SCAAE Board Meeting

January 23, 2015

California Dreaming (Myrtle Beach, SC)

Members Present: Derrick Cooper, Blake Berry, Marie Bolt, Sim Asbill, Nate Bellamy, Jason Gore, Mindy Sandifer, Clair Hammonds, Pat Earle (Legislative Liaison), Anna Catherine-Wayne (SC FFA Association)

  1. Meeting Called to Order at 11:31 am by Derrick Cooper
  2. Invocation provided by Nate Bellamy
  3. Minutes and Treasurers Report
  4. All members provided with copy of September meeting minutes
  5. Mindy Sandifer noted that Tim Keown’s last name needed to be corrected.
  6. Marie Bolt moved to accept the minutes, Nate Bellamy seconded the motion, vote passed unanimously
  7. Mindy stated there was no prepared Treasurer’s Report but that once the next deposit was made that the SCAAE account should have approximately $12,000.00. Mindy also noted that if anyone wanted more detailed records they could be requested.
  8. Split of Secretary-Treasurer Office and Update of Bylaws
  9. Derrick Cooper stated that at the NAAE Conference in Nashville the topic of splitting the office of Secretary-Treasurer into two positions was discussed. SC is currently the only state association that has one person doing this job. Mindy has handled the entire job since taking over when Barry Hawkins retired. Derrick stated that Jason Gore has volunteered to serve as secretary and Mindy has said she is willing to remain as treasurer.
  10. Nate Bellamy stated that secretary treasurer is a very large job for one person and that there are a lot of benefits to splitting the decision.
  11. Marie Bolt stated that she foresees no major objection to splitting the position.
  12. Nate Bellamy stated that the only possible negative he sees being brought up is the cost of sending an additional officer to conferences or other financial obligations.
  13. Sim Asbill asked about the process of selecting a secretary. Would it be from the current members of the board or separately? It was determined that the board would nominate someone to the position and it would be voted on at the 2015 Summer Conference.
  14. Marie asked about the term of the office of secretary and about if indefinite terms were best. Mindy stated that how it has worked in the past is that whoever is elected serves in the position until they are unable or unwilling to serve
  15. Nate stated that the split of the position was part of a larger updating of the by-laws of the organization. He stated that the by-laws have not been updated since the 1980’s. Nate stated that he has updated the language in the bylaws (replaced Vocational Education, etc), added the split of the position of Secretary-Treasurer, updated names of regions/areas. Nate suggested that the updated by-laws be brought up for a vote at the agriculture teacher’s meeting that afternoon at the SCYFAA Conference. Amendments will be eligible for debate at the summer conference.
  16. Pat Earle suggested that the minutes be presented as updated for a simple vote at the general meeting as there were no major changes to the by-laws. If amendments are desired they can be presented subject to parliamentary procedure (i.e. minimum 45 days out, etc.)
  17. Nate stated that it is important to have by-laws to run the organization by.
  18. The board agreed to present the updated by-laws to the membership at the Teacher’s Meeting at the SCYFAA Conference. Proposed amendments should be presented at Spring Regional meetings to Regional Vice-Presidents for voting at the Summer Conference.
  19. Marie noted that in Article II Section 5 of the by-laws that “and” in the first line should be changed to “any” in regards to the duties of the office of treasurer.
  20. Nate also noted that he has added the regional meetings, board meetings, and summer conference to the by-laws to reflect what the association is currently doing.
  21. Blake Berry suggested that language in the by-laws also needs to be updated to read that the President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary will be sent to NAAE Convention and Regional Conference.
  22. Marie stated that the formatting of “Agricultural Education” should be standard throughout the by-laws (i.e. same capitalization, wording, etc.)
  23. The board expressed appreciation to Nate for taking on the task of updating the organization’s by-laws.
  24. Derrick asked how voting will be handled at the Teacher’s Meeting.
  25. Nate stated that he has approximately fifty (50) copies of the updated by-laws to provide to the teachers at the meeting. It will be presented as updated by-laws for a simple yes/no vote. Amendment procedures will then be announced following the vote.
  26. Derrick asked for any further discussion.
  27. Nate stated that in relation to the split of the secretary and treasurer’s position that the board made an executive decision.

