, transport and logistics, technical problem solving and updating of equipment designs, crew and Field Engineer development and training. Due to the nature of the environment this involved complex tool combinations and geological measurements seldom recorded before. Amongst other things I worked with the combination of the Formation Micro Imaging tool with the Platform Express, helped with patch flex development on coiled tubing and made a stress analysis test on a well with the Modular Dynamics Tool. This job required good problem solving and interpersonal skills, hands on work and troubleshooting in remote areas.

I progressed to lead engineer for Mærsk. As lead engineer I was responsible for 4 engineers and the units on 4 rigs. I often visited Mærsk to discuss coming jobs, interpret logs and improve client knowledge. I made a training session on the rig about radioactive and explosive safety for the Mærsk crew. I also wrote a tender for DONG and was safety officer for 6 months. Safety meetings were conducted each week and I attended to any safety issues that arose. Courses such as handling and stepping, including stairway, manual lifting, trips, falls and PPE (personal protective equipment) were done as part of the job. Sea safety, Sea Rescue, H2S, basic fire-fighting, Helicopter Evacuation Training and skid and ice control courses as subsequently outlined were also undertaken.

I have knowledge of offshore facilities, production engineering and field development planning as I have done exploration as well as production work. As a great deal of work in Denmark was TLC (Tough Logging Conditions), I have a good knowledge of the drill floor, drive systems and down-hole equipment used on oilrigs.

Field Engineer: Schlumberger Geophysics Nusantra, Duri, Sumatra, Indonesia.Dec 1996 – Aug 1998

In addition to working in Denmark for Schlumberger I also worked in Indonesia. In Indonesia my responsibilities included the completion of onshore projects in Schlumberger Wireline. Maintenance of the logging truck, crew car and the equipment as well as the crew was part of my responsibility. A crew consisted of from 2 to 6 operators and technicians.

They were satisfied with my work thus after an initial training period and due to the amount of work in the area I was given the responsibility of Field Engineer before thenormal time. The base began as a small base with 4-5 engineers. When I left there were over 20 engineers. Thus I helped train many trainee engineers to become Field Engineers.

A great deal of the work was in explosives, production, gravel packing and exploration. Our main client was CALTEX. I also did work for SANTOS. I was transferred to Denmark to do more exploration work.

For this job safety courses such as off Sea Survival, Survival First Aid/CPR, Breathing Apparatus, H2S, Basic Fire Fighting, Helicopter Safety and Escape Training, 4WD, Defensive driving and skid control were undertaken as outlined below.

Vacation Engineer: Comalco Aluminium Smelter, Bell Bay, Tasmania, AustraliaNov 1994 – Feb 1995

As part of being a vacation engineer I conducted a project on the Shot-Blaster in the RodingRoom. The Shot-Blaster is a machine, which uses shots to clean large pieces of coal. The coal is used as anodes in the smelting process. I presented the findings and recommendations of the project to a board and wrote a technical paper on the Shot-Blaster for future reference. While at Comalco I was responsible for coal transport and clearing of hazardous material from the workplace. This was a three month Vacation Engineer position.

A PPE (personal protective equipment) and safety initiation course was done as part of the job.

Part Time Employment

Tutor: School of Engineering, University of QueenslandJul 2005– May 2007

The 3 subjects I have tutored are: Engineering Management and Communication, Fundamentals of Engineering Design and Acoustics. This involved for example using acoustics equipment, assessing CAD designs and teaching about different management techniques.

Tutor and Translator: Danish Tutor, Danish to English and English to DanishSep 2003– Present

With respect to tutoring in Danish I have tutored4 students in Danish following the Danish DP3 model.I have translated many documents including legal cases, MSDS, IT, the HACCP and risk management procedures for Royal Greenland ships and production facilities, ECCO international training documents and tender documents for construction work. My companies name is KirMag.

Assistant to the Manager: Trash & Treasure Market, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia.Feb 1995 –Dec 1996

Responsibilities included handling cash and assistant to the manager in the food kitchen. I implemented changes to the kitchen, which enabled more efficient operations and ordered new types of food in to boost sales.

Salad Bar Girl, Broiler Cook and Waitress: The Keg Restaurant and Bar, AlbertParkLake.Jan 1993 –Nov 1994

Led and trained others in the Salad Bar and Entrée’s. Served cocktails and drinks in the Bar.

