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Power tools, such as nail guns, can help workers get their jobs done more quickly. After all, using a nail gun is much faster than pounding in nails individually using a hammer. But nail guns can endanger workers if they aren’t used properly.
Give this handout to workers as part of a toolbox talk to educate them on the hazards posed by nail guns and the steps they can take to protect themselves when using these tools.
Take 5 Steps to Comply with the Requirements for Powder-Actuated Tools
Straight Talk about Nail Gun Safety
Spot the Safety Violation: Nail Guns Are as Dangerous as Handguns
Nail guns are fairly useful tools. But if the nail isn’t properly aimed and is shotbefore the operator is ready, it becomes hazardous.Many nail gun-related injuries occur from triggermisfires. Examples of misfires include double firingand unintended firing from accidental contact withthe gun or a co-worker.
There are two common types of nail guns: pneumatic (compressedair) and powder-actuated (explosive cartridge).They’re both very powerful and very dangerousif not used properly.
Nail guns have the capacity to fire several nailsper second. Puncture wounds are the mostcommon type of injury, often caused because thebump or trigger safety was disabled.Although puncture wounds to the extremitiessuch as hands and feet are the most common,puncture wounds to places such as the head or neckcan cause more severe injuries and result indeath.
Nail gun safety can be increased if workers knowthe difference between a contact trigger and asequential trigger:
Contact triggers allow the gun to fire anytime the trigger is held down and the nose isdepressed against a surface.
Sequential triggers only fire when the nose isdepressed against a surface before squeezing thetrigger. To fire a second nail, you must release andpress the trigger and/or release and depress thenose.
Sequential triggers are much safer thancontact triggers, which can fire accidentallyif the nail gun recoils or the operator bumpsagainst a surface or worker. Studies have shownthat using sequential triggers cancut injuryrates in half without affecting productivity.
Nail guns speed up the work, but one carelessmotion is all it takes to lose an eye or put a nailthrough your hand or other extremity.
Example: Sam, a roofer, was using a nail gun when a co-worker walked by and bumpedinto him. Sam was unable to control the nail gun and accidentally fired a nail into his foot. He was immediately rushed to the hospital. Sam had to wear a cast on his foot for more than a month. While his foot healed, he was unable to stand for a long period of time.
The following are good work practices to helpavoid injuries when using a nail gun:
• Always wear the proper PPE—including eye protection—whenyou’re using the nail gun.
• Always keep your hands and fingers off thetrigger when you’re not using the gun. Nevercarry the gun with your finger on the trigger.
• Before doing any sort of maintenance on anail gun, reloading it, clearing a jam or traveling up and down a ladder, disconnect it from its air source or remove thecartridge.
• Keep your hand and fingers well away from thenail’s path. Use clamps if necessary.
• Never point the gun at another person oryourself, which is especially important when it‘s connectedto the air supply. It’s possible for the trigger to stick in theactivated position. If this occurs, the gun will fire eventhough you haven’t touched the trigger
• When you’re not using the gun, engage thetrigger safety device or disconnect the gunfrom its power source.
• Never modify safety features, such as tyingor wiring the nose contact in the activatedposition.
• Never allow people who haven’t been trainedto operate a nail gun.
• Always use the proper type of nails in the gun.
• Don’t fire the gun unless its nose is pressed firmly against the work piece.
• Never overextend your reach when you’reusing the gun. Hold it firmly in your hand.
• Check and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Inspect the nail gun to ensure that it’s in properworking condition, and that all safety featuresare intact and working. Demonstrate properwork techniques using models currently being used on the site or in the workplace.
1. What tools and equipment should be used when handling a nail gun?______
2. Do you know where these tools and equipment are kept?______
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