Fereydoon Sargolzaei Aval
Birth: 1964
Academic Position:
Associate Professor of Anatomy and Embryology, Dept. of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, ZahedanUniversity of Medical Sciences. Zahedan, Iran
Higher Education:
2001 , Ph.D. In Anatomical Sciences (Histology & Embryology), Faculty of Medicine, TehranUniversity of Medical Sciences.
1994 , M.Sc. In Anatomical Sciences (Gross Anatomy), Faculty of Medicine, TehranUniversity of Medical Sciences.
1987 ,B.Sc. InRehabilitation (Speech Therapy), Faculty of Rehabilitation, IranUniversity of Medical Sciences.
Research Experience and Interests:
osteogenesis and bone repair by the use of synthetic materials.
1 – Repair of parietal bone defects using Endochondral Bone Matrix Gelatin (Ec BMG) in Rats. Grant no. 129, 1999. Supported by under secretary for research of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.
2 - The study of histopathological effects of electric welding gases on respiratory epithelium of conducting airways of Rat. Grant no. 465, 2003. Supported by under secretary for research of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.
1 - M.H. Heidari, S.A. Sarani. F. Sargolzaei aval. Human Anatomy (Trunk). Tehran: Andishmand press; 2005.
2 – A. sobhani, P. Pasbakhsh, F. Sargolzaei aval. Anatomy of the Limbs. Tehran: Omid press; 2005.
3 – F.Sargolzaei Aval. General Human Anatomy. Tehran: Jaafari Press; 2007.
Journal Articles:
1– F. Sargolzaei aval, MA. Naraghei, H. Tofighei, et al. Use of the anterior border of the human hip bones in sex determination. The Journal of Faculty of Medicin. 2000; 58(2): 71-75.
2 - F. Sargolzaei aval, A. Sobhani, F. Eatesam, et al. The effect of Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) on the repair of parietal bone defects in rat. Daneshvar. 2001; N0.8(35): 47-54.
3 - F. Sargolzaei aval, A. Sobhani, H. Rafighdoost, et al. Evaluation of osteogenesis induced by implantation of Bone Matrix Gelatin (BMG) in rat parietal bone defects. Daneshvar. 2002; N0.9(40): 35-46.
4- F Sargolzaei Aval, A Sobhani, MR. Arab, et al. The efficacy of implant of Octacalcium Phosphate(OCP) in combination with Bone Matrix Gelatin (BMG) on bone regeneration in skull defects of Rat. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences.2004; 29(3): 124- 130.
5- F. Sargolzaei Aval, A Sobhani, B. Niknafs, et al. Histologic and histomorphometric evaluation of osteogenesis induced by Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) combined with Bone Matrix Gelatin (BMG) in rat skull defects. Journal of Dentistry. 2005; 18(1): 30-39.
6 – A. sobhani, F. Sargolzaei Aval, M. Akbari, et al. Repair of cranhal bone defects using Endochondral Bone Matrix Gelatin (Ec BMG) in rat. Acta Medica Iranica. 2001;39(1): 24-30.
7- MR. Arab, GR. Komeili, F. Sargolzaei Aval, et al. Histochemical study of structural changes of carotid arteries wall in male diabetic Rats. Tabib-E-Shargh Journal of ZahedanUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2004; 6(2): 89-99.
8- MR. Arab, M. Karimi, F. Sargolzaei Aval, et al. The qualitative study of cell surface and extracellular matrix markers in benign and malignant lesions of prostate. Tabibe Shargh Journal of ZahedanUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2003; 5(3): 157-164.
9- MR. Arab, A. Sharifzadeh, F. Sargolzaei Aval .The study of Histopathological effects of welding fumes on spermatogenesis in Rat. Journal of Tehranuniversity of Medical Sciences. 2005; 63(4): 279-276.
10- M R. Arab, F. Sargolzaei Aval, H. Imani, et al. The study of effects of electric iron welding fumes on conducting airways of the Rat. Kowsar Journal of BaghiyatoAllahUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2005; 10(1): 21-27.
11 – F. Sargolzaei, A Sobhani , M R. Arab, et al. Ultrastractural study of cells involved in the healing of the parietal bone defects after implantation of octacalcium phosphate combined with bone matrix gelatin. Journal of Mazandaran university of Medical Sciences. 2007;16(55): 8 – 17.
