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Age Discrimination period
You are going to create a piece of legislation, which would create public policy protecting individuals from age discrimination. Feel free to reflect on personal experiences when writing this piece of legislation.
Your policy should include:
A. Title of your bill
B. Purpose Statement (explain why there is a need for this legislation in 3-4 sentences, starting with “Whereas”)
C. At least 5 ways in which individuals would be protected from age discrimination in various situations. This section should start with “Be it hereby enacted . . .”
As an example, here is an anti-discrimination act that protects people who wear ugly clothes:
The People With No Fashion Sense Protection Act
Whereas some people can’t help the fact that they have no fashion sense.
Whereas the fact that someone wears ugly clothes does not cause them to do a poor job.
Whereas the fact that someone wears ugly clothes might actually mean that they will do a better job, be better tenants, and be more valuable people, because they are not worrying about how they look.
Whereas people with no fashion sense are people too, even though they look weird.
Be it hereby enacted that people with no fashion sense (hereafter known as PWNFS) will be protected from discrimination in the following ways:
1. Employers may not refuse to hire PWNFS because of their disability. Employers may also not fire PWNFS because of their disability.
2. Landlords may not refuse to rent to, and homeowners may not refuse to sell to PWNFS because of their disability.
3. Bus drivers, train conductors, airplane employees, and anyone else who works for any public transportation industry may not refuse to sell a ticket to or assist PWNFS.
4. Employees and managers of retail stores or in restaurants may not pay extra attention to or ignore PWNFS unless the PWNFS ask for such treatment.
5. People violating the People With No Fashion Sense Protection Act will be found guilty of a misdemeanor and punished with a fine of $1,000 and a period of no more than 6 months and no less than 30 days in jail.