9th Graders:
Name Advisory Date .
First Semester Technology Project for Advisory: Discrimination in My Career Field
Project Title: Overcoming Obstacles: Job Discrimination
Project Description:
We will research current statistics about job discrimination in our dream jobs, and we will interview a professional in a job related to our career fields. To show our findings and interviewees’ responses, we will designa aprezi on The prezi will include titles, text, images, and video to clearly demonstrate our findings. We will present our personalized prezi to our own Advisory class to be voted on. The top presentations will be shared with parents and professionals in the Los Angeles community. The driving question we are investigating is “Will I be likely to face job discrimination in the career of my choice based on my gender, race, or my community?”
STEP 1a:Complete the following NAVIANCE tasks.
Career Cluster and Career Interest Profile
Log in at to naviance. Use your e-mail address as your login.
STEP 1b:Choose your favorite career cluster/career field and job that you want to research.
My career field isand my job choice is __.
STEP 2:Update your TechYES account.
- Log into you forgot your log-in, your Advisor can check the TechYES Google Doc)
- Click NEW PROJECT and open a new tab to go to click on Staff Directory; Mr. Astor; TechYES Advisory Project.
- Copy and paste the Title and Project Description into TechYES.
- Check all of the technologies you will use for this project. INCLUDE: Video, Animation, Presentation, Photography, Surveys, Internet Research
- Select OTHER for the Subject Areas.
- Register and Plan the Project
Log-in to the TechYES website / Step 1 – Go to simontech.techyes.org and log-in. Your username should be the first letter of your first name and then your last name. Example: Jeff Astor JAstor
Your Password is: ILoveAstor
Join a Class / Step 2 – Click on Join Class and select your advisory teacher and their advisory class from the menu.
Create a New Project / Step 3 – Click on the blue button labeled “+ New Project”
Describe Your Project / Step 4 - Click NEW PROJECT and open a new tab to go to click on Staff Directory; Mr. Astor; TechYES Advisory Project.Copy and paste the Title and Project Description into TechYES.Check all of the technologies you will use for this project. INCLUDE: Video, Animation, Presentation, Photography, Surveys, Internet Research. Select OTHER for the Subject Areas.
Register and Plan the Project / Step 5 – After you create the project, click on the project plan tab and fill in ALL of the questions regarding how the project will be completed.
STEP 3: Create a Prezi account.
a. Go and click on CREATE ACCOUNT.
b. Enter your first name and last initial with the number 17 for your nickname. Ex: fernandam17. If yours is already taken include the first three letters of your last name as well. Ex: Fernandamag17
c. Type in your e-mail and enter your computer password for this account.
d. Go to your e-mail and confirm your account.
e. Click START A NEW prezi, and now you can add information, images and videos to your digital poster.
*An example of a prezi project will be shown in Advisory. Ask your STL for assistance if needed.*
STEP 4a: Research information to answer the driving question.
Answer the supporting questions to help with the bigger driving question.
Driving Question:
Will I be likely to face job discrimination in the career of my choice based on my gender, race, or my community?
Supporting Questions:
- What is job discrimination?
- How many women work in my career of choice compared to men?
- How many people of my race have the job that I’d like to pursue?
- What percentages of various races within my career?
- How many people in my community have pursued a job that is linked to mine?
- How does your community (place/culture) affect your career choice?
- How have people of an African or Latino background been treated in my career choice?
- Are there any laws that protect me from discrimination based on my race, gender, or community?
Informative Websites and Resources
Explains Discrimination
Keyword search your career field or job + discrimination
The home page for Equal Employment Opportunity. Search for your career info.
Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination: Question & Answer
Facts about Discrimination
Race and Color Discrimination
Statistics on Women at Work
STEP 4b: Interview a professional
a. Brainstorm and practice a few interview questions with your Advisor and classmates.
Sample Questions:
My name is _, can I please have your first and last name?
How long have you been a_?
What are some of your favorite things about your job?
What are some challenges you experience?
What do you feel you have in common with some of your coworkers?
What sets you apart from your coworkers?
Have you ever witnessed discrimination in your career field based on background, race or gender of any co-employee?
b. Make phone calls and appointments to interview a professional in your field over the phone or in person.
c. Record your interviewees’ responses by writing them down, recording the interview or video taping it.
Use to help you. You can create your citation on Easy Bib and then add it to a text box on the bottom of your prezi project.
STEP 6: Save your project and Upload to TechYES and e-mail your Prezi project to your Advisor.
a. Log into (If you forgot your log-in, your Advisor can check the TechYES Google Doc)
b. Click PROJECT LINK & FILES and copy and paste the Prezi web address for your project where it says URL web address.
c. Click Save Changes to Project at the bottom of the page.
d. Click on STUDENT ASSESSMENT and Complete the Project Evaluation by clicking on each box to check off the quality and completion of your work, and answer the questions.
e. Click Save Changes to Evaluation.
f. Let your advisory teacher know that you are finished and show them your work!.