12 - F. Sargolzaei, M R. Arab, et al. Implantation of Octacalcium Phosphate enhances long bone,s repair in Rat. Journal of Tehranuniversity of Medical Sciences. 2006; 64(6): 67 – 76.
13 - F. Sargolzaei, A Sobhani , M R. Arab, Saberi E. et al. Implantation of Octacalcium Phosphate enhances osteogenesis of alveolar ridge defect in rat mandible. Dental journal Shaheed beheshti university of Medical Sciences. 2007;25(2):167 – 173.
14 – M. Bakhtiari, A Sobhani, F. Sargolzaei, et al. The effect of Hyaluronic acid on motility, vitality and fertilization capability of mouse sperms`after cryopreservation.
Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 2007; 5(2):45 – 50.
15 - M R. Arab, Z. Sepehri,F. Sargolzaei, et al. Histichemical study of N-acetylgalactosamine containing Glycoconjugate in intraductal carcinoma of the breast by HPA lectin. Yakhteh.2006;7(4):216 – 221.
16 - I. Ragerdi Kashani, A Sobhani, F. Sargolzaei, et al. Protective effect of vitamin D3 in methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) nduced loss of bone metabolism markers and bone mineral density in the lumbar spine of rat. Acta Medica Iranica. 2007; 45(1):1 – 6.
17 - M R. Arab, G.R. Komeili, F. Sargolzaei, et al. Histochemical Studies on structural changes of large conducting arteries in male diabetic rats. J. Appl. Anim.Res.2006;30: 145 – 148.
18 – K. Yamashita, Hiroyuki Morimoto, F. Sargolzaei, et al. Morphological Features of the Osteopetrotic Op/Op Mouse skeleton. Dentistry in Japan. 2003;39: 19 – 22.
19 - F. Sargolzaei, M R. Arab, A Sobhani, et al. Implantation of Octacalcium Phosphate stimulates both chondrogenesis and osteogenesisin the tibia, but only steogenesis in the rat mandible. Journal of Dentistry. Tehranuniversity of Medical Sciences. 2006;3(3); 122 – 128.
20–M.R. Arab, A. allahyari, F. Sargolzaei Aval, et. al. hyaluronic acid changes of the extracellular matrix in colon carcinoma. Journal of Tehranuniversity of Medical Sciences. 2007; 65(8): 1 – 5.
21 - M. Bakhtiari, A Sobhani, F. Sargolzaei, et al. the effect of hyaluronan on fertilization of mouse sperm befor cryopreservation and after thawing. Journal of Tehranuniversity of Medical Sciences. 2006; 64(9): 19 – 25.
22 - M.R. Arab, l. Roosta, F. Sargolzaei Aval, et. al. Histopathalogical effects of electric welding fumes on liver in Rat. Tabib-E-Shargh. Journal of ZahedanUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2005; 7(2):93 – 98.
23 - M.R. Arab, F. Kakeri, F. Sargolzaei Aval, et. al. The study of Histopathalogical effects of electric welding fumes on bronchiole lung of Rats. Journal of Iranian Anatomical Sciences. 2006;3(4):289 – 295.
24 - M.R. Arab, E. Ghiasi, F. Sargolzaei Aval, et. al. Histochemical study of liver tissue changes in diabetes induced by streptozotocin in Rats. Journal of Birjand university of Medical Sciences. 2006; 13(2): 25 – 30.
25 - M.R. Arab, H. Ahmadi, F. Sargolzaei Aval, et. al. Identification of D-Gal and Gal/GalNac terminal sugars in basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin. Tabib-E-Shargh. Journal of ZahedanUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2007; 9(1):53 – 59.
1 - F. Sargolzaei aval, A. Sobhani, M. Akbari, et al. Implantation of Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) combined with Bone Matrix Gelatin (BMG) induced bone regeneration in rat skull defects. 30th European symposium on calcified tissues. Rom, Italy. 2003.
2 - A. sobhani, F. Sargolzaei Aval, M. Akbari, et al. Repair of cranhal bone defects using Endochondral Bone Matrix Gelatin (Ec BMG) in rat. 30th European symposium on calcified tissues. Rom, Italy. 2003.