The board recessed for lunch at 11:56 and reconvened at 12:27.

  1. SCAAE Scholarship
  2. Derrick stated that Nate has provided a proposed/updated application for a proposed SCAAE scholarship. He noted that he remembered a large amount of discussion on the topic during the September meetingregarding eligibility requirements.
  3. Nate stated that the discussion regarded trying to keep the money in SC. He stated that the application provided was a very, very rough draft, but is a version of an application he used for his chapter scholarships. He continued that he wanted the application to reward activity in FFA and agricultural education. He stated that he also added a section where the student applying will provided their teaching philosophy. Nate added that the entire process is based on a point system.
  4. Mindy asked about adding a section for students to note where they are student teaching and their living arrangements to help determine need.
  5. Sim asked for clarification regarding the “Agriculture Teacher Signature” section. Whether this was high school teacher or supervising teacher. It was determined it should be the supervising teacher.
  6. Marie asked about those Clemson University students who student-teach in Georgia and North Carolina and their eligibility.
  7. Mindy stated that she thinks the scholarship should be only for those who choose to teach in SC and that students who student-teach in GA or NC choose to do so.
  8. Blake stated that students do have a say in where they student teach.
  9. Marie stated that some students do not have much say in their location.
  10. Derrick asked the board whether the eligibility should be kept as written. Board agreed by unanimous consent. He then asked the board about the amount if the scholarship.
  11. Nate stated that the original idea was to use half of the proceeds from the silent auction at the SCAAE Summer Conference for the scholarship.
  12. Marie suggested that a floor and cap should be placed on the scholarship and then more scholarships provided if funds allow.
  13. Mindy moved that the SCAAE provide a $500 scholarship with the option to provide more if finances allow, based on the draft provided. Marie seconds.
  14. Discussion:
  15. Nate stated that applications will be due at the Regional Agriculture Teacher’s Meetings in the Spring of the student’s Junior year (before student teaching). The applications will be judged by Regional Vice-Presidents during the State FFA Convention. The scholarship will be announced at the SCAAE Summer Conference. The funds will then be provided to the student upon the beginning of their Student Teaching.
  16. Motion Passes unanimously.
  17. Nate stated that the application will be posted online. Nate also suggested that SCAAE board executives go to Clemson to meet with the current junior class about the scholarship.
  18. Blake and Marie volunteered to meet with the Clemson Agriculture Education juniors regarding the scholarship and mini-grant program.
  19. Jason suggested changing the teacher and principal signature line on the scholarship application to Clemson Agriculture Education Faculty and then having the cooperating teacher and principal sign the assurance form in the spring prior to receiving the scholarship.
  20. Pat Earle – Legislative Liaison’s Report
  21. Pat stated the four years ago he was selected to serve as the legislative liaison for the SCAAE. Pat works with legislators at both the state and national level on behalf of agriculture education.
  22. Pat stated that last year $150,000.00 was secured for camp from the general assembly. These funds were vetoed by Governor Haley, but the veto was overridden by the legislature (42-6), the funds are currently being used to repair roofs at the camp. Pat added that there have been some problems arise and that the funds will not go as far as previously expected.
  23. Pat stated that 12 Month funding is stable and very secure this year. He noted that there was actually a small increase this year.
  24. Pat stated that he has been working with Smith Corp to procure new water heaters for the camp and is happy to announce that $7000.00 in tank-less water heaters have been secured for the camp (Jan. 19th)
  25. On the national front Pat noted the following: There are a great deal of formulas and parts that go into agriculture education funding. Local school districts handle Perkins funds differently. He stated that teachers should become familiar with the policies and procedures of their individual districts as it relates to Perkins Funds. He added that the Perkins funding for SC increased approximately 20% ($3 million) but that SC is still not back at its highest funding level. Pat noted that even with the increase that the $17 million that SC received is divided among 85 different districts. This works out to approximately $100,00-200,000/district for all CTE programs (not just agriculture education). The district has the authority to determine the use of Perkins funds at the local level. Pat added that these funds can be used for registrations, travel, etc.
