Training Novi Sad 2004-2006

30th of May-1st of June 2004: Anne Vervarcke:


PPT presentation: The Way to the Remedy: on overview of basic homeopathic theory.


·  Lac leo

·  Zirconium

·  Mandragora

·  Bellis p.

Introduction in kingdoms and kingdom words.


·  Intake : Latrodectus m. 30K

·  Intake: Graphites MK

·  Intake: Psorininum 30K

·  Intake: Dusan no remedy prescribed

·  Intake : Hyoscyamus 200K

23rd-26th of August 2004: Jean Luc Vanderlinden:


Merc, Mag-phos, Sumbul and Oncorinchus: Piper met.


Organon aforisms 1 to 22

Theory: anamnesis: observation

Ranunculacea: MM of Acon., Hell., Actea. spicata, Ran. Bul., Ran. Sc., Cimic., Hydr., Clem.

Two video cases of Acon. (1 chronic and 1 acute) and a paper case of Hydrastis.


Organon aforisms 23 tot 33.

Sankarans system of miasms and how to apply them in the Ranunculacea family.

Periodic Table of Elements: row 3.

Video cases of Nat-mur. and Mag.-mur.

27-30th of January 2005: Wim Serneels


·  Bar c. 200K

·  Cuprum mur. 10M(on 2/3/2005: Cuprum 200K)

·  Kali sulf. 200K


Organon: aforisms 35 to 81

Kingdom words: minerals

Periodic Table of Elements: Row 4: 18 stages.

Exercises on MM and Repertorisation.


Organon aforisms 83 to 98

Anamnesis techniques

Continuation of Row 4

Paper cases

16th-20th of February 2005: Jean Luc Vanderlinden:


Retake Merc case: Med. And others: Thallium.-brom., Ignatia and the remedy for Liliana P.


Organon aforisms 84 to 110

Case analysis: what is to be cured, miasm, kingdom, subkingdom, confirmationby rubrics or MM, potency

Periodic Table of Elements: Row 5.

Video case of Palladium

Paper cases (Indium)


Organon aforisms 110 to 145

Different approaches in case taking: mind and generals, Vithoulkas, Sankaran: delusions and sensations.

Paper case child Melilotus.

Video case: Balsamum peruvianum.

12-16th of May- 2005: Anne Vervarcke:


·  Intake Arion Rufus 200K

·  Follow up Zincum 200K

·  Follow up Scandium 200K

·  Intake Helium MK

·  Acute case: Lyssinum 200K

·  Intake:: Lilium t. 30K

·  Follow up Andrea: no repetition needed

·  Follow up Latrodectus m. 200K


PPT presentation: The Organon in 22 slides.

Kingdom words: animal talk. The Lac’s. (MM and/or cases Lac. Equinum, Lac lupinum, Lac deflor., Lac can., Lac humanum, Lac caprinum, Lac Delphinum, Lac felinum and the ‘wild cats: Lac leon, DD with: Tiger, Cheetah, Pooma)

Video cases:

·  Lac humanum

·  Lac defloratum

·  Lac lupinum

·  Columba

3rd-10th of August 2005: Anne Vervarcke


Intake: Hydrophis 200K

Intake: Diomedea 200K

Intake: Selenium 200K

Intake : Lanthanum 30K

Follow up Andrea: No remedy


A warning sensation: Anabela S. (paper case plus PPT analysis)

PPT: mineral words

Periodic Table of Elements: Row 1, 2 and 3

Theory: PPT: reaction patterns and prognosis

PPT: The Way to the Cure

MM: Animal talk: Birds

Video cases:

·  Carbo An.

·  Magnesium C.

·  Ozone

·  Albatros

Paper case: Hydrogen

26th-31st of January 2006 Anne Vervarcke


Intake: Nux mosch. 200K

Intake: Python MK

Intake: Kali c. 200K

Intake: Lithium-Fluor. MK

Intake: Ozone MK


PPT: Miasms: According to Hahnemann, Ortega, Vithoulkas, Sankaran, Peter Chappell, Anne Vervarcke

The Charm of Homeopathy: disease as a symbolic pattern.

Plant remedies: general features

Qualitative and quantitative information from case taking.

Video cases:

·  Nat.mur

·  Crocus

·  Echinacea

·  Morphinum


Intake: Lithium fluor.MK

Follow up: Chlorum

Follow up: Hyoscymus

Follow up: Diomedea

Follow up: Electric Eel

Follow up: Lanthanum 200K

Intake: Naja 200K

Follow up: Oenanthe 200K


PPT: On reality and Health: a plunge into the holographic universe interpreted by our holographic brain. Quantum mechanics and reality.

Health as an individual, maximized state of being.

Levels of experience and levels of treatment.

Children’s cases.

Case taking in ‘The Eternal Now’

Video case:

·  Ozone

·  Rhus Tox.

·  Lacticum acidum

·  Naja


Follow up: Nux mosch. MK

Follow up: Albatros MK

Intake: Staph. 30K

Intake: Kali bromatum 200K

Intake: Corydalis Formosa 200K

Follow up: Latrodectus mact. MK

Follow up: Electrophus elec. MK

Follow up: Python MK


Intake Loxoscenes reclusa: MK

Follow up: Kali brom 200K (when needed)

Intake: Lac delphinum MK

Intake: Med 200K

Intake: Alumina MK

Follow up: Hyoscyamus MK


PPT: Treating the Vital Sensation

PPT: How to differentiate between sensation and delusion?

PPT: Signs and symbols: language in homeopathic anamnesis

Video cases:

·  Titanium

·  Helleborus

·  Ytrium

·  Aranea Ixobola