Family & Consumer Science

Grade: 8 Unit: Consumerism Time: 1 hr. 30 min. (2 classes)

Type of lesson: __Acquisition x Refining /Extending __Mastery/Application

E.Q. How can I become an educated consumer regarding food purchases?

A. Content of Lesson:

The eighth grade student is continually bombarded with information about food products to purchase. This unit focuses on the importance of reading labels to identify the nutritional contents of a given food product and how manufacturers deceive a person into buying a product that is not necessarily a healthy choice.

B. Key Concepts:

1. L.E.Q. How do you identify what is in a food product?

2. L.E.Q. Why is it important to read labels on food products?

3. L.E.Q. How can manufacturers deceive consumers?

4. L.E.Q. How do I know I am making healthy choices

when purchasing food items

C. Key Vocabulary: Previewing

1. calories 4. gimic 7. sales device

2. consumer 5. manufacturer 8. serving size

3. deceive 6. portion 9. truth

Goal(s) of Lesson: What students are to achieve as a result of this lesson…the end product:

The student will:

A.  Interpret nutritious facts on labels.

B.  Read labels to determine the difference between facts and advertisement.

C.  Recognize differences in similar products by reading the nutritional label.

D.  Evaluate the nutritional quality of a given food product.

Objectives: Observable student performance

1.Students will:

A. Read nutritional labels on food products and share findings in class.

B.  Recognize the difference between advertisement and nutritional facts.

C.  Understand manufacturers are in the business to make money.

D.  Understand label claims.

2.Grading rubric reviewed: Students understand what is expected of them

(grading rubric reviewed on front of student unit cover page)

Activating Strategies: Introduction or “Hook” that links to prior Knowledge

Survey the class to find if a given product deceived them after it was bought.

Have students give examples situations that frustrated them because of deceit.

Show examples of how manufacturers are in the business to make money.

Standards and/or Academic Anchors:

FCS Standards: RWSL Standards: Math Standards:

11.3.3 E 1.1.8.B,G 2.5..8.A

11.3.6 A,B,C,D.E

11.3.9 A,D

Teaching Strategies: Describe how/what you want students to do (Activities)

Day 1 – Discuss condiments and assign homework to retrieve nutritional facts from

four products at home.

Give students notes to help identify the nutritional failing in a given product.

Discuss the various products and record ithe nutritional problem on the

homework worksheet.

Day 2 – View “Nutrition in a Box” video and complete the corresponding


Discuss the importance of reading labels to prevent deception and poor

nutritional choices.

_x_ Direct instruction _x_ Numbered pairs _x_Think-Pair-Share ___ Guided practice

___Graphic organizer _x_ Independent Practice ___Laboratory Activity _x_ Group Discussion

_x _Media display x Teacher Demonstration _x_ Lecture _x_ Review ___Other

Summarizing Strategies: Can students answer the Essential Question? Closure.

Wrap up lesson and review important concepts covered.

Risk the essential questions.

___KWL _x_ Ticket Out the Door ___3-2-1 ___Key Word

___Journaling ___Draw Picture _ _Physically Demonstrate

_X_ Reflection Questions ___Inner/Outer Circles __x_ The Important Thing

Accommodations: List ways to Differentiate instructions

Internet research food products and nutritional labels.

Answers are given during class discussion

Extra help available during ARP and Flex Time

Assessment: Check for Understanding

Collect packets and grade with rubric.

Collect homework assignments and grade .

_X_Authentic Performance _x_ Knowledge – recall learned information

_x_ Class Participation _x Comprehension – paraphrases, restates in own words, summarize

_x_ Classwork __x_ Application – can transfer information, predicts, projects

___ Project _x _Analysis – breaks information into parts, distinguishes

___Laboratory _x_ Synthesis – applies prior knowledge to new or original product

__ Summarizing Activity _x _Evaluation – appraises, compares/contrasts, justifies

__ Teacher Observation __ Other



Materials/Equipment Needed:

Student Nutrition & Consumerism Unit Packet

TV/ VCR and “Nutrition in a Box” video

Condiments Homework worksheet