Naia Recruitment Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.

Recruitment & Consultancy

Reg. No.: ______Date Date: ______

Name: ______

Address: ______

Landmark: ______Email: ______

Tel. No.:______Mob. No.:______/______Family Members: ______


Male Female Age Group ______

Preferred Cast: ______

Job Description: ______


Working Hours: ______Salary offered: ______

Maids Interview Timing: ______Holiday: 2 3 4

Servant’s Name: ______

Joining Date: ______Verification by ______Salary Due______

Total Rs. Advance Rs. Balance Rs.


Applicant’s Signature Investigator’s Signature


NAIA Recruitment Consultancy Pvt. Ltd has proper condition as below.

A.  We Take One month Salary Service charge with client in which Advance Rs. 3000/- (Rupees Three Thousand Only) with the filling of Requirement form and Balance Amount will be pay after Three day From joining of the employee for (11 months) after 11 Month client will have to pay Renewal Service charge one month Salary for getting Continue service for next year.

B.  While filling the form Rs. 3000/- (Rupees Three Thousand Only) as Registration Payment Should is made.

C.  The Service charge is not refundable.

D.  Company will provide the house maid, Driver, cook within 05 to 10 days; Because of the Verification there ½ days can be taken to Negotiate.

E.  The Candidates is verified by the company Talented Officers but as Required Please be alert.

F.  Company Provide Trial period for 3 Days (chargeable) after trial base period the Balance Amount should be paid.

G.  The Salary will fixed by the Compromise between the candidate and client. The Company will not be interfering in salary Company settle between them.

H.  Any Payments made to Candidates by client Side Company will not Responsible for the money matter.

I.  If any Candidate Leaves his /her jobs own Reason, We will provide you only the Candidate.

J.  When the client want to need Replacement than client inform to the Company before 10 to 15 days.

K.  The Company will provide you four Replacements within (11 months) after the first Candidate Selection.

L.  If the Candidate Commits theft Robbery or loss of any nature in house. It will be sole Responsibility of the client to take the Necessary legal Action against the Candidates on the sport with valid Reason. The Company does not take any Responsible to pay for losses; Company will help to client for find the Candidates and co-operate to client.

M.  Two Holidays is Compulsory to give Employee for Domestic Service in a month for Residential Purpose.

N.  If Candidates will not take Holidays then she/he takes extra charge for that.

NAIA Recruitment Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.

Authorized Signature Employers Signature

Company will not responsible for any by the Servant & servant will not forcible any manner

NAIA Recruitment Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.


Office No.1, KasamSulemanChohan Bldg., Opp. Post Office, S. V. Road, Andheri (W). Mumbai-58.

Tel: 32220000/ 32974148 Mob. 9320234148/ 9320234149
