Hemming, Natalie


Name (Current): Natalie Hemming

Status: Active

Area of Interest: New York City

Creature Type: Kindred

Gender: Female

Apparent Age: Young Adult (20-30), Neonate




NYC Camarilla

NYC Toreador

NYC Tremere

Contact Information:

Primary Phone: (phone)

Secondary Phone: unknown

E-Mail: unknown

Mailing Address:

c/o Lucas (haven)

Haven: (further details: Y )


Resources and Capabilities

Disciplines of note:

Auspex (Aura Perception)

Presence (5)

Abilities of note:


Other Resources:

Contacts through high society elements

Camarilla Specific Information Summary


Role:Static Subordinate

Status (or equivalent): 3 + 1 - 1


Clan-Specific Information Summary



Role:Leader (not director)

Status (or equivalent): unknown

Notes:For some time was effectively under the thumb of Emmanuel James Richardson IV

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Other Notes

Threat Assessment

General Capabilities

Clan: Toreador

Generation: 11th (6)

General Age: Neonate (embraced in 1930) (6)

Physical: low
Weaknesses: Delicate, Puny

Social: high
Appearance: 4: Alluring, Gorgeous, Seductive (2)
Weaknesses: easily distracted by things of great beauty

Mental: mid
Weaknesses: easily distracted by things of great beauty

Other Notes: Generally speaking, Ms. Hemming is vulnerable to efforts to trace her identity. Prior to the February 2, 2007 Primogen Council meeting, Sheriff Samuel McCoy was able to find a considerable about of information about her using just her name, her cell number and his bureaucratic contacts. The main reason for this vulnerability is the fact that Ms. Hemming leads a public life that requires her to regularly perform in Cabaret. Although her fame should provide an excuse for nay invasive security measures, it still represents a security liability.

Known natural abilities

Combat Skills

Firearms: None (5)

Melee Weapons: None (5)

Hand-to-Hand: Presume None (5)

Dexterity: Presume Beginner-

Notes: No significant combat skills to speak of.

Social Skills

Etiquette: Novice. (5)

Performance (Singing): Master. (5), From reviews of her performance.

Politics: Beginner- (5)

Mental Skills

Academics: Novice-(5)

Finance: None (5)

Investigation: Novice- (5)

Languages: Unknown

Occult: None (5)

Security: None (5)

Awareness: None (5)

Other Notes:

Known Supernatural Abilities:

Auspex: Novice. (2, January 13, 2007)

Presence: Novice+. (5 – assume basic competence in these areas due to stage performances to date)

Discipline Vulnerabilities: Dominate, dependent on generation of others

Miscellaneous Strengths and Weaknesses: Addicted to cocaine. Easily distracted/entranced by things of great beauty.

Notes on Operating Patterns: Is susceptible to the influence of strong-willed people. Since her arrival in September, 2006, has been under the thumb of Emmanuel James Richardson IV, although she has begun to chafe at this (Visible November 10 and afterward). After January 13, 2006 and especially after January 19, 2007, she began to defer to Adam Jones.

Other Notes:


Estimated Net Worth: Several hundred thousand dollars + (5)

Primary Assets: Her salary from her performances

Vehicles: Unknown

Noteworthy possessions: A two-frame picture holder containing a picture of her from the present and from before her embrace. An earring set with matching necklace given to her by Adam Jones for Christmas in 2006.

Other Notes:

Mortal Associates and Contacts

Indirect Contacts

Influence Type and size:

None known. Possibly high society, but this is unconfirmed

Direct Contacts and Retainers

None Known

Record of Past Actions Using Influence among Mortals

Date: Title

Personal Information

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Name in Use: Natalie Hemming

Current Aliases: Presume None

Birth Name: Natalie Hemming (5)

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Physical description and common attire: Ms. Hemming is a small, petite woman. She usually wears a dress or skirt. Initially (arrival up to December 8, 2006), she usually wore a black dress. On January 5, 2007, she wore a red dress with jewelry given to her for Christmas by Adam Jones.

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Nature: Child (6)

Demeanor: Hedonist/bon Vivant? Very much wants the praise and attention of others.