  26. Pat briefed the board on the ACTE Policy Seminar. Each year the ACTE hosts a policy seminar in Washington DC on how to “sell” CTE programs. This year’s seminar will be March 2-4. Pat provided all board members with a copy of the agenda and pertinent information. He stated that the agenda is designed to provide attendees a “how to” course. He said that it is a constant process to maintain and strengthen the relationships with legislators. He stated that NAAE provides registration for one representative from each state. Pat stated that in the past his district has paid for half of the trip expenses and he has asked the SCAAE to help cover the other half. He provided each board member with a detailed budget of expected expenditures for this seminar. He added that the cost this year was slightly higher than in the past due to lodging.
  27. Nate moves that the SCAAE fund half of Pat Earle’s expenses to attend the ACTE Policy Seminar.
  28. Second by Sim Asbill
  29. Motion passes unanimously.
  30. The Board expressed its appreciation to Pat for all of his work as legislative liaison.
  31. Pat stated that there is a new Chairman of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. Pat stated that he will possibly be asking for $1000.00 from SCAAE, SCFFA, and SCYFAA to do a legislative breakfast in the near future.
  32. Following his report Pat and Anna-Catherine left to go to the SCYFAA State Conference Site.
  33. SCAAE Summer Conference Update
  34. Derrick stated that the paperwork has been signed to hold the Madren Center for the summer conference.
  35. Marie asked whether it would be possible to extend the group rate dates for teacher’s to stay at the Madren Center during the SCYFAA Summer Tour in Anderson County.
  36. Derrick stated that he would speak with Billy Keels and the hotel to determine if this is possible.
  37. NAAE Region V Conference
  38. The Region V conference will be June 22-24 in Orlando, FL.
  39. The Florida Association has made it so that hotel reservations can be extended to allow for family time at Disney World.
  40. Mindy asked if attendees will be eligible for park discounts/benefits.
  41. Derrick stated he would have to ask.
  42. Derrick provided an update from the NAAE Marketing Committee
  43. The major topic on the committee is how to recruit new members
  44. The NAAE is working to create new videos and other recruitment materials.
  45. The committee is also looking to build advocacy efforts in the organization.
  46. The committee is working to show members how to use NAAE website and get younger professionals to join.
  47. Plant Presentation Day
  48. Will be held April 15th.
  49. The board suggested getting Pat Earle to speak at the event.
  50. Mini-Grants
  51. Sim asked how the SCAAE is promoting the Mini-Grant program.
  52. Several members stated that Dr. Fravel should be informing his class about the opportunity
  53. The board expressed that it would like to see more applications for the program.
  54. Sim asked for the application and materials be emailed to him to help with presentation.
  55. The board suggested that it should try to get Dr. Fravel to turn the application into a class assignment for the student teachers.
  56. Plant Presentation Day Volunteer Opportunity
  57. Mindy informed the board of a volunteer opportunity at Harvest Hope Food Bank following Plant Presentation Day ceremony. If interested contact her.
  58. Nate asked for the boards patience this summer regarding summer conference and regional conference as he and his wife expect their second child.
  59. Derrick asked for any known upcoming retirees.
  60. Allan Williams – Wagner-Salley HS
  61. Mindy noted that there is a survey online about the SCAAE summer conference. It has been posted to the Facebook page.
  62. Board suggested to possibly add vote for Distinguished Teacher to the survey in the future.
  63. No Further Business. Meeting adjourned at 1:35 pm.

SCYFAA Teacher’s Meeting – Addendum

By-Laws Adoption.

Derrick presented the updated by-laws to the teacher’s in attendance as a working copy for the association and asked for a motion to accept the by-laws.

Kevin Sox moves to accept the by-laws as written.

Jay Copeland seconds.


  1. Frank Stover Jr noted that Nate did a great job getting a document as close to the original as possible.
  2. Barry Burdette asked that the vote be postponed to Saturday morning.
  3. No further discussion


For – 62

Against – 2

Motion Passes.

Derrick added that procedures for proposed amendments will be shared at spring regional meetings.