Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated


Whereas, CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED, founded on October 16, 1932, at Washington, D.C., has granted the Southeast Region of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, charter in 1954 by virtue of which power is given to prescribe bylaws, rules, regulations, and details which are necessary to carry out the affairs of the chapter; therefore be it

Resolved, that the Southeast Region of Chi Eta Phi Sorority will carry out the objectives and conform to requirements and principles of the Sorority as stated in the National Bylaws.

This document governs all the states in the Southeast Region, which are:

Alabama / North Carolina
Florida / South Carolina
Georgia / Tennessee
Kentucky / Virgin Island






















Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Southeast Region, hereinafter referred to as “SER”, of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated.


Section 1: The purpose of the SER Organization shall be:

A.  To foster adherence to, and furtherance of the objectives of Chi Eta Phi Sorority among

the chapters and members within the boundaries of SER as designated by the national


B.  To promote the development of both graduate and undergraduate chapters within SER.

C. To provide a forum designed to clarify policies and procedures and resolveproblems of the chapters

and members within SER through workshops, discussions, demonstrations and other type of group



Section 1. Membership in the SER shall consist of chapters and members -at-large residing \

withinthe geographic boundaries designated by the national bylaws.

Section 2. Financially active chapter members shall have all rights and privileges of membership of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.

Section 3. Members-at-large residing within SER shall have voice and vote, providing they are

financially active nationally and regionally, but shall not hold an elected office.

Section 4. Honorary member shall have the privilege of participating in all activities of the region,

but shall not exercise voting privileges or hold office.

Section 5. The Supreme Basileus shall be privileged to participate in all regional activities. This officer shall be exempt from payment of registration and meal function fees.

Section 6. Past Supreme Basilei and Past Regional Directors residing in SER shall be exempt from paying regional registration.


Section 1. The officers of SER shall be a Regional Director, referred hereinafter as‘SERD”, First Assistant Regional Director, Second Assistant Regional Director, Grammateus, Tamias, Tamiochus, Historian, Hodogos, Philacter, Parliamentarian, Chaplain and Sergeant-at-Arms.

Section 2. The elected officers shall be the SERD, First Assistant SERD, Second Assistant SERD, Grammateus, Tamias,Tamiochus, and Historian.

A.  Election in the odd year: First Assistant SERD, Tamiochus, 4

Historian, and Nominating Committee shall be elected.

B.  Election in the even year: SERD, Grammateus, and Tamias shall beelected. The Second Assistant SERD shall be elected annually.

Section 3. The appointed officers shall be the Hodogos, Philacter, Parliamentarian, Chaplain and Sergeant-at-Arms. These officers shall be appointed by the SERDat each Annual Meeting.

Section 4.. Eligibility for office for a graduate member shall:

A.  Have been a member of the Sorority for at least two (2) years.

B. Be Active in a graduate chapter of SER.

C. Have held an office in a graduate chapter.

D. Have attended SER meeting in the past two (2) years.

E. To be eligible for the office of Regional Director the nominee must:

1. Be a member of the sorority for at least four (4) years.

2. Be active in the local Chapter at the time of nomination.

3. Have held an elected office in the local Chapter.

4. Have attended one regional meeting in the past two (2) years and one Boule’ in the

past four (4) years.

5. Have basic computer skills and access to a computer with e-mail.

6. Have a Bachelors Degree in Nursing. A Master’s Degree in Nursing or related field

is preferred along with previous leadership experience at the chapter level, work or

other like organization.

F. To be eligible for the office of First Assistant Director the nominee must meet all

criteria listed in National Bylaws Article V, Section 15, page 18.

In addition, must have a Bachelors Degree in Nursing and Masters in a health related

field or Masters Degree in Nursing.

Section 5. Eligibility for office for a beta member shall be:

A.  Be Active in a Beta chapter of SER.

B.  Hold/Held an office in a Beta chapter of SER.

Section 6. Election shall be by ballot. If there is only one candidate for each office, elections may

be by voice or standing vote. A majority vote shall elect all officers except the nominat-

ing committee. The nominating committee shall be elected by plurality vote. The voting

strength is composed of delegates, past SER directors, present SER officers, and past

Supreme Basilei of the SER.

Section 7. The term of office shall be two (2) years or until a successor is elected for all

officersexcept the Second Assistant SERD who will serve a one (1) year term.

Section 8. No officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office except the Tamias and Historian. Term of office shall begin at the close of the annual meeting at which the officer is elected.

Section 9. All supplies, equipment, and records held by outgoing officers shall be given to the successor within thirty (30) days after leaving office.



Section 1. Each elected officer shall submit a written report of activities and other pertinent information of office to the Grammateus for inclusion in the book of reports not later than

30 January of each year.

Section 2. The SERD shall:

A.  Preside over all meetings of the SER.

B.  Appoint all committees and chairs within forty-five (45) days after assuming office, except the Nominating Committee.

C.  Notify all committee chairmen of their responsibilities.

D.  Appoint a planning director and officers as necessary/approved by the region.

E.  Appoint a successor to fill vacancies in office (other than SERD), in the event of death,

illness, resignation, or removal for any cause until expiration of the term.

F.  Serve as the official SER representative to national board meetings and Boule.

G.  Make a report at the annual meeting of SER and Boule.

H.  Disseminate all pertinent information from national and SER chapters, to chapter basilei and members-at-large within SER.

I.  Direct chapter Basilei of SER to submit written reports at least forty-five (45) days prior tothe annual meeting to the Grammateus.