Path of Enlightenment: Presume Humanity (3-4) (5)


Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Mannerisms: Outgoing, friendly. Unhappy when she feels she is being left out of the loop

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Generation: 11

Thrall(s): Cameron Bennett, 2

Regnant(s): Cameron Bennett, 2


Childer: presume none

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Notes: Likes poetry, including poetry by Sylvia Plath.

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Contact Information:

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Primary Phone: (phone)

Secondary Phone: (Lucas haven phone)



Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Mailing Address 1: (Lucas haven)

Haven: (further details: Y )

(Own Haven)

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Background Information

Natalie Hemming was embraced in 1930. She very much dislikes her sire, who she feels was overly controlling, even soul-crushing. He dominated her (not in the sense of the discipline) completely. Mr. Richardson reminds her of him greatly and the comparison is not a favorable one. She spent some time in Chicago and very much disliked it. Prior to entering New York City, she lived in a series of cities but rarely felt at home.

Natalie Hemming very much likes the musical Cabaret and identifies with the female lead. She performed this part in the winter and spring of 2006-2007 and received rave reviews.

Social Summary

Friends and Allies:

Bennet, Cameron: Lover. Ms. Hemming and Mr. Bennett are having an affair (began between December 8, 2006 and January 19, 2007 (precise date unknown)). Distinctly visible at Elysium January 19, 2007. Mr. Bennett appears to be more smitten with Ms. Hemming than she with him. During the time before and after January 19, 2007, the couple semi-regularly had sexual intercourse. Mr. Bennett may have attended a performance of Cabaret and had sexual intercourse with Ms. Hemming following the show (It was noticed that she had several gentlemen callers and Mr. Xerices identified them as himself, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Brighton). Ms. Hemming and Mr. Bennett had unprotected sexual intercourse on a total of at least two occasions. While living with Mr. Brighton et al, Ms. Hemming began to feel frustrated with Mr. Bennett’s bouts of depression.

Jones, Adam: Friend/Ally. Mr. Jones and Ms. Hemming have talked at length on several occasions. To Ms. Hemming, he comes across as well-intentioned but she is not really sure whether or not he is a good man. She feels that he is somewhat bitter towards the West administration, particularly Richardson the treatment he received from West and Richardson upon West’s ascension. She feels strongly, however, that Jones is loyal to Prince West. She has a positive impression of Mr. Jones. She looks to him as a sort of father figure, although she simultaneously does not want to be put under the thumb of anyone else. Mr. Jones has offered to help Ms. Hemming break her drug habit. On January 13, 2007, Mr. Jones took Ms. Hemming out to a Philharmonic concert and afterward they had a long, frank discussion that covered many topics. See attached event summary. After this time, she increasing began to defer to Mr. Jones as a sort of father figure. This was reinforced after the Richardson Intervention on January 19, 2007.

Rogerson, Helen. Friend/Associate. Ms. Rogerson appeared to help Ms. Hemming at Elysium on January 19, 2007.

Xerices, Auberon. Friend/Lover. Mr. Xerices and Ms. Hemming frequently talk at Elsyium. They enjoy cordial relations. Mr. Xerices took Ms. Hemming to a concert in December 2006. Afterwards, they had a discussion about her feelings toward Mr. Richardson. In this conversation, she revealed her feelings toward Mr. Richardson (strongly negative). Ms. Hemming and Mr. Xerices wound up shouting at each other in the course of this conversation to relieve tension and get out their emotions. After the show, they had sexual intercourse. Ms. Hemming looks back on this affair in a positive light and hopes that Ms. Gladius does not find out.


Richardson, Emmanuel James IV: Enemy. Mr. Richardson routinely forcibly enters Ms. Hemming’s mind and probes it. At court, he pulls her out of Elysium. They also meet at least once between Elysium sessions. She feels she has no private thoughts because of these intrusions. He emotionally pressures her toward behavior and thoughts he sees fit. He discourages her from associating with Mr. Jones and encourages her to take a harsher line towards him. He forcibly confined her after November 10, 2006, in an attempt to help her break her drug habit. At the December 8, 2006 Elysium, he browbeat her into giving him status. In his speech given immediately prior to his departure on January 19, 2007, Mr. Richardson’s word choice and body language indicated that he was unhappy with Ms. Hemming and planned to retaliate. Since then, Ms. Hemming has been uneasy and fearful of the coming retaliation.