3 – B. niknafs, F. Sargolzaei aval, A. Sobhani, et al. The effect of Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) on the repair of parietal bone defects in rat. 30th European symposium on calcified tissues. Rom, Italy. 2003.
4 - F. Sargolzaei Aval. Histologic and histomorphometric evaluation of osteogenesis induced by Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) combined with Bone Matrix Gelatin (BMG) in rat skull defects. 31th European symposium on calcified tissues. Nice, France. 2004.
5 – F. Sargolzaei Aval. Ultrastractural study of cells involved in the healing of the parietal bone defects after implantation of Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) combined with Bone Matrix Gelatin (BMG) in rat. 2nd joint meeting of the European on calcified tissue Society and the International Bone and Mineral Society. Geneva, Switzerland. 2005.
6 – F. Sargolzaei Aval, MR. Arab, S. sargolzaei. Lectin histochemical study of cell surface glycoconugate on gastritis and carcinoma of the stomach. 6th International gastric cancer congress. Yokohama, Japan. 2005.
7 – MR. Arab, F. Sargolzaei Aval, T. Talei. Quantitative study of gastric epithelial lesions by NOR attaining. 6th International gastric cancer congress. Yokohama, Japan, 2005.
8- F. Sargolzaei aval, MR. Arab, SA. Sarani. Type I collagen fiber formation in ECM starts as a spherical bodies.6th International congress of Anatomical sciences, Shiraz, Iran, 2004.
9 – M.R. Arab, F. Sargolzaei, SA. Sarani.The study of electric welding fumes on respiratory epithelium in rat.17th International congress of Geographic Medicine,Shiraz, Iran, 2004.
10 - A. Sharifzadeh, M.R. Arab, T. Talaei, F. Sargolzaei.The study of histopathological effects of welding fumes on spermatogenesis in rat.17th International congress of Geographic Medicine.Shiraz, Iran, 2004.
11 - رضوانه مشهدی،محمد رضا عرب، رمضان میرزائی، فریدون سرگلزائی.مطالعه اثرات هیستوپاتولوژیک فیوم های لحیم کاری بر اپیتلیوم تنفسی در نای در موش صحرائی.نهمین همایش سالانه آسیب شناسی ایران، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران، 1386.
12 - محمد رضا عرب، فریبا کاکری،فریدون سرگلزائی. مطالعه اثرات هیستوپاتولوژیک فیومهای جوشکاری الکتریکی در برونشیول ها و ریه موش صحرائی.هفتمین همايش سراسري علوم تشريحي ايران، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان، 1385.
13 - شیراحمد سارانی، محمدرضا عرب،فریدون سرگلزائی.مطالعه بیومارکرهای سطحی سلول و ماتریکس خارج سلولی در هیپر پلازی خوش خیم و آدنوکارسینوم پروستات.ششمين همايش سراسري علوم تشريحي ايران، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز، 1383.
14 - محمد رضا عرب،غلامرضا كميلي،انسيه قياسي،فريدون سرگلزايی.مطالعه هيستوشيمي و لكتين هيستوشيمي تغييرات بافتي كبد در ديابت مليتوس.ششمين همايش سراسري علوم تشريحي ايران،دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز،1383.
15 - علیقلی سبحانی،فریدون سرگلزائی،هوشنگ رفیقدوست،محمد اکبری.ترمیم نقص های استخوانی ناحیه سر با استفاده از ژلاتین ماتریکس استخوانی داخل غضروفی در حیوان آزمایشگاهی رت.هشتمین کنگره بین الملی انجمن دندانپزشکی ایران، تهران، 1380.
16 - محمد رضا عرب، لیلا روستا،فريدون سرگلزايی.مطالعه اثرات هیستوپاتولوژیک فیومهای جوشکاری الکتریکی بر کبد در موش صحرائی. هفدهمین کنگره فیزیولوژی و فارماکولوژی ایران،دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کرمان، 1384.
17 -فریدون سرگلزائی، محمد علی نراقی، حسن توفیقی، علیقلی سبحانی.استفاده از کنار قدامی استخوان هیپ در تعیین جنسیت.چهارمین کنگره علوم تشریحی ایران، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران، 1378.