Crew Member: McDonalds, Ferntree Gully, Victoria.Jan 1992 – Jan 1993

Made burgers and fries and worked on the cash register and in drive thru. 100% satisfied service award.

Staff: Pizza Hut Delivery, Studfield, Victoria.Jan 1990 – Jan 1993

Answered telephones and made pizza. Won awards for best box folder, best sales person and worker of the month.

Oceanroutes, Box Hill, Victoria

For work experience in High School I worked for Oceanroutes, who give meteorological advice to ships. As part of this I deciphered meteorological codes from ships, reported weather conditions to ships in Japan and read weather maps. They were surprised at how fast I caught on to their work as a high school student.


PhD Candidate APA(I), Design Management. 2003 – 2007

School of Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

The project is being done in conjunction with Thiess in order to improve Design Management within the company. The title of my thesis is an Empirical Study of Activities, Conceptions and Roles of Design Management across Project Stages and Sectors in the Construction Industry. This empirical study explains the practice of design management in a construction company using qualitative and quantitative techniques to analyse data from a number of case studies conducted on projects within the construction industry.

Alongside design management topics such as organisational culture, ethnography, case studies, design studies, project management, risk management, performance indicators, sustainable design, sustainability indicators and creativity in design were major aspects of the PhD research program.

Danish as a second language for adult immigrants. LanguageSchool in Kolding, Denmark2000 – 2002

Awards: DUF; writing 9, speaking 8 and AP2; reading 11, writing 10, listening 10, speaking 9.

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering. Award: First Class Honours1993 – 1996

R.M.I.T. (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Final year subjects included dynamics, remote area power supplies, design, acoustics and vibration, heat transfer and aerodynamics. I conducted a project on the efficiency of heating and cooling in an environmental measuring station with the EPA. First Class Honours is the highest award given in the course.

V.C.E. (Victorian Certificate of Education). Tertiary Entrance Score: 132/1401987 – 1992

FairhillsHigh School, Ferntree Gully, Victoria, Australia

I won the maths award every year it was given and in year 11 I won the maths award over the year 11 and year 12 students. I also won science and chemistry awards and was constantly one of the top students.

Licences and Courses

Maura Fay Winning PresentationsJun 2008

NAATI recognition as a translator in the languages Danish and EnglishNov 2006

SAE Technical Accident Investigation and ReconstructionSep 2006

Radiation Safety Act 1999, Use LicenceMay 2003

Industrial Radiation Safety, Level 2 for Borehole LoggersApr 2003

Queensland Coal Mining Industry, S1, S2 and S3, Site Safety and Health RepresentativeApr 2003

Queensland Coal Mining Industry Generic Induction and BMA Generic InductionApr 2003

ADR Class 7: Permission to drive with radioactive substancesJun 2002

IATA Course: Transporting dangerous goods by airApr 2002

IMDG Course: Transporting dangerous goods by seaApr 2002

ADR Course: Permission to drive with dangerous goodsMar 2002

Danish Offshore School: Elementary Safety, Sea Rescue, Basic Fire Fighting, H2SAug 1998

Skid and Ice ControlAug 1998

Lilydale Flying School: Student Pilot LicenseAug 1998

4WD, Defensive Driving and Skid ControlJan 1996

Alert Disaster Control:Sea Survival, Survival First Aid/CPR, Breathing Apparatus, Dec 1996

H2S, Basic Fire Fighting, Helicopter Safety and Escape Training.

Heavy Vehicle Driver LicenseDec 1995

PADI Open Water Diver LicenseSep 1995

Further Information

Languages: I am fluent in and can translate and interpret English and Danish. This means I can also understand Norwegian and Swedish. I have a very basic knowledge of Indonesian from 1 ½ years in Indonesia and Japanese from completing year 11 Japanese in high school.

Hobbies:Housing Design



Stan Thomson, Design Manager, Thiess:Ph: +617 4997 5659 or +617 4997 5600:Email:

Darren Gearing, Systems Manager, Thiess: Mobile: +61 419 173209: Ph: +617 38208069


Prof. David Radcliffe, University of Queensland, School of Engineering: Email:


Elisabeth N. Hübener, Scantext,Email: