Power School Calendar
2013 – 2014
Aug. 19 & 20 P.I.R. for Teachers (I & II)
21 1st day of school – Students
Sept. 2 No School - Labor Day
27 & 28 Homecoming/Harvest Fest
20 Mid-Quarter
Oct. 17 – 18 No School-P.I.R. (III & IV)
25 1st Quarter ends
26 No School
28 2nd Quarter begins
28 & 29 Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm P.I.R. (V)
Nov. 28 & 29 No School - Thanksgiving Vacation
30 Mid-Quarter
Dec. 23-31 No School - Christmas Vacation
Jan. 1 No School - Christmas Vacation
2 School Resumes
10 End 2nd Quarter, 1st Semester
13 3rd Quarter begins
Feb. 14 Mid-Quarter
21 No School – District BB
Mar. 14 3rd Quarter ends
17 No School P.I.R. (VI)
18 4th Quarter begins
Apr. 17 & 21 No School - Spring Break
23 Mid-Quarter
May 17 Graduation - 3:00 pm
23 Last Day of School - 12:00 p.m. Dismissal PIR 12-6 (VII)
Each student is valued at Power schools for their individual talents and needs. Students are encouraged to do their best academically and become an active participant in extracurricular activities.
Students and parents should read the handbook carefully in order to know and understand programs and expectations.
The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student become an effective citizen in democracy. To develop and accept the responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship will help us to participate in our varied activities and thus find those things within our school which will prepare you to live a better life and finally take your place in this complex society. Remember that your success in this school will be directly proportional to your efforts.
Our school welcomes you to its ranks and we hope that you will always be conscious of its traditions and requirements. This school will be whatever you make it. Let us always have the spirit to do the things, which will make it outstanding.
School spirit may be divided into three categories:
1. Courtesy–Toward school employees, fellow students, and the officials of school athletic activities.
2. Pride–-In everything our school endeavors to accomplish and has accomplished.
3. Sportsmanship–The ability to win or lose gracefully.
Each student must strive to keep his/her scholastic and activity standards at the highest possible level. Students are expected to act in a positive manner. Student’s habits, attitudes and attire should mirror the positive and disciplined appearance and atmosphere of the school. Conduct and behavior toward any school personnel will be appropriate at all times.
Staff members appropriately supervise students during school hours. While in attendance at games and other after school events, it is the parent’s responsibility to appropriately supervise their children. It is the general rule that a child may not remain in the building unsupervised before or after school. All unsupervised students in the building will be asked to leave.
Here are guidelines for students attending after-school events:
Pre-school-6: Students should have a parent in attendance and are to be under direct supervision of a parent or supervising adult at all times.
K-8: Students are to remain seated in the gym while the game is in progress. Students may not play in the hallways, bathrooms, or concessions.
K-12: Students are not to be running in the halls, playing with balls or PE equipment. Students are not allowed in other areas of the school such as classrooms or hallways.
The stage is reserved for our adult community members and visitors. Students are not permitted on the stage during basketball games. Younger family members may sit with parents on the stage.
Students will be neat, clean and modest in their dress. Shoes are required at all times. Hats, visors and bandannas are not to be worn during the school day. Blankets are not to be brought to class. Any dress or appearance that causes disruption of the educational process or presents a health or safety concern for any individual shall not be permitted.
The following guidelines, as set forth by the School Board and administration, are to be followed by all students and enforced by all school personnel. These guidelines apply to all school-related activities, extracurricular and co-curricular activities and field trips. The administration will have final authority to decide what is or is not appropriate.
Dress Code Guidelines
1. No bare feet
2. All undergarments must be covered at all times (boxer shorts, bras, etc).
3. Tank tops must have straps wide enough so that no part of the bra or bra straps show.
4. Skinny strapped tops and dresses or halter-tops are not considered appropriate dress and cannot be worn unless covered by a shirt or sweater.