Other notable Relationships

Alex and Dylan. Associate. Ms. Hemming talked at length to the girls at the January 5, 2007 Elysium. Their relations seemed cordial but no close. They likely had not talked at length previously.

Brighton, Lucas. Associate. Ms. Hemming and Mr. Brighton seem to enjoy cordial relations. It is likely Mr. Brighton would take in and protect Ms. Hemming should she request it. Went on a date with Ms. Hemming. Attended her performance of Cabaret and may have had sexual intercourse with her following the show (It was noticed that she had several gentlemen callers and Mr. Xerices identified them as himself, Mr. Bennet and Mr. Brighton). He has ‘stepped aside’ in favor of Mr. Bennett and is currently (January 20) deliberately distancing himself from Ms. Hemming. The entire experience has been difficult for Mr. Brighton, who began going out of his way to avoid Ms. Hemming. Ms. Hemming’s relationship with Mr. Brighton grew strained while she lived with him due to his frequent bouts of depression. Ms. Hemming has been making efforts to comfort Lucas.

McCoy, Samuel: Associate. Ms. Hemming feels somewhat frustrated toward Mr. McCoy because of his brisk manner and dismissive attitude toward the Primogen Council.

West, Darren. Subordinate/Superior. Prior to January 19, 2007, Ms. Hemming held Mr. West in high regard. This view was largely shaped by Mr. Jones’s comments on Mr. West, as Ms. Hemming had had little personal contact with him. After the Richardson Intervention on January 19, 2007, her views of Mr. West darkened considerably due to his perceived defense of Mr. Richardson’s behavior and refusal to take concrete measures to protect her and others from reprisals from Mr. Richardson.

Haven Information

Primary Haven (before January 19, 2007)

Address: (address: in Chelsea)

Phone Number: unknown

Official Owner: unknown

Notes: It is a walk-up apartment in Chelsea. It has a decent-sized living room with a few doors leading elsewhere. There is a two-panel folding picture frame prominently placed in the living room featuring black and white pictures (headshots) of Ms. Hemming before her embrace and at present. The room is tastefully decorated and furnished. It is not overcrowded. There is not an overabundance of ‘nice’ things or works of art. It looks comfortable and lived-in. Ms. Hemming feels comfortable here.

Secondary Haven (January 19, 2007 - )

Address: <address>

Phone Number: unknown

Official Owner: Occupied by Lucas Brighton. Title-holder unknown.

Notes: The apartment has two bedrooms and a common room with a couch, video games, comics and other materials suitable for a college student. One closed door has a spiderman poster. One heavily padlocked door – off-limits to the girls while locked, open otherwise. This is Lucas’ ‘Office’. The apartment is currently occupied by Dylan, Alex, Cameron Bennett, Liz Grant, Dylan’s puppy, ‘Slimy,’ and Lucas. The common room is decorated with many drawings by Dylan. In the basement is a very large computer Lucas is working on. The apartment contains a circle for use by Auberon Xerices for the purpose of casting ‘Escape to True Friend.’ Natalie Hemming is staying there on a temporary basis. It also contains a Certamen circle. Located in the former Staten Island Chantry. Technomatic security systems are being installed (January 19, 2007).


Camarilla Status Summary

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Title: Primogen

Role: Static Titled Subordinate

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Effective Total Camarilla Status:( 3 )

New York City: Acknowledged by Prince West upon arrival on September 15, 2006.

Status Breakdown: (one on loan to Xerices)

Acknowledged. Original circumstances unknown

Adored. Original circumstances unknown

Cherished. Original circumstances unknown

Revered. Positional

Loaned two measures of status for the duration of her meeting with Prince West after Court on January 19, 2007.

Boons and other Obligations


Boons Held:

Boons Owed: Minor (1)

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie


Boons Held:

Boons Owed:

Minor Boon to Jonathan Ericson. Extended on January 5, 2007. Lost a bet that she would wear pajamas to Elysium.

Other Obligations Held:

Other Obligations Owed:

Feels a debt of gratitude to Mr. Richardson

Boons/Obligation Transaction Record:

Assisted by Jamal Assara, who helped her get an audition for cabaret.


