First Steps: Building Family Attachments

A program for recently adopted children ages 2-6 and their parent(s)

First Steps combines instruction and hands-on learning to promote attachment between a parent and an adopted child. Parents will learn about the importance of early life attachment for their child, practical techniques to strengthen attachment, and resources to address possible problems. Classes will alternate between instruction (parents only) and application (parents with children).

Class I: Attachment Basics/Family Attachment Narrative Therapy- (Parent/s only) Parents will learn about the importance of attachment, factors that can impede a secure attachment, and how to promote a healthy attachment with their child. Family Attachment Narrative Therapy will be introduced and parents will begin work on a story to promote attachment with their child. This story will be a part of the next session.

Class II: Family Attachment Narrative Therapy & Theraplay Techniques-(Parent/s and child) Parent/s will come to the class with their child. Under a therapist’s guidance, parent/s and child will begin the process of storytelling to promote attachment. They will also engage in Theraplay to assist in strengthening attunement.

Class III: Filial Play Therapy & Sensory Integration Considerations-(Parent/s only) Parent/s will learn about the importance of playing with their children to promote attachment. They will be taught the basics of Filial Play Therapy. Sensory Integration and its relationship with attachment will also be discussed.

Class IV: Filial Play Therapy, Boost Up, & Sensory Integration-(Parent/s and child) Parent/s will come to class with their child. Under a therapist’s guidance, parent/s and child will play, and engage in activities to promote healthy integration of senses—i.e., Boost Up, etc. We will end with a story told by the parent.

Class V: Factors which Affect Attachment/Other Things to Consider-(Parent/s only) This session will discuss a variety of issues to consider when parenting a child who is adopted—e.g., When is help needed?, Where can one go for certain services?, What services may be needed?, School interventions & concerns, Alternatives to medicine, Discipline, etc. We will also talk about different ways to implement attachment promoting techniques and methods.

Charge: $200.00, due upon registration Questions: Melissa Nichols (952-475-2818,.)

Two summer sessions are available. Session 1 meets June 5-9. Session 2 meets July 17-21. For each session, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are parent only nights and meet 5:30-7:30. Parents bring their children on Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00-6:30.

3 Ways to Register Registration Information

 Call 952-475-2818, talk to receptionist or Todd (ext. 80)
 Mail completed form to FamilyAttachmentCenter
18322C Minnetonka Blvd., Deephaven, MN55391
 Fax completed form to 952-475-3356
Payment Information Amount: ______
Method: □ MasterCard □ Visa □ Check enclosed
Credit Card Number Exp. date
Billing address
Name on Card Signature / ______
City State Zip
Phone Fax or e-mail for confirmation
Refund Policy: Refunds, minus a $25 fee, are available up to 14
days prior to the session. No refunds available after that time.