January 2015
Volume 3 Issue 1
Trinity United Methodist Church
1160 Trinity Church Road
Newberry, SC 29108
803-276-1245 (Office)
803-321-9779 (Parsonage)
864-323-9721 (Cell)

Ken Carter
Head Usher: Harry Longshore
Choir Director: Jane Pollard
Organist/Youth Choir Director: Phyllis Sanders
Sunday Worship:
Adult Sunday School - 10:00AM
Worship Service - 11:00 AM
Children’s Church - 11:00 AM
We are a nurturing and open church to all who enter into our Sanctuary. We base our ministry on the Word of God and a caring spirit. Jesus invites us to share our ministry to all that come into our church.
“To make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World” / From the Pastor’s Desk

Beloved in Christ,
It’s that time of the year when we reflect on the past year and consider the possibilities for the New Year. Some of us already have ideas for New Year’s resolutions. It is always good to look to the future with some fresh optimism. Yet before we get too far into making our resolutions for the New Year it would be good to consider whether or not the people of Trinity UMC are making a Christian difference in our community. Though very important, I am not referring to ministries of our church. I am referring to our individual Christian example in our community. One way to look at it would be to ask, “When somebody from Trinity UMC gets up to go to work each day, is it making a positive Christian difference in our community?”
I have considered this question and have made some observations, and I would like to share a few of these observations with you. Firstly, countless numbers of children are sitting in the classrooms of local schools being taught by Christian school teachers because some members of Trinity UMC got up and went to work this morning. Local school children have the benefit of being cared for and looked after by other Christian school staff because someone from Trinity UMC got up and went to work today. Local, city, and county governments are being served by Christian leaders because some people from Trinity UMC got up and went to work this morning. Lives and property will be saved and rescued from fire because volunteer firefighters, and rescue squad people from Trinity UMC got up and went to work this morning.
(continued on page 2)

January 4 – Watkins Martin January 18 -
January 11 – January 25 -

From the Pastor’s Desk (continued from page 1)

Countless numbers of lives will be treated, healed and comforted in hospitals and doctor’s offices all because dedicated people from Trinity UMC got up and went to work this morning. Men, women and children too numerous to number will have milk, cheese, bread, vegetables, and foods of all types on their tables today because people from Trinity UMC got up and went to work this morning. Goods and products of all types will be shipped and delivered all across America because people from Trinity UMC got up and went to work this morning. Local school sports programs are able to boast a world class level of volunteer support because someone from Trinity got up and went to work this morning. Special needs adults are being looked after and attended to because somebody from Trinity UMC got up and went to work this morning. The wildlife in the local forests are being managed and cared for because somebody from Trinity got up and went to work this morning. Customers will shop and be treated fairly because someone from Trinity got up and went to work this morning.

I am sure that what I have identified is only a glimpse of the Christian influence that Trinity UMC is having on our entire region. However, as we go into the New Year, I would encourage us all to be mindful that our daily work and routines will present each of us the opportunity to represent Christ and his love in all that we do.

Remember this, Christ is making a difference at this very moment because someone from Trinity UMC got up and went to work this morning.


Ken and Barbara

Prayer Requests

We are a caring church and want to share your concerns and celebrations. Let us know if you or someone you know would like to share a prayer request, an answered prayer or other celebration. We will rejoice with you in your celebration and pray for your concerns. Also, please let us know when you would like a name removed from the prayer request list. Our Covenant Prayer group will also pray for you.

Special Prayers Nursing Home

-Pastor Ken and Barbara Carter

-Mr. Billy Dickert -Mr. George Senn

-Mrs. Elizabeth Burgess -Mrs. Cornelia Pitts

-Mrs. Genevieve Senn

-Mr. and Mrs. Homer and Edna Garnett

-Mrs. Mary Waldrop

-Mrs. Joyce Suber

-Mr. Jackie Campbell Home Bound

-Mrs. Alice Longshore

-Miss Taylor Bouknight -Mrs. Eva Waldrop

-Mr. Olin Johnson -Mr. James Poag

-Mrs. Becky Greene -Mr. Eddie Welborn

-Rev. and Mrs. David and Hazel Templeton (Ashley House, 526 Haltiwanger St., Greenwood, SC) -Mr. Andrew Longshore