5. Shirts must extend past the waistband of the pants/shorts or skirts to sufficient length so that no part of a student’s stomach or back shows.
6. Shorts, skirts and dresses must be at approximate mid thigh.
7. Low cut or tight fitting apparel that reveals the body in an inappropriate manner is prohibited.
8. Any clothing with obscene language, symbols, and pictures of suggestive matter, including reference to alcohol, tobacco or drugs is prohibited.
Students will receive a “no dress” (a zero grade) if they choose not to participate in Physical Education (PE) due to an ear or body piercing. Three days of “no dress” in any one-quarter will result in a letter grade reduction. (School officials highly recommend any ear or body piercing be done in the summer months) PE teachers will follow MHSA guidelines at all levels of education regarding the removal of jewelry prior to participation.
Grades A, B, C, and D are passing. A indicates exceptionally fine work; B represents better than average work; C indicates average work; D indicates poor work. A grade of F indicates failure. The grade given at the end of the semester is a cumulative grade for that semester and is the one, which is recorded. These are equivalent to the following numerical schedule:
A = 94-100
B = 87-93
C = 77-86
D = 70-76
F = 69 and below
Students shall carry a minimum of FOUR (4) periods of classes (excluding Study Hall) to be considered full time students of Power High School. These courses will be selected from classes currently being offered at Power High School.
College Focus Graduation Requirements:
Power’s Valedictorian and Salutatorian must complete these requirements.
20 ½ credits of required classes plus 2 ½ credits of elective credits for a total of 23 credits.
English (4) Math (3) Science (3)
English I Algebra I Biology
English II Geometry Earth Science
English III Algebra II
English IV
Social Studies (3 ½) Health/Physical Education (2)
American History PE/Health I
United States Government PE/Health II
World History
Mt. History (½)
Fine Arts (2) Vocational/Technical (2) Foreign Language (1)
Band Computer Applications I Spanish I
Choir Elective
Art I
Total Required: 20 ½ Total Electives 2 ½
(Electives listed below)
Vo-Tech/Trade/Military Graduation Requirement
19 credits are required plus 4 elective credits for a total of 23 credits.
English (4) Math (3) Science (2)
English I Pre Algebra Biology
English II Algebra I Earth Science
English III Geometry
English IV
Social Studies (3 ½) Health/Physical Education (2)
American History PE/Health I
United States Government PE/Health II
World History
Mt. History (½)
Fine Arts (2) Vocational/Technical (3)
Band Computer Applications I
Choir Elective
Music Enhancement Elective
Music Composition
Art I
Total Required: 19 Total Electives 4 (Listed Below)
Vocational/Technology Electives Regular
Reading Reading Strategies Physics
Advanced Computers Chemistry
Engines (½) General Science
Welding (½) Spanish II
Wood I (½) Weights (½)
Auto Cad I Calculus
Advanced Math
***Please see school counselor concerning number of credits required***
Academic warning will be sent to parents of students whose school performances are deficient and may result in an unsatisfactory or failing grade. Academic deficiencies are sent out every mid-quarter. However, they can be sent any time of the year when a student is doing poorly in a class.
Guidance services are available for every student in the school. These services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, career information, study helps, help with home, school, and/or social concerns, or any question the student may feel he/she would like to discuss with the counselor. Counselor hours are periods 1, 2, 3, & 5, Monday through Friday.
The Honor Roll is posted each nine-week period. The Honor Roll requirements are as follows:
1. A student must be enrolled in six classes to be eligible for Honor Roll. (Each class must have a minimum value of ½ credit per year).
2. All courses will count toward Honor Roll except student aide.
3. A student cannot have a quarterly grade less than a "C" (2.00) in any eligible class.
4. Grade Point Average must be no less than a 3.00 ("B") in the eligible courses.
Eligibility Requirements for Valedictorian and Salutatorian:
*Must meet the requirements of the Power College Preparation Curriculum.
*Must be a full time student at Power Public Schools.
