9th Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector
Time schedule: presenters and paper’s titles
June 13, 2013
8.45-9.00. Welcome by Caroline Hellstrom
9.00-10.30. Chair: Caroline Hellstrom
Inés Alegre: Overcoming the tension between conflicting logics: the importance of mission formulation
James Brooke-Turner: Endowed charitable foundations: cui bono?
Matthew Hall: Managing conflicts in organizational identity: a case study of a welfare nonprofit organization
10.30-11.00. Break
11.00-13.00. Chair: Marc Jegers
Ciaran Connolly: The Discharge of Accountability by Social Enterprise Organisations: Do as We Say, Not as We Do
Danielle McConville, Noel Hyndman: Efficiency and accountability: a study of UK charities
Galina Goncharenko: Human Rights Organizations: Financial Accountability and Accounting Challenges
Diana Limburg: Meeting the information needs of charity trustees: can enterprise performance management systems help?
13.00-14.00. Lunch
14.00-16.00. Chair: Bernd Helmig
Silke Boenigk: Development of a Nonprofit Marketing Orientation Scale Part I: Definition, State-of-the Art, Conceptualization, and Development of Initial Item Pool
Honoré Elric: Philanthropic Intermediary Organisations: A service to the Third Sector?
Irvine Lapsley: Bringing business expertise to charities: does it make a difference?
Halina Waniak-Michalak: Financial and non-financial factors motivating individual and institutional donors to support public benefit organizations
16.00-16.30. Break
16.30-18.30. Chair: Irvine Lapsley
Lore Wellens: The governance value of beneficiaries’ participation in nongovernmental organizations: a case study of four southern African countries.
Levi Garseth-Nesbakk: Performance measurement challenges in a NGO—why staff members want to be held accountable and the drive toward an intermediate position between upward and downward accountability
Mikiko Shimaoka: Exploring Stakeholder Management in Nonprofit Organizations: The Case of Japan
Shann Turnbull: How can non-profit organizations enhance performance and legitimize their operations?
June 14, 2013
9.00-11.00. Chair: Marc Jegers
Graham Manville: A UK Comparative Study of Performance Management in Private Sector SMEs and Third Sector Housing Associations
Milena Nikolova: Principals and agents: an investigation of executive compensation in human service nonprofits
Anne Marie Ward: Do gendered boards in community organisations have superior financial management?
Graham Manville: The Bedroom Tax, Benefit Reform and Localism: Leadership Challenges for UK Third Sector Housing Associations
11.00-11.30. Break
11.30-13.00. Chair: Caroline Hellstrom
Jemime Bidee: The effect of job characteristics on volunteers’ intrinsic motivation: the role of needs satisfaction.
Vera Hinz: How motivations affect employer choices – A discrete-choice model in the hospital industry
Maryline Meyer: Distributive justice and commitment in nonprofit organizations: which referent matters?
13.00-14.00. Lunch
14.00-16.00. Chair: Bernd Helmig
Ola Segnestam Larsson: Creating space for grace: swaying religion by means of management
Caroline Hellstrom, Irvine Lapsley: Who’s laughing now? Comedy should be taken seriously
Graziella Sicoci: The role of intellectual capital in the Third Sector
Shinsuke Tahara: Creation of New Mechanisms based on Knowledge Transfer via Social Entrepreneurship: Case Study of Public-Private Partnerships in Preventative Medicine in Japan
16.00-16.30. Break
16.30-18.00. Chair: Irvine Lapsley
Gert Huybrechts: Combining volunteers of different volunteering styles within nonprofit organizations
Subille Studer: Multivariate Analyses on Interactional Volunteer Coordination in its Organizational Context: Contributions to an Integrated View on Volunteer Coordination and its Relations to desired Volunteer Coordination Outcomes
Tim Vantilborgh: Don’t worry, be happy: A daily-diary study relating job demands-resources, psychological contract breach and mood of volunteers