Faction Political Position Summary: Camarilla

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Title: Primogen

Role: Static Titled Subordinate

Status (or equivalent): 3 + 1 - 1

Personal Loyalty: mid-strong

Overriding Loyalties: Self

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Ambitions: None in particular. Find people to appreciate her, compliment her and give her attention.

Personal Factional History:

Primogen (September 29 (?) – present). Toreador Primogen

September 15, 2006: Arrived in New York. Attended Elysium and Court

September 29, 2006: Attended Elysium and Court (?).

October 13, 2006: Attended Elysium and Court

October 31, 2006: Attended Elysium and Court

November 10, 2006: Attended Elysium and Court.

November 24, 2006: Attended Elysium

December 8, 2006: Attended Elysium, Court and the Primogen Council meeting. Recognized Mr. Richardson as Cherished for his work to protect mortals.

January 5, 2007: Attended Court and Elysium.

January 13, 2007: Held a discussion with Mr. Jones regarding the political realities of the New York Camarilla including a discussion of her displeasure at Mr. Richardson’s behavior towards her. Agreed to go with Mr. Jones to an ‘intervention’ with Mr. West aimed at bringing about the exile of Mr. Richardson.

January 19, 2007: Attend Court, the Richardson Intervention (see summary) and Elysium. Scheduled a private meeting with Prince West which was postponed.

February 2-3, 2007: Attended Elysium, Court and the Primogen Council meeting.


Faction Political Position Summary: NYC Toreador

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Title: Unknown

Role: Defacto Leader

Status (or equivalent): unknown

Personal Loyalty: low

Overriding Loyalties: Self, Jones (?) , Bennet (?)

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Ambitions: Get out from under the thumb of Mr. Richardson

Personal Factional History:

Became Toreador Primogen shortly after arriving in New York City. Mr. Richardson has systematically emotionally and manipulated her to encourage her to act as he sees fit.

The departure of Mr. Richardson on January 19, 2007 left Ms. Hemming as the only active Toreador in the city. It has yet to be seen what she will make of this, although it is possible that the faction will be subsumed by the Tremere. (January 19, 2007).


Faction Political Position Summary: NYC Tremere

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie

Title: None

Role: Ally/Protectee

Status (or equivalent): Low

Personal Loyalty: fluctuating

Overriding Loyalties: Self, Bennet (?)

Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 18, 2007)

Hemming, Natalie


Personal Factional History:


Involvement in Events of Note

Jones/Hemming Meeting

Date/Time: (date/time) (Between November 24 and December 8, 2006)

Location: (Location)

Summary: Ms. Hemming and Mr. Jones first discussed Mr. Brighton. The discussion moved to a more general discussion of Mr. Jones’ views. Ms. Hemming developed the impression that Mr. Jones was a well-intentioned, loyal and bitter man. She seemed to think it was somewhat adorable.

Formal Court (The ‘Status Incident’)

Date/Time: December 8, 2006, apprx. 11:30 p.m.

Locations: (Elysium address)

Summary: Primogen Hemming was strongly pushed into granting status to Mr. Richardson

Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached (Court Summary)

Jomes/Hemming Meeting

Date/Time: January 13, 2007

Locations: (Hemming’s haven)

Summary: Adam Jones took Natalie Hemming to a philharmonic concert. Afterward, they discussed the political situation of the city. Mr. Jones gave Ms. Hemming a crash-course in Camarilla politics, gave her advice on how to avoid coercion and offered tutelage in such techniques. This eventually reached a frank discussion about Mr. Richardson’s treatment of Ms. Hemming and her displeasure about it. Mr. Jones informed Ms. Hemming about the planned intervention and invited her to attend.

Separate Events Summary: Yes, attached

Richardson Intervention

Date/Time: January 19, 2007

Location: (coffee house location)


Primogen Rogerson joined Primogen Jones, Primogen Hemming, Grand Harpy Xerices, Sheriff McCoy and Mr. Haldor in a private meeting with Prince West to strongly recommend the exile of Mr. Richardson (then Seneschal).

Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached

Jones/Hemming Discussion

Date/Time: January 28, 2007, Approximately 3:30 a.m.

Location: (address of Lucas’ haven)

Summary: Mr. Jones and Ms. Hemming discussed the current political situation and Ms. Hemming’s relationship with Cameron Bennett.

Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached

Jones/West discussion