-Mrs. Margaret Shealy

-Mrs. Lavone Coates

-Mr. Fred Kesler

-Mr. Wayne Martin



Jan. 4 Christian Rivera Coleman Waldrop

Jan. 11 Shelby Johnson William Johnson

Jan 18 Laura Mohler Lauryn Wilson

Jan. 25 Caroline Senn McCallum Senn




Jan. 4 Sarah Greene Harriet Stevenson Mary Forrest

Jan. 11 Ashley Wilson Sharon Baughman Emily Senn

Jan. 18 Betsy Black Harry Longshore Shirley Berry

Jan. 25 Joan Morris Lisha Senn Rebecca Bundrick


·  Kim Hendrix was recognized by Newberry County Memorial Hospital as an Outstanding Employee in December. Congratulations, Kim!

·  Emily Senn, who plays basketball for the Newberry Academy Eagles, is having a great year. She has been consistent in both scoring and rebounding all year. She is the daughter of Foster and Sharon Senn.

·  Harriet Stevenson completed the reading of the bible from cover to cover in 2014. This was the fifth straight year that she has accomplished this. She encourages others to join her this year. You may print the reading plan at or pick one up from the Communications Center at church.

·  Lauryn Wilson, daughter of Ashley and April Wilson, was a member of the Newberry Academy Varsity Competition Cheerleading team who finished first in the Gametime Cheer and Gametime Dance divisions and second in the Competitive Cheer routine at the state SCISA cheerleading championships.

·  Taylor Bouknight, daughter of Michael and Bridget Bouknight, performed at the Newberry Opera House with the Newberry Middle School Percussion Team. Taylor was on the drums and the xylophone.

·  Matthew Pollard, son of Bobby and Dena Pollard, also performed with the Newberry High School Band at their Christmas Concert at the Newberry Opera House.

·  You can find everything in one place in our new Communications Center located in the room off the narthex. There you will find your 2015 Church Envelopes, The Upper Room, Flower request forms, song request forms, etc. It should make it easier with everything in one place.

·  The Voices of Trinity presented a special cantata, “Once in Royal David’s City”, during church service on December 21. Performers included Jane Pollard, Choir Director; Phyllis Sanders, Organist; and Sharon Baughman, Taylor Bouknight, Rev. Ken Carter, Gloria Brehmer, Harry Longshore, Joan Morris, Jeanette Poag, Christine Hendrix, Beverly Pitts, Johnnie Pitts, and Craig Kesler. Narrator was David Morris. The cantata was beautifully performed and was truly a Christmas blessing to the congregation.

·  Martha Meadows received the Christian Leadership award from the United Methodist Women for her service to that organization.

·  The youth did a great job with both the Christmas Pageant and Christmas Caroling. Congratulations to all of them on a job well done! The carolers visited the homes of Mary Waldrop, James Poag, Edna Garnett, Elizabeth Burgess and Genevieve Senn. The group was comprised of 12 youth and 6 adults.

·  There are still some Christmas cards left in the Communications Center off the narthex. Please check to see if you have any cards that you didn’t pick up.

·  McCallum Senn made the Honor Roll and Emily Senn and Caroline Senn made the Principal’s Honor Roll at Newberry Academy last semester. They are the children of Foster and Sharon Senn.

·  Hagen Waldrop, son of Bryan and Crystal Waldrop, and Corban Cutshall, son of Mark and Ashley Cutshall made the Beta Club at Newberry High School.


