CITIZENSHIP:Republic of Djibouti
Ph.D. 9/75 – 10/79 DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS and Agricultural Economics, 1979, UNIVERSITY of Wisconsin – Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Study included formal training in Energy Economics (1977/1978 by attending Seminars and workshops for OAPEC Postgraduate students at University of Wisconsin – Madison).
PhD programme – advanced courses = 72 credit hours in development economics development planning-concepts & techniques, macroeconomics, micro, econometrics, agricultural economics and sociology.
Major qualifying exams for Ph.D. candidacy:
b)Development economics
PhD Dissertation on: Economic Development:
See page 2, publications.
M.Sc. 9/73 -5/74: Agricultural Economics (Agribusiness Mgt. & Economics), 1974, ArizonaStateUniversity, Tempt Arizona, USA. After Master degree, advanced courses in International Economics and Mathematics at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona (1/75 – 5/75).
B.Sc. 9/66 – 6/70: Agricultural Economics & Agronomy, 1970, Cairo, High Polytechnical Institute, Cairo, Egypt.
LANGUAGES:Fluent in English and Arabic
EXPERIENCE:Over 27 years of experience:
-2 years Assistant Terminal Superintendent, Mobil Oil, Assab;
-3 ½ years as General Manager of an agricultural enterprises with semi mechanized 25000 hectares in Ethiopia; (Awash valley);
-5 ½ years as a Senior Economist (Planner), Natural Resources Department (water, desalination, agriculture, oil and gas), the Ministry of Planning in Saudi Arabia;
-2 ½ years as Regional Adviser for the Near East and North Africa Region (training in planning) in Rome, at FAO Headquarters;
-6 ½ years as a Senior Economist/Planner to the Ministry of Planning starting from Jan.4, 1988, under United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) and FAO joint project;
-July 1, 1994 to May 1996 as a Chief Technical Adviserand Team Leader in UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, N.Y.) project in Saudi Arabia, Grade D-1;
-June 1, 1996 to July 11, 2002FAO Representative in Nigeria,Grade D-1;
-On 12.6.2002 transferred to Yemen and assumed duty on 5.9.2002 -Presently FAORepresentative in Yemen,Grade D-1;
Lectured on development planning (concepts and techniques) and project analysis in various seminars at the Arab Planning Institute, API, Kuwait; the Institute of National Planning, Cairo; Arizona State University, USA, etc. Has drafted and/or contributed in drafting operational plans for oil, gas, water, desalination and agriculture for a two consecutive Five Year Development Plans for Saudi Arabia. Also assumed responsibility as a member of Financial Ceiling Committee for the two Mid Term Plans as well as member of Energy Committee during 5th Development Plan.
- Ideal student for 1969, Egypt (Faculty level).
- B.Sc. Grade: Excellent and ranked1st out of classes for whole academic period 1966-1970
- M.Sc. Grade 4.00 out of 4.00, Straight A at ArizonaStateUniversity, Tempe, USA (1973-1974)
- Ph.D. Dissertation, Grade=A, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA.
- Honorary Citizenship of USA
in 1972, The City Government of Lubbock Texas granted me a honorary citizenship of USA. This took place during my visit on the invitation by the US State Department.
Visited Chamber of Commerces’ bureaus, agricultural production units, agro-industries, irrigation schemes and commodity markets in the following states: W.D.C., Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, California, Illinois, N.Y., and Perto Rico.
- In June 1986, ArizonaStateUniversity, Tempe,Arizona, USA, presented me a plaque for special recognition for outstanding services in international development.
- In 1994, the UNDP in collaboration with the concerned Government department of the RoyalKingdom of Saudi Arabia has presented me a plaque for special appreciation for distinguished contribution in the training of the Saudi nationals through a UNDP/UNDESA project
- The Impact of Cotton on the Economic Development of Egypt, 1952-1976
Published June 1980, Publisher: University Micro-films International 3000 ZEEB Road, Ann ArborMI48106USA. ORDER No. 8007539 PP.358 (PH.D) DISSERTATION. Among other things analysis/evaluation were based on three econometric models. Also two mathematical models were developed (i) one for measurement of resources transfer from cotton sub-sector to the rest of economy and vice-versa and (ii) a model for import substitution efficiency measure for the infantindustry (cotton based industry). Over the period of the study productivities of the whole Egyptian economy, industry, cotton based industry and oil sector were calculated for comparative analysis. Also income distribution and employment generation analyses were made.
Quarterly report on petroleum and other energy sources, jointly prepared by myself (A-Shami) and Dr. Khalil Mohamed Zahr, Senior Energy Adviser, MOP, about 5-15 pages; each issue for the period 1982-1984 (in Arabic and English).1**. Series of report were written – jointly with Dr. Zahr on Energy (particularly oil related) during 1988-1994.
- Contribution in development of L.T. Energy Model (world demand/supply for energy including oil) for Saudi Arabia.
- “A Medium Term Oil Model” jointly developed by Dr. Khalil Zahr, Senior Energy Advisor, UNDESA and (A-Shami) for the Ministry of Planning of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia prepared under the project SAU/94/001 “Support for Economic Planning, Modeling and MIS Development”, March 1996. It was meant to complement the system of macro-economic Models. The Model was conceptualized, specified, designed and estimated by Zahr and A-Shami) while its programming and implementation on the TROLL system was undertaken by programming and implementation on the troll System was undertaken by Research Department of Statistics-Norway, Oslo, Norway.
- Updating and enhancement of a Food and Demand Model for planning purpose.
ARABIC TITLE OF THE BOOK:AL-MANHAL FITARIKH WA AKHBARAL AFAR (AL-DANAKIL): By Gamal A-Shami (father) and Hashim A-Shami (son-myself), published in 1997, (744 pages), Cairo-Egypt. Registration no. in Cairo 103338/7, International No. L.S.B.N. 977/19/4208/5.
The source on History and Narrative of the Afar (Al-Danakil).
The Book covers Afar history from 3110 BC to 1960 AD with provision of significant accounts of the Afar political history for the period 1960 – 1994. It presents analytical and documentary accounts of the Afar relations with neighbouring peoples in the region (such as in Ethiopia, Yemen, Egypt, Arab peninsula, Somalia and Beja people in the Sudan).
It includes 29 colored maps and copies of 19 Key conventions, protocols, treaties and pacts between the Afar Sultanates and colonial powers (Italyand France).
1** This includes review of the world/Saudi crude oil prices, production, projected supply & demand as well as implications for the Saudi oil revenue