NALRC Board Meeting February 25, 2009

Motion 1: Standing Rules

The Rules Committee has recommended the following motion in regards to the Standing Rules of the club. "The Rules Committee has found that the compiling and keeping of Standing Rules is superfluous and unnecessary due to the fact that the club has several committees in place to address the keeping of rules on specific topics. We believe that each established committee needs to be the steward of their own rules, such as sweepstakes rules, national show rules or live auction rules, etc. As it is now, any changes to those rules are already being brought to the Board for approval by the committee, and the Rules Committee has not been directly involved. Further, any items not covered by the current Constitution and By-Laws would have to come to the Board for a vote as well. (such as covering COD holders' entries, paying for odd items, etc.)"

This motion would result in an additional amendment to the NALRC By-Laws.

Current wording:

Article IV: Standing Committees, Section 3a: Rules Committee

*Shall be responsible for reviewing, receiving, and/or proposing amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws, and Standing Rules of the NALRC

*Shall receive and review any proposals for conflicts with the current documents or the ARBA. They shall make suggestions for revisions as deemed necessary.

*Shall keep up to date and complete records of the standing rules of the club.


Article IV: Standing Committees, Section 3a: Rules Committee

*Shall be responsible for reviewing, receiving, and/or proposing amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the NALRC

*Shall receive and review any proposals for conflicts with the current documents or the ARBA. They shall make suggestions for revisions as deemed necessary.


VOTING YES: Jeremy Armstrong (VP), Arden Wetzel (Sec), Dawn Guth (Treas), Cheryl Rafoth (D-1), Denise Sousa (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Sadie Welsh (D-4), Sandy Wild (D-5), Rusty Westhoff (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D-7), Carolyn Charville (D-8), & Melissa Kelly (D-9)

Motion 2: Merchandise Auction at Nationals Banquet

The Fundraising Committee would like Board approval to hold an auction of select items at the National Show Banquet.


VOTING YES: Jeremy Armstrong (VP), Arden Wetzel (Sec), Dawn Guth (Treas), Cheryl Rafoth (D-1), Denise Sousa (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Sadie Welsh (D-4), Sandy Wild (D-5), Rusty Westhoff (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D-7), Carolyn Charville (D-8), & Melissa Kelly (D-9)

Motion 2: Stipend for Secretary

Motion to change the Secretary Stipend from $50 per month to $1.50 for each membership which is processed. This rule is to become effective with the incoming board following the 2009 ARBA Convention.

This would result in an amendment to our By-Laws:


Article III: Compensation, Section 1

The NALRC shall pay the Secretary a stipend of $50.00 per month for a total of $600.00 per year. This shall be the total compensation for the Secretary.


Article III: Compensation, Section 1

The NALRC shall pay the Secretary a stipend of $1.50 for each single adult, single youth, and family membership processed. This shall be the total compensation for the Secretary.

Motion 3 RESULTS: Motion PASSED, 11 voting Yes, 1 Voting No

VOTING YES: Jeremy Armstrong (VP), Dawn Guth (Treas), Cheryl Rafoth (D-1), Denise Sousa (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Sadie Welsh (D-4), Sandy Wild (D-5), Rusty Westhoff (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D-7), Carolyn Charville (D-8), & Melissa Kelly (D-9)

VOTING NO: Arden Wetzel (Sec)