Determining the Valedictorian and Salutatorian:
1. The valedictorian and salutatorian will be determined at the end of the senior’s first semester
2. Class rankings will be based on their cumulative high school (grades 9-12) grade point average as determined by the school’s Schoolmaster program. The grade point average will be determined to the nearest thousandths, i.e. 3.947, on a 4.0 scale.
3. The student with the highest cumulative grade point average will be declared the valedictorian; the student with the second highest cumulative grade point will be declared the salutatorian.
If a tie exists for valedictorian, the student with the highest ACT composite score will be declared valedictorian; the second highest ACT composite score will be declared salutatorian. If a tie still exists, they will be declared as co-valedictorians, no salutatorian will be declared that year. If a tie exists for the salutatorian, the student with the highest ACT will be declared the salutatorian. If a tie still exists, they will be declared co-salutatorians.
Correspondence/Satellite/I.T.V./Internet Courses:
Correspondence courses are available to students:
a. Who cannot schedule a desired course.
b. Who have failed a regular class.
c. Who want to enroll into a course, which is not offered at Power High School.
Courses must be approved by the superintendent and will be monitored by Power School personnel or a person approved by the superintendent. Students who enroll, and subsequently drop or fail to complete, a correspondence, satellite or ITV course may be assessed the cost of enrollment. Students enrolling in these classes need to be aware that the method of presentation requires significant student motivation and self-discipline. Students registering for Internet courses must have administrative approval and pay in advance ½ the tuition costs.
Teachers may request one student aide per day. Aide positions will also be requested for the office. Teachers and the administration will choose students in grade 12 provided the student's schedule permits. Seniors will be given first preference for aide positions. If no seniors are available juniors may be student aides. Students will receive a Pass or Fail grade for the aide position that does not count toward the GPA. One-quarter credit may be earned per semester. Students chosen for an aide position must demonstrate and maintain high academic achievement, good attendance, dependability and responsibility. The administration will approve ALL aide assignments.
Tickets may be purchased in the school office before school starts in the morning, during recess or after school.
K-6 $1.75
7-12 $2.00
Adults $3.00
Free/Reduced .40
The Power School District offers an online payment system, PaySchools, to allow parents to have easy and convenient online access to purchase and pay for items and fees 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Parents can now make payments on the school’s web site, www.power.k12.mt.us with an e-check or credit card. To insure your security, PaySchools does not store personal bank or credit card information. Items that may currently be purchased online include, but not limited to, school lunches, activity tickets, annual (yearbook) purchases, and wellness center donations. We cannot accept payment for non-income generating accounts such as Jostens, Lifetouch, Booster Club, Spanish Club or the Freshman Field trip.
Please check out the website and if you have any questions, please contact the school office at 463-2251.
Students K-6 are expected to remain on the school grounds during noon break unless prior arrangements have been made by the parents with the office.
JH/HS students are reminded that elementary classes are in session while the grades 6 through 12 are on noon break. JH/HS students may use the library during the noon break, providing they are under the direct supervision of a staff member. Students may not enter the elementary portion of the building or the front door of the school during this time.
Students are not permitted to be in, ride in, or drive any motor vehicle during the school day, this includes the noon break without permission from a parent and approved by the administration. Only fully licensed and insured drivers may drive to or from school.
The following rules apply for students riding the regular buses to and from school. These rules are intended to make bus travel as safe as possible with the least distractions for the driver.
1. If you are asked to do something, or not do something, do it the first time you are asked. Do not argue.
2. Stay in your seat, sitting on your bottoms, while the bus is moving. You may stand up only to unload or move to a different seat after the bus has come to a complete stop.
3. Keep your hands, feet, and all personal objects to yourself, at all times.
4. No loud voices or yelling
5. Do not put your hands, head or personal objects outside the bus windows at any time.
Please remember it is a privilege to ride the bus, do not abuse it. If students do not follow the rules, they will be reported to the principal, or personally escorted to the office.