Name: Class Period: Date:
Lesson 13a
(Review Lesson)
Be sure fingers are on the correct keys as you begin. It does absolutely no good to practice if you do not use the correct finger reaches.
Type each line two times (press enter at the end of the line). Once you have typed the line the second time, press “TAB” to go to the next line.
Jake will go to the city to work on the big signs.
uj cd uc cut cut cue cue use use cod cod dock dock
Jud is to cut the corn near the dock for his aunt.
an by win buy den sly won they than flay when clay
in a way on a day buy a hen a fine day if they win
Lt. Su; Nan and Dodi; Karl and Sol; Dr. O. C. Goya
Kara and Rod are in Italy; Jane and Bo go in June.
Sig and Bodie went to the lake with Cory and Lana.
Aida Rios and Jana Hardy work for us in Los Gatos.
by dig row off but and jet oak the cub all got rid