What is NAHTM?
NAHTM wasformedin1989 byasmallgroupof hospital-basedtransport managersfrom acrosstheUnitedStates.Thefoundingmissionoftheseforward-lookingprofessionalswas to provide avenue for memberstoexchange information, promoteeffective change& improvement across the industry, and drive professionaldevelopmentandstandardsamong themembership.
These originalgoalsremainvibrant today. NAHTM’scommitment toexcellence hasgrown over theyearsandhasneverbeengreater. The professional development amongthehospital transportmanagementismoreimportant thaneveras hospitals acrossthe country embracepatient-focusedcare concepts whileseeking to deliverleaneroperations.
Patient TransportationManagers have the first wordandmanytimesthe last wordonthe equipment purchasedfor‘their’transportoperation. Hospital administrations lookto the Transport Managersasthe professionalsubjectmatter expertswhenbudgetingfor the transportdepartment.
Withtoday’sfocusonthe“patientexperience”,theconferenceistheoptimalopportunity toengageinone-on-one demonstrationsofthetoolsandtechnology neededtodeliver high levels ofdepartment efficiency, safety, and patient comfort.
Registration Fee includes:
- 8x8’ exhibitor space
- Skirted 6’ table
- 2 chairs & wastebasket
- Exhibitor space locked during non-event hours
- Exhibitor information printed in attendee’s conference book
- Exhibitor’s company acknowledgement on NAHTM website for the year following the conference
- Lunch with conference attendees on Friday
- For each exhibitor space, exhibitor receives (1) complimentary admission to the Conference Gala on Friday, October 6th
- Exhibitor information promoted through multiple outlets during the conference
- Conferencesponsors acknowledgedonNAHTMweb-sitefor (1)yearfollowing the conclusionofthe conference.
Exhibitor Registration Details
Book your group rate for 27th Annual Conference and Exposition of the National Association of Healthcare Management
•4 miles from Tampa International Airport
•Complimentary Hotel Shuttle from Airport
•AAA 4-diamond rated
•Adjacent to the International Plaza shopping mall and Bay Street dining complex
•The perfect union of Italian and Cuban influences
•287 luxurious guest rooms and 6 brilliantly appointed suites
•Guest rooms equipped with in-room coffee maker & tea service, Luxurious bedding, Plug-In Technology and 42” flat-panel TV
Thehotelcan provideaudio visualassistance forany audio visualneeds. Theymaybecontactedat (813) 313-3288.Outside audiovisualequipment andservicesare NOT permittedWITHOUTwrittenHotel approval.
Shipping and Receiving
The hotel has a shipping and receiving department. Pleas ensure that the delivery company you use has a truck with a ramp or lift to reach ground level. Delivery doors are on the 1st floor where the Conference and Exhibition is being held. Doors are large enough for a car to enter.
Exhibit Hall Access
The exhibit hall area will be available to our exhibitors beginning at 5pm on Thursday, October 5th. The hall will need to be cleared by 5:30 pm on Friday, October 6th.
The NAHTM Event Manager is:
Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel | 4200 Jim Walter Blvd., Tampa, FL 33607
T 813.313.3288 C 813.478.4190 F 813.877.3000
Please contact Judi with any Audiovisual, Electrical, Shipping or Delivery needs.
If Paying via PayPal From the NAHTM website: / If Paying by Check, please make check payable to NAHTM.- Scan or email to: AND
- Mail this completed form to Charlotte Cumbo(see address in next section)
Charlotte Cumbo
8802 Crown Jewel Drive
Richmond, TX 77469
NAHTM 2017 Conference Event Sponsorships
(enter selection in Conference Sponsorship Registration form above)
NAHTM “ Reception
(Tuesday, October 3, 2017) / $5,000 / Acknowledgment on conference material, at food venue and on website
Complimentary Conference Registration for 2 members (valued at $2000)
Complimentary booth at Exhibitor’s Marketplace (valued at $1000)
Complimentary Awards & Banquet Gala Tickets for 2(valued at $200)
Delivery of Welcome Address at the Reception
Button Ad on NAHTM website for 1 year
Awards Banquet & Gala
(Friday, October 6, 2017) / $6,000 / Acknowledgment on conference material, at gala and on website
Complimentary Conference Registration for 2 members (valued at $2000)
Complimentary booth at Exhibitor’s Marketplace (valued at $1000)
Complimentary Awards & Banquet Gala Tickets for 2 (valued at $200)
Delivery of Welcome Address at the Awards Banquet & Gala
A seat on the C-Suite Panel (Q&A General Session with all attendees)
Button Ad on NAHTM website for 1 year
Keynote Speaker Session
(Wednesday, October 4, 2017) / $5,000 / Acknowledgment on conference material, at event and on website
Complimentary Conference Registration for 2 members (valued at $2000)
Complimentary booth at Exhibitor’s Marketplace(valued at $1000)
Complimentary Awards & Banquet Gala Tickets for 2 (valued at $200)
Introduction of the Keynote Speaker
A seat on the C-Suite Panel (Q&A General Session with all attendees)
Button Ad on NAHTM website for 1 year
Lunch Symposium
( Wednesday, October 4, 2017) / $5,000 / Acknowledgment on conference material, at event and on website
30 minute product presentation plus 15 minutes Q & A during general session
Complimentary Conference Registration for 2 members (valued at $2000)
Complimentary booth at Exhibitor’s Marketplace (valued at $1000)
Complimentary Awards & Banquet Gala Tickets for 2 (valued at $200)
Introduction of the Silver Anniversary Speaker
A seat on the C-Suite Panel (Q&A General Session with all attendees)
Button Ad on NAHTM website for 1 year
Breakfast Symposium
( Thursday, October 5, 2017) / $4,000 / Acknowledgment on conference material, at event and on website
30 minute product presentation plus 15 minutes Q & A during general session
Complimentary Conference Registration for 2 members(valued at $2000)
Complimentary booth at Exhibitor’s Marketplace (valued at $1000)
Complimentary Awards & Banquet Gala Tickets for 2(valued at $200)
Introduction of the Silver Anniversary Speaker
A seat on the C-Suite Panel (Q&A General Session with all attendees)
Button Ad on NAHTM website for 1 year
Lunch Symposium
( Thursday, October 5, 2017) / $5,000 / Acknowledgment on conference material, at event and on website
30 minute product presentation plus 15 minutes Q & A during general session
Complimentary Conference Registration for 2 members (valued at $2000)
Complimentary booth at Exhibitor’s Marketplace (valued at $1000)
Complimentary Awards & Banquet Gala Tickets for 2 (valued at $200)
A seat on the C-Suite Panel (Q&A General Session with all attendees)
Button Ad on NAHTM website for 1 year