4-Debbie Waldrop 20-Mike Alvarez

5-Christine Hendrix 22-Chesley Brehmer

5-Susan Longshore 24-Jean Bundrick

7-Michael Johnson 25-Frank Somers

9-Donna Pollard 29-Genevieve Senn

10-Watkins Martin 29-Dixie Waldrop

14-Emily Senn 29-Myrtle Martin

15-Betty Way



1st Monday / President – Linda Lominick; Vice President – Phyllis Sanders; Secretary – Frieda Kesler; Treasurer – Susan Longshore.
The UMW enjoyed a joint Christmas Dinner with the Men’s Club in December. The food was delicious and a lot of fun was had by all. Thanks to Lisha Senn for planning the entertainment. The Circle will meet again on Monday, January 5 at 6:30 p.m. Lisha Senn will have the program and Mary Forrest and Christine Hendrix will serve as hostesses. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Manna House.
Wednesday / Silver and Gold met on Monday, Dec. 8 at Dempsey’s Pizza in Clinton and enjoyed their buffet. The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 14. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish. All seniors, male or female, are invited and encouraged to attend our meetings. Each member is asked to INVITE A FRIEND to join them.
June Pitts, President
Wednesday / President-Johnnie Pitts; Vice President-Ashley Wilson; Sec/Treas-Wilson Senn; Program Coordinator-Foster Senn.
The Men’s Club invites all men, regardless of membership at Trinity, to attend their meetings. The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 7 at 7:30 pm. Cooks will be Barry Kesler, Craig Kesler, Dave Waldrop, Jim Waldrop and Ashley Wilson.


The Newberry Area Council of Ministries presents


All services will begin at 5:45 p.m. with a 15 minute hymn sing. Services conclude with a time of fellowship and refreshments.

Sunday, January 4 Sunday, January 11

Host: New Hope UMC Host: Ebenezer UMC

Guest: Rev. James Friday Guest: Rev. Ken Carter

Greenwood District Superintendent Pastor, Trinity UMC/New Chapel

Sunday, January 18 Sunday, January 25

Host: Wightman UMC Host: New Chapel UMC

Guest: Area youth will be conducting this service, Guest: Rev. Sean Kilpatrick

including Trinity MYF youth. Pastor, O’Neal Street/Ebenezer

Brennen Barber will deliver the message. .

All are invited and welcome to attend.

You are asked to bring a non-perishable item with you each Sunday for the Manna House. Offerings will be taken each Sunday to benefit the Newberry Free Medical Clinic and the Emergency Relief Fund. We will try to arrange car pooling from the church.

FREE Community Health Fair Screenings

Want to be healthier and more fit in 2015? Don’t know where to start? Start at Trinity UMC’s Community Health Fair on Saturday, January 31 from 10:00 a .m. to 1:00 p.m.

Free screenings to include blood pressure, cholesterol, body fat analysis, BMI index and A1C (for those not already diagnosed with diabetes) in the Health Express Mobile Unit from Self Regional Healthcare. Educational materials also available in the Fellowship Hall on diabetes, cancer, diet and exercise, heart health, stroke, and much more. Free screenings, educational materials and give-a-ways!!!! Call Harriet at 803-276-3602 to register for your screening. Sponsored by Trinity UMC and Self Regional Healthcare.



Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3
New Year’s Day
4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Birthday and Anniversary
January Journey
New Hope
Epiphany Sunday* / John Wesley Covenant Prayer Group/Bible Study
United Methodist Women
Fellowship Hall / Men’s Club Meeting
7:30 pm
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
January Journey
Pastor Carter – Speaker
Baptism of the Lord** / Administrative Council Meeting
7:00 p.m. / Silver and Gold
11:30 a.m.
Fellowship Hall / Greenwood District U MW Local Unit Officer Training
St. Paul UMC
Ninety Six, SC```
18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
January Journey
Collection after church for Feeding Children Everywhere / Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January Journey
New Chapel
Ecumenical Sunday*** / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31
Community Health Fair Screening
Trinity UMC

*Epiphany Sunday is a day that commemorates the coming of the Magi to visit the baby Jesus.

**The Baptism of the Lord commemorates the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.

***Ecumenical Sunday is the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany and is a call to unity to celebrate interfaith partnerships among Christians.

A New Year’s Prayer

Dear Lord, please give me a few friends who understand me and remain my friends; A work to do which has real value,without which the world would be the poorer; A mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed; An understanding heart;A sense of humor; Time for quiet, silent meditation; A feeling of the presence of God; The patience to wait for the coming of these things, With the wisdom to recognize them when they come. Amen

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A work to do which has real value the tr666

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