J.  Prepare/approve the agenda for the Annual Meeting.

K.  Serve as ex officio member of all committees except Nominating Committee.

L.  Serve as a member of the Boule Program Committee whenever Boule is held in SER.

M.  Countersign all certificates or other documents of SER.

N.  Approve all orders for payments of monies.

O.  Be a co-signer of checks in the absence of either the Tamias or Tamiochus.

P.  Ensure adherence to these bylaws by all members of SER.

Q.  Be bonded during term of office.

Section 3. The First Assistant SERD shall:

A.  Assume all duties of the SERD in the event absence, vacancy, or inability toserve.

B.  Serve as chairman of the Program and Projects Committee in conjunction with the

support chapter in planning SER meeting and plan workshops.


Work closely with Beta Sponsors within the region regarding participation of Beta chapters in the SER program.

Section 4. The Second Assistant SERD shall:

A.  Plan and serve as the presiding Officer of the Beta Meeting during SER meeting.

B.  Assist with the development and implementation of Beta Programs for SER meeting.

C.  Maintain communication Network with SERD, Dean of Sponsors, Beta Sponsors and Beta Chapters in the SER.

D.  Submit a report detailing all activities to SER Board of Director's meeting at SER meeting and to the Dean of Sponsors.

Section 5. The Grammateus shall:

A.  Record the minutes and send a copy to SER Officers, SER Chapters, Members-at-Large in SER, Past Supreme Basilei and Past SERDs residing in SER, SER Committee Chairmen, Supreme Basileus,and National Historian, within one hundred and twenty (120) days following the close of SER meeting

B.  Compile and preserve a record of membership containing the names and addressesof all members of SER, prepare/distribute a SER directory to officers and committee chairs as required.

C.  Complete correspondence connected with the business of the region at the direction of the SERD.

D.  Give notice of the annual meeting to SER officers, chapters, and members-at-large at least forty-five (45) days prior to the date of the annual meeting.

E.  Make an annual report at the SER Meeting.

F.  Compile a Book of Reports for distribution at the Annual Meeting.

G.  Serve on the Registration and Credentials Committee.

Section 6. The Tamias shall:

A.  Receive from the Tamiochus all funds due SER and deposit in a bank designated by the region and keep an accurate account of same.

B.  Issue checks drawn against SER to be countersigned by either the Tamiochus or the SERD and keep an accurate account of same.

C.  Be bonded during term of office.

D.  Submit a report of all transactions for the book of reports annually.

E.  Serve on the Budget and Finance Committee.

F.  Submit all financial records needed for audit to a professional auditor and give the report of the audit at the SER meeting. 7

Section 7. The Tamiochus shall:

A.  Receive all funds due the region from the chapters, officers, and chairmen, etc.

B.  Compile and preserve an accurate record of all financial transactions and provide records as needed for audit.

C.  Prepare the draft for all checks written against the SER account in triplicate, sharing copies with the Tamias and the Grammateus.

D.  Submit a report of all transactions for the book of reports annually.

E.  Serve on the SER Budget and Finance Committee.

F.  Be bonded during term of office.

G.  Serve as chairman of the registration and credentials committee, and prepare financial records necessary for use by this committee.

Section 8. The Historian shall:

A.  Compile and keep in chronological order a record of the activities of SER, and shall work closely with the SERD and the National Historian.

B.  Prepare a report to be submitted for inclusion in the book of reports annually.

C.  Prepare and display the region's report at each Annual Meeting of the region and the Boule.

D.  Work closely with Chapter Historians in the region to coordinate the display of chapter reports at the annual meeting.

E.  Prepare and submit a report of SER to the Editor-in-Chief, for publication in the Glowing Lamp after collaboration with the SERD.

Section 9. The Epistoleus shall:

A.  Assist the Grammateus with secretarial duties as necessary.

B.  Serve as Grammateus at the annual meetings in the absence of the Grammateus or inability to serve.

C.  Serve as Chairperson of the Amenities and Protocol Committee.

D.  Submit a report for the Book of Reports annually.

Section 10. The Philacter shall: Guard the entrance during meetings of the region and shall admit

only registered/credentialed members at pre-determined points on the agenda or as directed by the SERD.

Section 11. The Hodogos shall:

A.  Direct members to designated seating according to credentials and shall poll thehouse as directed by the SERD. 8

B.  Assist the appointed Pages in the performance of their assigned duties.

Section 12. The Chaplain shall:

A.  Conduct all religious ceremonies during the Annual Meeting as directed by the SERD.

B.  Plan and conduct a memorial ceremony at the annual meeting.

Section 13. The Parliamentarian shall:

A.  Advise/Assist the SERD/chair as required to uphold the bylaws of the SER at all times during the Annual Meeting.

B.  Advise on all parliamentary decisions at the request of the SERD or the presiding officer.

C.  Advise committee chairs as necessary on parliamentary matters (credentialreports, preparing/counting ballots, etc.)

Section 14. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall: Keep order at all meetings.


Section 1. The SER shall hold its Annual Meeting within the boundaries of SER at least sixty (60) days prior to the national meeting known as “Boule”.

Section 2. The annual meeting shall be scheduled for not less than one (1) day, not more than two (2) days.

Section 3. The annual meeting shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, presenting workshops or other educational sessions, and for the conduct of any other business that may arise.

Section 4. Four (4) of the elected SER officers and one-third (1/3) of the active chapters in the region shall constitute a quorum for the Annual Meeting.

Section 5. Annual meetings of SER will be supported whenever possible by chapters according to alphabetical order. Newly organized chapters may not support a regional meeting until

they have been in existence for a two (2) year period.

Section 6. The support chapter shall recommend the meeting site, the photographer, minister,

florist and social activities; and must collaborate with the SERD, First Assistant Regional Director, and SERPlanning Director regarding plans for the SER meeting and workshops.

Section 7. The support chapter of the SER meeting shall disseminate material(s) concerning activities for the meeting at least ninety (90) days prior to convening SER meeting.